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 [English Note 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶を、検討中    *English Note


先日、何気に、「eBay Uk」を“640x480 TFT”で検索していたら、£30前後のVGA-TFTが現れた!



これを参考に、事前に少し分析してみた。(5型50ピン VGA-TFTモジュール「InnoLuxAT050NT22 V.1」1ユニット¥3,120送料込み =$27.94)


Kevin Moonlightさん(日本の習慣では、名ではなく姓で呼ぶのが一般的なので、今後はMoonlightさんと書く)から投稿があって、同じ“VGA-TFT-LCD”を購入して、実験を始めるという。良い結果を期待したい!
彼は、それまでにも、5型TFTモジュールで実験をしていたようで、「You Tube」に動画をアップしている。



+++ 画面サイズ、DE信号 +++




+++ 色信号線の本数、バックライト電源 +++




[表紙頁]へ  関連記事の目次へ

PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 始め    *English Note



その矢先に、Moonlightさんから、専用電源群「Boost Board Module」(AliExpress, 後で、私もeBay UK, Amazonで見付けた)を紹介して頂いたので、試しにそれを使ってみることにし、「eBay UK」で発注した。



+++ 50ピン・コネクタを上ピン型に交換 +++

それで、上ピン型のコネクタ(FH12A-50S-0.5SH)を発注しておいたのだが、それも届いた。(図10<クリック> 5個¥1,475送料・手数料込み)


+++ バックライト電源などの試験 +++





+++ WVGA-TFTモジュールでは +++


他の例では、「可変抵抗器」は使っていないが、IC-1個、トランジスタ-2個も使っていて、必要パワーを得ているようだ。 (図14 <クリック> この方が、部品調達の容易さやコスト面で有利だったのかもしれない)


+++ 好ましいTFTモジュールとは? +++

例えば、窓枠サイズが同じで、インターフェース・ボードが要らず、特製プログラム(ct65535,a,b,c)も不要で、BIOSの“Easy Setup”が直接見られる状態を提供してくれる表示モジュールかな?

[表紙頁]へ  関連記事の目次へ

PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 準備    *English Note





+++ 電源の手当て +++



このDC電源(Model DMT6-18 TRIPLE OUTPUT)は、無駄に高い買い物だった。(購入費¥4,490送料込み)


+++ 厚みの問題 +++



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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 表示    *English Note


主に、電源関係の準備に手間取っていたのだが、特に「VCOM」の入力に関して、「暫定仕様書」の記述が奇妙だったので混乱したが、試行錯誤の末に、単純な方法で解決した。(図22 <click>)

TFT切替プログラム”については、 Moonlightさんから頂いていたデータを使った「ct65535v.exe」で試したが、始めは正常な表示が出せなかった。



+++ +1V電源の問題 +++

モジュールの“暫定仕様書”には、“#46端子には、AC 5.5VとDC 1Vを加えること”という風に読めるが、そんな奇妙な電源を、私は用意出来ない!と反発した。
...ということで、#46端子の正体を調べるべく、オシロスコープのプローブを当てた。(図24 <click>)



+++ 色帯異常 +++


Moonlighさんも、「MSBビットでは確かめたが、LSBなどは未だだ」と仰っていたので、私は、試しに現在“WVGA-TFT”で使っている“3色帯(256色)”を、(ちょっと不整だが、)一応階調の変化は見られるものを使ってみようと考えた。(図26 <click>)



+++ キャプチャ画面も変! +++


一方、テキスト画面をキャプチャしたら、それの方は、至って正常だった。(図28 <click>)



[表紙頁]へ  関連記事の目次へ

PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 色帯    *English Note







+++ コントラスト改善は? +++





+++ TFT側端子群の配列比較 +++





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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 迷宮    *English Note




これを+1Vに戻すと、現状通りの"MSB 3色表示"に戻る。(図36<クリック>)



+++ 「VCOM」の電圧を変えると +++



+++ 「AT050NT22V.1」は拙い製品か? +++


もうこれは、「AT050NT22 V.1」が拙い製品だったという証明になりそうだ。


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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 電源の改造    *English Note

