物事集 令和二年十月版
Jordan看護生卒業式 観る 「令和二年十月十九日」
![図1:ヨルダン王室看護大学卒業式パレード [click]→図2:ムタ大学卒業式パレード](fig/edk1019a.jpg)
『プリンセス・モナ看護大学第19回卒業式、ムタ大学第28回卒業式 「YouTube動画」』
Jordan Nursing Student Graduation Ceremony Watch "October 19th, 2nd year of Reiwa"
"Princess Mona Nursing University 19th Graduation Ceremony, Muta University 28th Graduation Ceremony You tube movie"
I was watching a video of "fighter planes" with " YouTube ", but after that, my interest changed to "military parades" and "female soldier parades".
Along the way, in unfamiliar military uniforms, almost everyone marched on " in military uniform and scarves. ", I just stared at it. (Fig_1)
(Everyone is beautiful, and at first glance I might think it's a group of dolls. Excuse me !)
Translated below (in "Google translation"), it seems that all of them are students of the Jordan Royal College of Nursing and this parade is a (traditional) ritual as part of the graduation ceremony.
The men's college graduation ceremony seems to have a similar parade . (Fig_2 [click])
Since it is a royal nursing university, it must have been natural for nursing students to be armed in the past.
However, a question arose suddenly.
In modern warfare, the fighting opponents are soldiers only, not ordinary people or nurses, but who is the military-style nurse in such a military uniform ?
... I thought, but in another video, I can see the nurses (?) Who operate the weapons in full military uniform, so it looks like a soldier to be attacked.
The real world is tough !
TC++ライブラリ 見る 「令和二年十月十六日」
![図1:「TURBO C++ ライブラリ・マニュアル」 [click]→図2:ポート出力命令](fig/edk1015a.jpg)
『TURBO C++ ライブラリ・マニュアル 塚越 一雄著 ナツメ社 ¥1,600税込み』 (購入¥410送料込み)
目下、書籍に付いていた「TURBO C++5.5 + 統合環境」を試しているのだが、これも上手く動かず。
ネットから"Ver 5.5"をダウンロードして来たので、それで試そうと思っている。...(しかし、そちらは、環境設定から外れていて、上手く取り込めず)
それは、兎も角として、この「TURBO C++」の"ライブラリ"群を知りたくて、この本を買った。(図1)
因みに、「VB 6.0」や「VC++ 2008」用の、フリーで使えるライブラリを探したが、相性の良いのとは出逢えなかったし、作ったプログラムが、「Win7」や「Win10」上で動いても、「Win95」で動かないかもしれない。
オブジェクト指向狂詩曲 読む [ English Note ] 「令和二年十月九日」
![図1:オブジェクト指向狂詩曲 [click]→図2:Turbo C++関連書籍2冊](fig/edk1009a.jpg)
『オブジェクト指向狂詩曲 吉田 弘一郎著 技術評論社 ¥1,900税込み』 (購入¥399送料込み)
そろそろ、「Turbo C++」を使ってみようかなと思い始めたが、その前に、どんなものなのかを知りたいと、幾冊か古本を買ってみた。(図2[クリック])
幸い、DOSで動く「TurboC++ 3.0」を入手したので、それを手掛かりに、反/半"オブジェクト指向"風に使ってみるつもり。(笑)
Object-oriented rhapsody, reading [2020/10/09]
"Object-oriented Rhapsody Koichiro Yoshida by Gijutsu-Hyoronsha \ 1,900 including tax" (Purchase \ 399 including shipping) < br>
It was time to start thinking about using " Turbo C ++ ", but before that, I bought some used books to find out what it was like. (Fig_2 [click])
This is one of them.
What is " object-oriented " ? On the other hand, is " C language " effective ? It is explained about that, but there is a bird's-eye view of the author, and it is quite interesting! (Fig_1)
" C language " is not really suitable for "object-oriented", and the author himself does not seem to like it very much, but since the world has tied it up without permission, it can not be helped. It seems that he can respond.
I've only read it halfway, but apparently, " object-oriented " should be turned into a " library " for anything! It seems that.
And, to the extreme, programming seems to be all about collecting those "libraries" and combining them well.
It seems that "programming" shouldn't go into the details of "data manipulation" like "C language".
(Does that mean that engineers should aim to be SE: system engineer ?)
I see ! I understand the meaning well !
... Most of the time, "libraries" are useful for a lot of people, and I think that's useful.
However, I don't think it will be very useful when I want to make something of one's own style, like me, with a slightly different way of thinking from other people.
In other words, "object-oriented" ("library") doesn't seem to be very useful for me, who wants to realize "the function I only want" while struggling because it is not in the world.
So, I really have to use an "assembler" that can directly play with "data" rather than a "compiler" that has to make heavy use of "libraries".
However, the "compiler" is much more convenient to use, so I'm thinking of studying it little by little.
Fortunately, I got " TurboC++ 3.0 " that works under DOS, so I used it as a clue and used it in an anti/semi "object-oriented" style. I'm going to see it. (^^;)
彷徨える艦隊外伝 読む [ English Note ] 「令和二年十月三日」
![図1:彷徨える艦隊外伝 [click]→図2:](fig/edk1003a.jpg)
『彷徨える艦隊外伝1〜2 ジャック・キャンベル著 月岡 小穂訳 ハヤカワ文庫 ¥1,100〜¥1,200税別』 (2巻 購入¥220税込み)
Side Story - The lost stars 1-2 Read [2020/10/03]
"The lost stars 1, 2 by Jack Campbell Translated by Saho Tsukioka Hayakawa Bunko \ 1,100- \ 1,200 tax not included ”(Volume 1+2 purchase \ 220 tax included)
(After a long time, I can afford to write on this note ! Every night, I have about an hour before going to bed to read a novel, but Mr. Kenzo Kitakata 's " Gakuhi-den ", the books I bought have been technical books such as " OpenCV ", so I read them like novels. Did not go)
The "Side story" I bought this time is a novel that replaces the main character of the "The lost stars 1-8" I read before with an outsider, but this is interesting as it is !
I was a little tired of the feud between the main character "Blackjack- Geary " and the two women around him in this biography, but this Side story is , I was a little tired of the feud between the main character "Blackjack- Geary " and the two women around him in this biography, but this Side Stry is , The two assistants around the quasi-protagonist " Draycon " hate each other, so as a whole, it is sharp but a little narrow, so it is saved.
The protagonist is, of course, the " Ikeni " president who kept in touch with Geary in the main story, but this one has no two men around. Rather, it is a skillful novel about how to get along with the quasi-leader.
(Well, is this story a happy ending ?)