1.5.6inchキット 試買 1. 5.6 inch kit buy [2021/02/29]
2.ディスプレイ 試作 2. Display Assembled [2021/3/8]
PC110用 5.6インチ・ディスプレイ・キット 試買 [to 5.6 inch Display kit]
![図1:東芝製LTD056ET4Pは縦幅がピッタリ!(No.12:樫の画像出力で) [click]→図2:液晶モジュールとコントロール・ユニットのキット品](fig/b56dskta.jpg)
+++ 縦サイズはピタリだが +++
「5.6インチ 25ピン 1024 (RGB) * 600 LTD056ET4P LVDS 液晶画面リモコンドライバ制御ボード」という長い名称の、「5.6型ディスプレイ・キット」を買ってみた。(図2[クリック] $36.96送料込み、納期約1ヶ月)
![図3:液晶モジュールは東芝製 [click]→図4:画像出力は、LVDS経由だった](fig/b56dsktc.jpg)
+++ 液晶は東芝製 +++
PC110用 5.6インチ・ディスプレイ 試作 [to 5.6 inch Display Assembled]
![図5:VGAディスプレイとしては、特に問題無く、良い! [click]→図6:「PC110」の外付けディスプレイとして使えそうだ](fig/b56dskte.jpg)
+++ 「PC110」に内蔵は出来なかったが +++
![図7:7型フォトフレームのケースに収納した [click]→図8:押し釦スイッチは裏側に](fig/b56dsktg.jpg)
+++ 7型フォトフレームのケースに収めた +++
結局、7型「GAUDI Digital Photo Frame」(電源入らずのジャンク品 x5¥1,070送料込み)というのを使い、内側の出っ張りを削っ取って、その中に「制御ボード」と「押し釦スイッチ」を押し込んだ。
「液晶モジュール」の取付には、アクリサンデー製「Forex」(x2枚 ¥1,656税込み)という厚さ3mmの"低発泡塩ビ板"を使った。
![図9:6型は薄過ぎて使えず [click]→図10:額縁が広過ぎる!](fig/b56dskti.jpg)
+++ 不格好さは避けられない +++
実は、これの前に、"6型フォトフレーム"(Ladonna製)を買って調べたが、これはコンパクトに出来過ぎていて、「制御ボード」を収めるスペースが無いので、使うのは諦めた。(図9 ¥810送料込み
PC110 5.6 inch display kit trial purchase
+++ The top and bottom are perfect, but +++
I bought a " 5.6 inch display kit " with the long name "5.6 inch 25 pin 1024 (RGB) * 600 LTD056ET4P LVDS LCD screen remote control driver control board".(Fig.2 [click] $ 36.96 shipping included, delivery time approx. 1 month)
Actually, I decided to use "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD" as instead of bad liquid crystal of " PC110 ".
But, With the current front frame, hidden picture by 3mm above and below is not interesting/satisfied for me.
For improving I was looking for a "WVGA LCD module" with a smaller vertical width, and found this.
However, since the connection is "LVDS", direct connection to " PC110 " will not be able to test even if I wish, because I have no material or technical capabilities.
I tryed to display indirectly with VGA signal from " No.12:Oak " + "Viper260" + " PortRe " (Those were gifted from Mr.T.S).
The display was precise and very beautiful. (Fig.1)
... So, this time, I just checked the size only.
I wish I had a sister version of this module, a "TTL input compatible version", but I haven't found it yet.
(Or it may not be manufactured)
+++ LCD is made by Toshiba +++
This "LCD module" is made by Toshiba ( LTD056ET4P ), and it seems to be a new product. (Fig.3)
Therefore, the dot size is also much smaller, and it seems that it has (high density) high resolution (1024x600 dots2) even if 5.6 inch.
If I drive this module with C&T65535 output (640x480 dots2) of " PC110 ", I'm curious abou what the display will look like.
However this "LVDS" can't be connected to "PC110" with just the my "relay board". (Fig.4 [click])
And I'm still not sure if the dot clock frequency can handle this.
If the clock frequency remains the same, the image display should be about 1/4 the size of the screen, so this high resolution is not good.
Even if the screen size is good, whether the C&T65535 's capabilities and functions are sufficient to make the screen " PC110 " become.
In any case, this LCD module cannot be used directly for " PC110 ".
I'll also put it in another case and use it as an (external) " 5.6-inch display ".
PC110 5.6 inch display prototype [to 5.6 inch Display Assembled ]
![Fig.5 : No problem for VGA display, good ! [click]→Fig.6 : It seems that it can be used as an external display for PC110](fig/b56dskte.jpg)
++++ " PC110 " could not be built in, but ++++
I bought a 5.6inch LCD module the other day and checked the "size of the display", it was a size suitable for built-in, but unfortunately, the connection is "LVDS method", so I gave up the built-in.
Instead, it also has a "control board" and "push button switches", so I decided to assemble it as an "external display".
Now, what is the storage case ? The quickest way is to use an off-the-shelf case.
... Nowadays, it seems that it is popular to make it freely using a "3D printer", but I haven't touched anything (still lapped), so I ignored that method.
I bought several types of "digital photo frames" and used a "7-inch photo frame" case with a built-in "control board".
For the time being, it's completed ! (Fig.5)
The VGA output of " PC110 " (" No.14:Hinoki/Cypress ") could be displayed without any problem. (Fig. 6 [click])
However, I am a little dissatisfied with the fact that only the picture frame is wide and the style is not very good.
+++ in the case of a 7-inch photo frame +++
As ready-made cases, there are "Portable Navi", "DVD Player", "Tablet PC", etc. at hand, but the thickness for inserting the "control board" was insufficient.
After all, I used a 7-inch " GAUDI Digital Photo Frame" (a junk item without turning on the power x5 \ 1,070 including shipping), scraped off the inner protrusion, and put " I pushed in the "control board" and "push button switch".
The two "bosses" were cut out with a "soldering iron" and moved/transplanted while heating so that the "control board" could be fastened with screws. (Fig.7)
If I don't fasten the "control board" firmly, I won't want it to move when I plug in the "VGA connector".
The "push button switch" is like this.(Fig.8 [click])
To install the "LCD module", Acrysunday " Forex " (x2 sheets \ 1,656 including tax), 3mm thick "low" I used a foamed PVC board.
This is the same size as the original "7-inch LCD module".
The "6-inch rectangular window" in the center was cut out with a utility knife, and although I intended to be careful, it is still a little distorted.
Behind it, a "liquid crystal module" was attached with a thin double-sided tape.
++++ Awkwardness is inevitable ++++
Actually, before this, I bought a "6-inch photo frame" (made by Ladonna ) and checked it, but it was too compact and was a "control board". I gave up using it because I didn't have enough space to store it. (Fig.9 \810 including shipping fee)
(I think it's well-finished as thin and compact. It's a bit regrettable to throw it away, but the "calendar" doesn't suit my taste, so it's timely disposal.)
The 7-inch case still doesn't look good. (Fig.10 [click])
The "picture frame" is too wide and lacks its "functional beauty" as an "external display" for small PCs.
(In short, too strong self-assertion is just an obstacle as an aid !)
About them, I'll reconsider.