それで、代わりに大型可変DC電源を使用していたのだが、「PC110」と「5-inch VGA-TFTモジュール」は、それとの紐付き状態なので、移動も出来ず、不便で仕方がない。

見付けたのが、「aitendo M512D」という"±12V出力電源モジュール"。(図42<クリック>)



+++ R2の値の調整 +++




"平滑用コンデンサ"には、(写真には写っていないが)47μF 35Vを付けた。(図44<クリック>)

+++ 黒でない黒 +++



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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 色信号、継続    *English Note

それに気を良くして、この「5-inch VGA-TFTモジュール」の配膳替えを試みた。(図47)



尚、使った線束は、ハーフピッチのフラットケーブル、沖電線の「FLEX-S2 26芯」(1mおよそ¥1,630送料・手数料込み:正確な金額は失念

VGA 完成形は、Moonlightさんの報告に期待したい。

+++ 特記 +++
彼が公開しているモジュール"AT050NT22V.1"の分解写真を拝見したら、この「液晶パネル」は、どうやらアモルファスSiで形成するタイプの「COG(Chip On Glass)」ではないかと思える。其処から、色々なことを推測したが、真実かどうかは不明。

...「アモルファスSiタイプ−COG」は、アイデアはユニークだったのだが、回路のTFT(Thin File Trensistor)を"アモルファス半導体"(低温度でガラスの上に形成出来る半導体様の膜)で作るという処で、失敗したようだ。





+++ 色帯表示:結果 +++


"暗側傾斜"の方は、通常なら、MSBからLSBの色信号の寄与の程度が分かるはずなんだが、何と!全部がMSBと等価なんだそうな!(図49 ?そんな、はずは...ない!




+++ その他 +++



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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 反転    *English Note

これまで、私の買った「VGA-TFTモジュール AT050NT22V.1」が不調で、色々な不良原因を想像していた。




+++ 回路と結果 +++




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PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 終章    *English Note

私が買った「5-inch VGA-TFTモジュール」、表示が異常なんだけど、もしかしたら、液晶モジュールは正常だが、「PC110」による"駆動の仕方"に問題があるのか?と、あれこれ調べてみた。





+++ 結論 +++





[表紙頁]へ  関連記事の目次へ

PC110用 5型VGA-TFT液晶の検討 付録    *English Note

この「5-inch VGA-TFTモジュール」は終わりだ!と、ジャンク箱に放り込もうとしたのだが、最後の次に、"表示輝度調節"の実験で、もう一度役に立ってもらった。







+++ Tina-TI Ver.9によるシミュレーション +++

(ところが、暫く使わないでいたら、このタイトルを忘れてしまっていたのだが、幸い、ある切っ掛けで、思い出させて貰ったもの。感謝! ・・・ 自分で忘れたことを、他の人達に訊いて廻るわけにも行かず、悶々としていたのだが、これで気が晴れた!)

 *入力電圧範囲:+15V〜+27V  (Δ≒12V)
 *出力電流範囲:+1mA以下〜20mA(最大) (Δ≒20mA)


固定抵抗は51KΩ、22Ω、VRは11KΩ、トランジスタは2SC733 2個 hfeは偶々270,440だった。(参考例:TSCデータ Tina-TI用


+++ 実験回路 +++


トランジスタの電力損失は、多めに見積もると、およそ(27V-7V)x 20mAで、約400mWになる。



+++ 輝度変化を加速 +++





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PC110 5-inch VGA-TFT module pre-evaluation

When looking at the screen of the "PC110" that has been converted to a 6-inch TFT, the screen is too far to the left because it uses a WVGA (800x480) TFT for handheld navigation devices.(Fig_1)
If this is just VGA (640x480) TFT, I should be able to move the screen a little closer to the center, and I wished to exchange it if possible.

The other day, when I was searching for "eBay Uk" with 5-inch VGA-TFT (640x480) around £30 appeared !
(In the past, I missed to see it)

It seems that the number of connector terminals is 50 pins.
Fortunately, the 50-pin connector is still there, so I can manage it by hand wiring. (Fig_2 <click>)

Immediately I ordered the cheapest item, but for some reason there was a red message on the eBay screen saying "Delivary not to Japan", and finally the transaction was canceled.
It seems that neither me nor the seller was told to "discontinue trading" in a place where it could not be reached.

