独り言集 令和二年十月版
No.8:"梅"修理 失敗 [ English Note ] [2020/10/19]
![図1:表示の点滅・繰り返し [クリック]→図2:電源コネクタ端子#40との接続部](fig/msk1019a.jpg)
此の「PC110 No.8:"梅"」は、購入当初から、電源は入り、バックライトは周期的に点滅を繰り返し、(「nFSTN-LCD」への)"カーソル表示"は出るが、"動作"はそれ以上には進まない状態だった。
その端子の連結先を調べ廻ったら、「RICHO RB5C396」の傍の抵抗の片側に繋がっていることまでは分かった。(図2[クリック])
![図3:RB5C396を加熱してみた [クリック]→図4:キーボードのフレキ群を戻す作業](fig/msk1019c.jpg)
+++ ギャンブル失敗 +++
No.8: "Plum" repair, failed [2020/10/19]
This " PC110 No.8:" Ume "" is turned on from the beginning and the backlight blinks periodically. , "Cursor display" (to "nFSTN-LCD") appears, but "operation" does not progress any further.
With the pot, I was able to switch to "external display", and there were also "cursor display" and "blinking display". (Fig_1)
Display of "memory size" is no longer displayed.
Just looking at it doesn't make any progress, so I took the plunge and tried to disassemble and repair it.
At first, I suspected that the power supply unit had deteriorated, but even if I replaced it with another "power supply unit", the symptom did not change.
In addition, the voltage of the power supply terminals did not drop so much.
By such reasons, I decided it wasn't here.
I was worried about "blinking display", so I tried to find the cause.
At power connector terminal #40, a change of about + 2.5V / 0V was observed in synchronization with "blinking".
After investigating the connection destination of the terminal, I found that it was connected to one side of the resistor near " RICHO RB5C396 ". (Fig_2 [click])
However, I couldn't find out any path to other points.
++++ Gambling and failure ++++
If I don't do anything, I can't expect anything more, so (even though I have never tried it successfully), I decided to heat it to nearly about 200 degrees. (Fig_3)
Because I thought there might have been a ball solder coming off from " RB5C396 ".
It's gambling (like paying a million yen and buying a "lottery ticket").
.. .. .. The result is off ! . ... I lost my principal and interest.
(The blinking of the display has disappeared)
Unfortunately, there seems to be no hope of a resurrection.
After that, only the role as "parts collecting" remains.
Storage in the disassembled state takes up space (occupies a lot of space), so it was reassembled.
Along the way, I tried to reproduce the (previous) method of reattaching the keyboard flex.
I fastened the flex with cellophane tape on a strip-shaped copy paper cut to the same width as the flex, and pulled out the strips together, and it was easy to reattach. (Fig_4 [click])
(But I'm sad because I couldn't do this well or repair it. Bitter smile)
PC110 JP/USモード 確認 [ English Note ] [2020/10/11]
![図1:WVGA-TFTで、USモードでも働く [クリック]→図2:VGA23-TFTも、USモードでOK!](fig/msk1011a.jpg)
+++ JP/USモード両方で使用可能 +++
Moonlightさんの作成された「Vpatch.c」が、「Win95, 98」でも動作可能らしいので、それに魅力を感じて、試用してみた。(その様子は、後で)
実は、それをコンパイルをするのに、意識せずに"USモード"に切り替えていたのだが、ふと、「ct65535c, d」などは、"言語モード"を変えても問題は無いのかな?と気になった。
現状では、"グラフィック表示"時、及び"Win95,98"動作時に、画面の右側が欠落することが、「ct65535c, d」の(大)問題点なのである。
![図3:VPATCHによる四角い表示のWVGA-TFT画面(Win95) [クリック]→図4:VPATCHでのVGA23-TFT画面(Win95)](fig/msk1011c.jpg)
+++ 「VPATCH2」を試したが +++
PC110 JP/US mode, confirmation [2020/10/11]
+++ Can be used in both JP/US mode +++
Mr. Moonlight created " Vpatch.c " is workble on " Win95,98 , so I was attracted to it and tried it. (See later)
Actually, when I compiled it, I unknowingly switched to " US mode ", but suddenly, " ct65535c, d " etc. Is it okay to change the language mode ? I was worried.
Therefore, I checked it on the "WVGA-TFT screen" (Fig_1) and the "VGA23-TFT screen" (Fig_2 [click]).
The result was as desired and there were no particular problems.
Currently, the right side of the screen is missing when "graphic display" and " Win95, 98 " operation, " ct65535c, d ”(Large) problem.
Again, if I could manually rewrite the value of the XR register: XR1C (probably 4Fh) to 50h-70h, I could fix the gap, but I still have that " Win-OS program "cannot be written.
(In the current "DOS program", " Win-OS " does not accept it. Apparently it has been overwritten.)
However, I'll make an effort to write !
+++ I tried "VPATCH2", but +++
I compiled downloaded " VPATCH2.c " with TC++ 3.0 , and I made the executable file " vpatch2.exe ".
I put it in the root directory with " config.txt " and wrote "vpatch2.exe" in the first line of "Autoexec.bat".
However, after turning on the power, the state of repeatedly resetting did not stop.
After all, "0" at the beginning of " config.txt " must be rewritten to the number (CRC) that appears on the screen later, otherwise it will enter "repeated execution" of reboot, Mr. Moonlight taught me and I fixed it. (TNX!)
