物事集 令和三年六月版
異形の惑星 [to English note] 「令和三年六月二日[2021/06/02]」
![図1:表紙 [click]→図2:内容例:様々な惑星の出来るパターン(仮設群)](fig/edl0602a.jpg)
『異形の惑星 系外惑星形成理論から 井田 茂著 日本放送出版協会 1刷 2003年4月 ¥1,070+税』(購入¥210税込み)
Atypical planet "[2021/06/02]"
"Atypical planet From the theory of extraterrestrial planet formation Shigeru Ida by NHK Publishing Association 1print April 2003 \ 1,070 + tax " (I urchased \ 210 tax included)
These days, I often read adventure novels and science fiction that are not stiff, but sometimes I buy and read them when I find something interesting in such academic commentary books.
This book is one of them, but it is written in an easy-to-understand manner and easy to read ♪ ( Fig.1 )
When I saw it, I thought, "Is that so ?!", It seems that many distant celestial bodies are different from (our) "solar system planets".
It might be that similar things may not be found yet, but some of the things that have been found so far are irregular (that is, different from the planets of the solar system) and various types. There seems to be. ( Fig.2 [click] )
It seems that the main technology currently used to find planets similar to the planets of the solar system is the "Doppler effect", but it seems that various information can be obtained by using it. So I was impressed with "I see !!!"
With the "Doppler effect", it is possible to determine a specific value from the "change state" of the moving speed of celestial bodies and the interaction between celestial bodies.
It have been this "Doppler effect" that discovered that the universe was expanding.
However, it is the phenomena of wide and distant universe, and although the rate of change is large for large objects, I think it is difficult to detect small objects.
The movement of the "star class" is easy to grasp, but it will become difficult as soon as it becomes the "planet class" (of another system). "Searching for a planet" does not seem to be easy either.
It might be that the (slight) movement becomes (valuable) "information" in understanding the actual situation of things. ...
After that, it seems that the observation accuracy will be improved.
If possible, shake it a little or move it to get a better idea of ?? what it is. ?!