After that, I placed an order with another store and is now waiting for delivery.
Since I know the product number/model name, I was able to find a "data sheet" on the net based on it !
With this as a reference, I did some analysis in advance. (5-inch 50 pin VGA-TFT module "InnoLux AT050NT22 V.1" 1 unit 3,120 JPY including postage (= $27.94 total)
In this way, a member whose characteristics are well understood is very much appreciated by an amateur (like me who is forced to fumble) !
I think that the wiring on the "relay board" are quite easy this time.
Also, there are interesting features (L/R, U/D, POL), so I'd like to try them.

The VGA-TFT-LCD is still in its infancy, but since it's a aged product technology, if there are some big markets, isn't it advantageous in terms of manufacturing cost !
If it'll get into some kind of boom like the WVGA version for "Handy navi machines", the selling price will drop further, but it is unknown now.

There was a post from Mr.Kevin Moonlight (in Japanese custom, it is common to call it by surname instead of first name, so I will write his name as Mr.Moonlight in the future), buy the same "VGA-TFT-LCD" and start the experiment Say.
I expect his challenge !
He seems to have been experimenting with a 5-inch TFT module by then, and uploaded a video to "You Tube". ‥
+ Test "ct65535a(.exe)" on the degraded DSTN screen.
+ Demonstrating the effectiveness of a handmade relay board and playing the DOOM.
I think my experiment may probably be his "follow-up".


+++ active area size, DE signal +++

Looking at the datasheet of the manufacturer "INNOLUX" (since it seems to be a provisional material, there may be "functional changes" later, but maybe "structural ones will not change"), the screen size is about 101.5x76.1mm2.

The "window" of "PC110" is about 98x73mm2, so it is about 3mm larger in length and width.
Since the actual "window" is narrower than this module by about 1.5mm above and below, I think it would be unsightly because the edge shall be missing in the case of "DOS text screen".
However, on the Win95 and Win98, it might not be much trouble.

I have heard that one person would like to try to make a "front frame" with a 3D printer, so I think that method will be useful as well.
The "outer shape" of this module should fit on the display of "PC110" (although not confirmed in the actual product).

The next thing to worry about is the "DE signal".
(From the "PC110", this "DataEnable signal" does not appear as far as I can see.)
Currently, that signal also serves as the "HS signal", but I don't yet know if the method works with this module "AT050NT22V.1.
This has to be confirmed in the experiment.
Probably I have to change the value of XR4F, XF51, XR54 register, etc. in the "ct65535a", "ct65535b".

+++ color signal lines, backlight power supply +++

Currently, I use for each color signal line 5 lines for each color. (Fig_3)
It seems that this TFT module can input 6 lines for each color. For example B0 to B5. (Fig_4 <click>)
"PC110" can not supply over 5 lines, so I should leave one of the LSB (Least Significant Bit) lines of the module to leave open or set to zero.
Whether or not that method is better cannot be judged by my current knowledge.
Experimentally, I think, this method may be good and this may be the only way, but what about ?

As another problem, I have to see that the "backlight LED power supply" has a upper limitation of "voltage (max10.5V)".
Initially, I estimated that "high voltage is +22V" for driving the DSTN LCD of "PC110", but it was about 10 to 15V in later measurements. (It is not fixed at this moment)
Now, I am using "directly connected" as "backlight power supply", but I haven't found any abnormalities so far, so it seems that "directly connected" was also good.

However, in this module, it is necessary to set about the upper limit of the "backlight voltage"(max10.5V).
As a suggestion, it may be more effective to use "resistor limitter" or "IC regulator" for voltage adjustment, or to use directly the "inverter power supply" (of the "PC110") (it should be possible to adjust brightness with keys).

Mr. Moonlight mentioned above seems to be trying to execute that plan. I hope that he'll get good results.
I'll wait my ordered module.