(By the way, the checksum value that appears repeatedly on my machine is "0x67c", which is different from the commented out value "93c6")
For the time being, both " PC-DOS " and " Win95 " are displayed, but in " WVGA-TFT ", the display is strange for unknown reason. Since the width is narrow, the whole looks like a quadrangle. (Fig_3)
By the way, in DOS , the jitter is severe, and the right side of the screen is disturbed, making the characters unreadable.
I moved the same CF to the " VGA23-TFT machine" and operated it, but the same error was displayed. Jitter is also terrible. (Fig_4 [click])
I tried changing the "XR register value" that seems to be related, but it just got worse. .. .. .. I'm not sure why.
I'm not sure if it's some small differences in hardware.
Jitter may be due to Mr. Moonlight 's view: "The negative effects of poor DCLK quality".
However, I'm thinking to avoid using hardware to improve all junk " PC110 " as much as possible.
After all, if possible, I would like to get good result by low (hardware) cost with (lower) software.
135度偏光板 失敗 [ English Note ] [2020/10/05]
![図1:45(=180-135)度傾けてセットする偏光板 [クリック]→図2:切り揃えた偏光板群(PC110には不充分なもの)](fig/msk1005a.jpg)
+++ 単なる直線偏光板だった +++
今回は、その一環で、もしかしたらその特性を持っている可能性は無いかと「90度偏光板」と「135度偏光板」を買ってみた。(¥2,089送料・手数料込み、¥3,464送料・手数料込み 図2[クリック])
![図3:大回りする高圧線(?)を細線に変更してみた [クリック]→図4:従来の線と入れ換えた0.2mmΦ線](fig/msk1005c.jpg)
+++ バックライトの小改良 +++
135 degree polarizing plate, failure [2020/10/05]
+++ It was just a linear polarizing plate +++
To save the LCD display (FSTN-LCD) of the " PC110 " affected by the "Vinegar Syndrome", " A phase difference compensation plate (or a "phase compensation film" twisted 200 to 230 degrees) is required, but previously, it was only possible through major manufacturers and distributors. First of all, there was no way for us amateurs to get it.
However, after the LCD technology moves to China, the people tend to make anything and sells, so maybe it's available through that route ? I was thinking.
I already saw the story on the net that it seems that such a "phase difference film" was obtained, and I also searched for it.
This time, as part of that, I bought a "90 degree polarizing plate" and a "135 degree polarizing plate" to see if they might have that characteristic. (\ 2,089 shipping and handling included, \ 3,464 shipping and handling included. Fig_2 [click])
However, both seem to be just "straight polarizing plates", "90 degrees" and "135 degrees", and numbers representing "the tilt angle" in the length direction.
Therefore, 135 degrees is almost equivalent to placing it at an angle of 45 degrees (=180-135).
Since the phase of all colors is not compensated, the image near red, which is easy to appear "contrast", looks good. (Fig_1)
When I put up with such an image, it will be easier to use the "90 degree polarizing plate" because both can be used without (almost) tilting. However, I am not very satisfied with such an image.
Even though I say " phase difference compensation plate ", I don't know what the name is on the market.
In my half-hearted knowledge, the words " birefringence " and " circularly polarized light " are swirling (in my head), but eventually Is halfway, and I'm not sure.
So, as soon as I get it, I can't help but check it myself.
However, now that " PayPal " cannot be used, foreign products cannot be purchased.
On the other hand, it may be a good thing not to buy because it reduces waste. (Bitter smile)
+++ Small improvement of Backlight +++
When replacing the "polarizing plate" of the STN liquid crystal or adjusting the angle, the "rounding line" around the "backlight" gets in the way.
I replaced it with a insulated thin wire of 0.2 mmφ.
Then, when I put it along the CCFL tube and passed it through the cover, it became much cleaner and easier to handle! (Fig_3 and Fig_4 [click])
I'm looking to see if there are any abnormalities with this method, but so far it seems that there are no particular abnormalities.
I'm thinking of replacing everything I have with this, but when these will come to life ?
老眼鏡 買い [ English Note ] [2020/10/03]
![図1:110円グッズの普通鏡x1、手前が老眼鏡x2.5 [クリック]→図2:別途買ってみたヘッドルーペ](fig/msk1003a.jpg)
+++ 老眼鏡をルーペに +++
その為、跳ね上げても、直ぐまた垂れ下がって来るので、買い替えようかと、新しいのを買ってみた。(¥1,210送料込み 図2[クリック])
Buying reading glasses [2020/10/03]
+++ Reading glasses as a magnifying glass +++
The clasps on both sides of the "head loupe" I'm using now are getting loose.
Therefore, even if it jumps up, it will hang down again soon, so I bought a new one to buy a new one. (\ 1,210 shipping included, Fig_2 [click])
However, this is very difficult to see (for me), probably because the center of the binocular lens is too close !
Separately, I bought a reading glasses (x2.5) at a 100-yen shop. (\ 110 including tax)
I bought a regular mirror (x1) for fun before, but I didn't feel bad when I put it on, so I bought it again without hesitation. (Fig_1)
When I try it, it's easy to use even when I try to expand it considerably !
The "head loupe" is heavy and must be flipped up each time when looking at a distance, but these reading glasses have little resistance when looking at a distance.
For example, I don't have to feel the need to flip up like a "head loupe" when placing or removing a soldering iron while soldering a 0.5mm pitch pin group.
I think this is half psychological, but with glasses, there is a consciousness that it is something that cannot be removed, so it seems that he is trying to look back as it is, regardless of whether the image is blurred or not.
Therefore, it was found that the 110-yen goods "Reading glasses (for ole man)" are very useful for soldering fine parts.
There seems to be x3, so I'll buy this one and give it a try.