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PC110 5-inch VGA-TFT module start evaluation

I thought that I had to wait a month for the 5-inch VGA-TFT module ("AT050NT22V.1") from ordering to receiving it, but this time it was surprisingly fast, 2 weeks Arrived at.
I was absorbed in the "WVGA-TFT module", and after leaving it for a while, I finally started working on it.

When I started wiring, I found that the previous study regarding power supply was unsatisfactory (there was a omission).
Though I needed "-10V power supply" separately, I thought it would be better to connect it to "GND" before that. Was there.
However, I finally realized that the power -10V is one of the important source for swinging the liquid crystal molecules.

I had a concrete proposal from Mr. Moonligh about how to treat those power supplies, but I was more than "WVGA-TFT module" now. I'm reluctant to increase "additional parts", so I wanted to consider it a little more.
At the next, Mr. Moonlight introduce that "Boost Board Module" (in AliExpress, and I found after in eBay UK, and Amazon) is useful for our purpose.
So I decided to try it and placed an order.
(However, maybe the message "We cannot deliver to Japan" appears again this time.)

Even so, I think this "VGA-TFT-LCD module" is probably the "follow-up product" of the "WVGA-TFT-LCD module". On the contrary, it is troublesome for me (an amateur) like this to have difficulty using the module.
For the time being, I'll try the operation test of this, but I feel that it may be good to wait until the "VGA-TFT module", which is easier to use, comes on the market at a later date.


+++ Replace the 50-pin connector with the upper pin type +++

I had a 50-pin connector (lower pin type) for relay use, but when I actually placed it, I realized that there were many inconveniences, such as the degree of flexing and the difficulty of wiring.

So, I ordered an upper pin type connector (FH12A-50S-0.5SH), and it arrived. (Fig_10 <click> 5 pieces 1,475 JPY including shipping and handling)
(The recommended connector is also shown in the document of "AT050NT22V.1 Module")

I intended to keep the previous connector as well, I removed it carefully by heating it with a "high temperature blower", but it seems that the corners have melted a little.
I tried soldering a 0.5mm pitch terminal after a long time, but with this amount of solder, it seems to be possible for me for a while (without shaking my hands) ♪ (Fig_9)

+++ Backlight power supply test +++

Originally, "PC110" LCD drive power supply (+22V) is used for "backlight", which is "outside/out of question".
Use what can be used in my amateur spirit! It is.
With the "WVGA-TFT module", it seems that +22V drops to about +10V, which is about half when used as an LED backlight, but no trouble has occurred with all five PC110s.

This time, I wanted to suppress the voltage drop of +22V, so I inserted a 330Ω series resistor to drive the backlight. (Fig_11)
+22V → about +15V, the backlight side is about +8V, the current is about 20mA, the brightness is "moderate". (Fig_12 <click>)
Whether this brightness is sufficient is still unknown.

I was thinking of using this +15V as the “VGH power supply” for this “VGA-TFT module”.
Also, I thought that it would be better to connect "VGL power supply" to GND without thinking too much, but seriously consider the connection point of "VCOM". After reviewing it, I realized that it shouldn't be that simple.
After all, it seems that a certain "negative voltage" must be given.
("PC110" wouldn't have such a voltage.)

DC-DC-Conv. should be prepared, but since it becomes a noise source, I did not want to place it near the module as much as possible.
However, it seems that a dedicated "multi-power supply module" is available also in "eBay UK", so I will try it.

+++ About inner power converter of WVGA-TFT module +++

For reference, the built-in power supply circuits of "WVGA-TFT module" is shown. (Fig_13)
Parts seem to be using IC - 1 piece, diode - 1 piece, coil - 1 piece, capacitor - 5 piece, resistance - 2 piece to generate AVDD, VCOM, etc.
Subsequent circuit parts (variable resistor VR - 1, resistor - 3, capacitor - 1) divide and distribute the voltage.
It has been confirmed that turning the variable resistor VR can change the “contrast” of the image.

In another example, it doesn't use the "variable resistor", but it seems that it uses IC - 1 and transistor - 2 to get the required power. (Fig_14 <click>)
(This might have been advantageous in terms of ease of parts procurement and cost.)

The built-in power supply circuit of the "VGA-TFT module (AT050NT22V.1)" that we have begun to study this time does not seem to be considered so far.

The design of the power supply is entirely up to the designer who uses it.
However, I've been using "modules" like the ones above, so I don't want to go back anymore.
If we wait, there is no doubt that more and more ideal modules will not come out to us.

+++ What is the preferred TFT module? +++

But what is the "ideal TFT module" ?
For example, a display module that has the same window frame size, does not require an interface board, does not require a special program (such as ct65535,a,b,c), and provides a state in which the BIOS "Easy Setup" can be directly viewed ?
The easiest thing to understand and the most difficult to realize is that it has a "conversion interface" with same sized that can receive the original "DSTN LCD" signals as it is and drive the "TFT LCD".

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 preperation

Last time, I was trying to use stepping down the voltage of "original liquid crystal drive voltage (+22V)" with the (dropper) resistance as "Backlight power supply".
And, I checked to see if I could change the power supply for the Backlight to the old inverter power.

Although the voltage required for the VGA-TFT "AT050NT22" is about 10V, this voltage is about 7V less than it. (Fig_16 <click>)
The brightness is enough ! (Fig_15)
I don't know how bright it will be when you add a signal and display an image, but it's probably okay.

Four wires are used for the "source power supply for the inverter". I didn't use it until now, so I had cut it short.
But once again, I extended the two power lines ( I confirmed by measuring the voltage with a tester) by connecting the lines.

One black wire seems output 3.5V, but I don't used it now.
The other one seems to be an unconnected dummy wire.


+++ Power supply allowance +++

This "AT050NT22" VGA-TFT module requires five types of power supplies (+3.3V, +5V, +15V, -10V, +1.1V).
(It may be unavoidable because it seems to have been designed several generations ago, but I want it to reduce them a little more.)

It seems that a dedicated "power supply module" is on sale, but both of the stores that I ordered on the eBay UK canceled them as they could not be shipped to Japan.
So, I gave up the built-in power supply and decided to use an external variable DC power supply.

This DC power supply (Model DMT6-18 TRIPLE OUTPUT) was a wasteful expensive purchase. (\ 4,490 including shipping)
(This is stupid big and heavy, and it doesn't work fit for me, so I'll intended to throw it away at some time, if i can.)
It seemed that I can use it this time, but some trouble since the positive side and the negative side can only extract the same voltage value.
So, to extract +15V and -10V I had to set them to 12.5V and I added 2.5V form another port.

Regarding the power supply, we are currently considering how to supply VCOM (+1.1V, ?A).
But, since the DC current ( ? mA ) of the specification is unknown, it should to be decided by various experiments.

+++ Thickness problem +++

I noticed it when I tried to make a "relay board" by hand wiring, fix it to the back of the module, and close the back cover. (Fig_20 <click>)
This "relay board" does not have enough space so it cannot be placed on the back of the module.
Again, I compared it with the thickness of the "WVGA-TFT module" (which I have used without concern). (Fig_19)
*WVGA-TFT module (with touch panel): Thickness approx.4.5mm (3 types average)
* "AT050NT22" (without panel, tenativel spec.): Thickness 5.7mm

Speaking of which, Mr. Moonlight had a problem with securing "vacant space" beside the module, and designed the "slim PCB" that could be placed there. I remembered that.
It's wonderful that he can quickly switch to a solution !
(In my case, I tend to go in the negative direction)

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Displaying *English Note

Finally, the PC-DOS screen of "PC110" can be displayed on "VGA-TFT screen"! But it's still far from perfect.

Mainly, I had to take some time to prepare for power supply, but I was confused about the input of "VCOM" because the description of "Tentative Spec." was strange, but after trial and error, I solved with a simple way. (Fig_22 <click>)
The high voltage "VGH, VGL" was supplied from the external power supply shown last time, but there seems to be no particular problem.

For "VGA-TFT switching program","ct65535v.exe" which uses the data received from Mr. Moonlight I tried, but at first the normal display could not be displayed.
However, when I correct the necessary parts and run it, the display will come out. (Fig_21)

"Display state" is still bad.
The "contrast" is maximum when viewed from 6 o'clock, but it is weak from the front and very difficult to see.
When I display the "color band", I can see the colors of red, green, and blue only at the points of maximum brightness (MSB).
The other parts are almost white and there is no color difference.
Well, from now on, will I carefully "adjust" here and there ?!


+++ +1V power supply problem +++

In the "Tentative Spec." of the module, I could read "#46 pin should be supplied AC 5.5V and DC 1V", but such a strange power supply I can't prepare ! Repulsed.
And it's not easy to give exactly +1.14V! If I can't work in a strict way, I'm not a junker myself !
... So, I applied an oscilloscope probe to check the identity of the #46 terminal. (Fig_24 <click>)
A waveform was observed that was in accordance with the image signal. Vertical: 1V/div (center = 0V), Horizontal: 5 msec/div (Fig_23)
Apparently, this terminal (#46) seems to correspond to the transistor amplifier's emitter side !

Therefore, what I should give is not "voltage" but "variable resistor VR" (for bias adjustment) and "(for AC amplification adjustment)". It turned out that it was a "bypass capacitor".
So now, I have VariRegi:47KΩ and Capasitor:47μF.
As a result, the "AC/pulse waveform" at this terminal disappears, leaving a nearly flat +1V line.
(When I saw the data sheet of new"ZJ050NA-08C" of Innolux later, the circuit example to "VCOM" was described. It is almost the same!)

(But, it's about "Tentative Spec." ! ... However, it seems that there were two types of specifications for this "VGA-TFT module." The old one, which the creator signed with his own handwriting, seemed to be very easy to use, with only one "VCC" as the power supply and 40 pins on the connector. However, the newer one has the built-in power supply part all externally attached and the connector part has also been replaced with 50 pins. This latter is what I'm trying out right now.)

+++ Color band abnormality +++

For the time being, the "text screen" of "filer FILMTN screen" are displayed normally, but I was wondering what happens to color display.

Mr. Moonligh also said, "I checked with the MSB bit, but the LSB etc. are still", so I think that I'll use the "3 color band". (256 colors)" for color check.
Before that, I tried to display it with the current WVGA-TFT module. (Fig_26 <click>)
This is not so beautiful, but the gradation is good as so.
(Actually, The display I got during the initial experiment was more beautiful, but I didn't notice it until I ordered the PCB. I may have made a mistake in the terminal arrangement)>

It came out, but it's kind of weird ! (Fig_25)
(At one point, I was in a panic because I suspected my "wrong soldering terminal of the wiring", but it was not so.
Certainly, colors are displayed properly around the MSB, but other halftones are completely useless !
Maybe the gain of the "intermediate amplifier" is insufficient, or the voltage amplitude is insufficient ?
However, the upper limit of "AVDD" seems to be about +7V, so we cannot raise it too much.

Maybe, I need the clock down (to 25.175MHz) that Mr. Moonlight is using ?
So when I rewrite the XR54 and other registers he pointed out, the flicker has improved a lot.
However, the number of colors has not increased so much.
It seems adjust other parts need to be also.
And I would like to expect the Mr. Moonlight's experiment with PCB.

+++ The capture screen is also strange ! +++

Probably, the display screen is strange, and the capture screen of the image on VRAM should be normal, on the DOS called "gsave.exe". I tried to capture it using a program that can take the whole screen of.

But I got a ridiculous image !? (Fig_27)
I think this is an image in memory (VRAM), but why does it look like this? I don't understand why.
On the other hand, when I captured text screen, it was quite normal. (Fig_28 <click>)

This result is unlikely to be useful for VGA-TFT "improvement of color screen", so I would like to consider another approach.

After writing this, I realized something serious !
In fact, in the "connection diagram" of "PC110=WVGA-TFT system" I extracted, It may not be versatile.
It was a connection diagram only for that system, and I did not verify correctness of RGB signal terminal names.
This time, "PC110=VGA-TFT system" may have a different connection diagram.
It may be because of the strange three-color band display.
It will be a troublesome task. (Foo (-,-;?

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Color band

Currently, "ct65535v.exe (rewritten with data from Mr. Moonlight)" and "ct65535c.exe (conventional WVGA-TFT version)”, with occasional swapping.
"ct65535v" is sensitive to noise, but has minimal flicker.
"ct65535c" is strong against noise, but has a lot of flicker.
In both cases, there seems to be little difference in terms of "contrast".

This time, I examined whether it is necessary to change the wiring of the RGB group in order to display the "three-color band" neatly.
The conclusion is written at the end, but I don't need to do it.

The original image of the three-color band is used with the number of steps reduced to five. (Fig_30 <click>)
Currently, even though it is displayed, only MSB can be displayed. (Fig_29)
Considering the lack of deflection of the liquid crystal, I tried to interpose a "deflecting plate", but there was no appearance of intermediate gradation.
(Maybe this LCD panel does not have a deep "black" sunk, isn't this the lack of liquid crystal alignment ?)

At present, "wiring" is meaningless unless "contrast" is improved.
In other words, I cannot do "wiring change" unless I find a way to improve it first.

I have made some attempts, but I have not been able to improve the "contrast" yet.
"Change wiring" is pending, but I think it's probably not necessary.


+++ What is the contrast improvement ? +++

In order to increase the "contrast", it is enough to apply black without applying a voltage, and to use white as the voltage is applied.
Normally, for the brighter one, I should increase the LCD's drive voltage.
It is not directly related to the voltage of VGH, VGL, but for the moment, I set them to ±2.5V (+17.7V to +12.5, -12.5V to -7.5V).
However, after all, there was almost no change in the contrast of the image.

Next, I tried to raise the voltage of "AVDD" to +6V with an external power supply (in preparation for danger). (Fig_31)
I thought that this might increase the amplitude of the internal analog signal, but since the "screen" has "blown out", I cannot continue any further.
(Obviously, I should have tried to adjust the bias "VCOM", but I did not do that.)

By the way, it has been confirmed that rotating VR (changing "VCOM") in the normal state has almost no effect on "contrast".
Also, if "Backlight" might be too bright, I tried adding a resistor (about 33Ω) to reduce the light, but it did not affect. (Fig_32 <click>)
(Although it is another matter, it is expected that the brightness cannot be adjusted by key operation even though the "power supply for inverter" of "PC110" is used for this. It was outside)

I'm still looking for other measures.
Or maybe there's something I overlooked.

+++ TFT module terminal group arrangement comparison +++

Initially, the terminal layout of "PC110" was decided by contrasting with the "WVGA-TFT module" installed in the navigation device.
What confused and afraid me was that it might have become an "extremely unique system". (Fig_34 <click>)
In that series, I thought about connecting with the "VGA-TFT module" this time, but I wonder if this was correct.

From here, it is "my inference", but this "VGA-TFT module (640x480)" (predecessor/older version) is a 5-inch/6-inch/7-inch portable navigation machine or DVD players, Photo viewers, etc. were probably in competition with the "WVGA-TFT module (800x480)" when they were commercialized all at once.
Therefore, the "pin function" must have been almost the same as those.
(The old version VGA-TFT module with 40 pins is probably a remnant. In my mind, making 50 pins is Corruption !)

In particular, the R, G, B groups have different directions, but the MSB-LSB sequence is the same.
In other words, if the MSB of each color is decided, the order up to the LSB is decided.

This can be clearly understood by comparing the colored portions of the connection diagram of this time (FIG. 33) and the connection diagram of the previous time (Fig_34 <click>).

Therefore, if "MSB terminal position" is not wrong, it can be estimated that the order of other "color signal terminals" does not have to be changed.
(I want to conclude, but that's still the case. Because many Japanese manufacturers have adopted "VHS" due to video-related issues in Japan, only Sony has run its own "β" route.)

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Maze

Regarding the low "contrast", I checked for wiring leaks and incorrect connections, but found no particular problems.
Perhaps, the internal "Video amplifier" amplification degree may have been extremely reduced.
And I have reached such thinking point where it may be so.
(Or is it a "rubbing mistake" in the LCD panel?)

It's hard to think, but when I was trying to give a fixed +1V to the "VCOM" pin, I didn't notice it, and give an abnormally high voltage to it, There is possibility that internal circuit was destroyed.

In short, the "contrast" may be low because this "module" is broken.
However, it does not mean that the message is not displayed at all, so I tried various experiments with "Amateur curiosity".

At present, the "contrast" cannot be improved.
But I've known interesting about this module.
The "VCC", "AVDD", "VGH, VGL", and "VCOM" have different widths that can be changed.

As an adventurous, I applied with VR some voltage of +5V to -10V to this "VCOM" terminal.
If both are set to extreme values, in color band display, a gradation of strange colors appears. (Fig_35)
If this is returned to +1V, it will return to the current "MSB three-color display". (Fig_36 <click>)

Unless the "contrast" becomes normal, this (my) VGA-TFT module is not suitable for normal use.
However, it is an interesting material for the experiment, so I am thinking of continuing the experiment a little more (by replacing the current large external power supply with a small DC-DC converter power supply).


+++ Changing the voltage of "VCOM" +++

About "this module", "VCC" is lower than +3.3V, and it seems to work also at +2.8V.
Rather, if it is +3.4V or higher, the display of dust will increase.
For "VADD", such "display abnormality" occurs at +5.1V or higher.
These "VCC" and "AVDD" have a margin in the one with low voltage, but there is almost no margin in the one with a high voltage, may cause display abnormality.

On the other hand, “VGH, VGL” has a large margin both above and below the voltage, and a slight change does not change the display state.
On the other hand, "VCOM" is sensitive to the optimum value, and in order to set it correctly, I must aim near the top of the Gaussian curve.

In "this module", I can change the VCOM in the range of +5V~-10V with VR, so I tried it.
Normally, this display is a blue background, and it is a colored character, but the blue has changed to yellow on both the + and - sides. (Fig_37, Fig_38 <click>)

Actually, in this way, while the voltage is being changed, the color is strange, but the "contrast" becomes abnormal (?).
But I don't know what that means. I'm straying in maze.

+++ Is "AT050NT22V.1" a poor product ? +++

By the way, this "VGA-TFT module" wasn't there a big uproar in the market? ?
From the other day, even if I search for "AT050NT22" with "Google", all of my PCs except the ones from my own website appear, was lost. (Maybe they claimed or applied for the "right to be forgotten" ?)

As if to match it, the advertisement of "Amazon" has been switched to a product using a substitute.
The alternative is "ZJ050NA-08C".
This is likely to prove that "AT050NT22 V.1" was a poor product.

The "VGA-TFT module" that I bought has the possibility that "contrast" is extremely bad .
Well, in my case, I like to touch "junk goods", so if I think that this is also a kind of "junk goods", it doesn't hurt.
But if I knew from the beginning, I wouldn't bother to choose.
Any way, isn't it difficult for "Innolux company" to clean up ?

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Power supply modification

After all, the "power supply module" for "AT059NT22V.1" was also not available.
(Because they said that delivery to Japan is not available !)

When I knew about the features of VGH and VGL, I was looking for a "small positive/negative two-output power supply module" that could be replaced with this big DC power supply.
I found a "±12V output power module" the M512D" selled by "aitendo". (Fig_42 <click>)
I bought 2 of them with the intention of modifying them. (\1,356 including tax and fees)
I also bought "5V module" (\429 tax included) for the hit horse because there is a restriction that the purchase is over 1,000 JPY.

This "power supply module" was modified to output ±15V, and the minus side was VR (variable resistor) and a smoothing capacitor, and DC-10V was obtained. Key point was "R2". (Fig_41)
Since the screen state is similar to that of when using a large power supply, replacement of power supply is successful for the time being !
But, sequence of activating power supply are not as spec.


+++ Change value of R2 +++

Initially, it was ±12V if it was so good, I supplied it to VGH and VGL, and tried to see if the display was the same as before, but it was still impossible !
The screen remains a white. (That is, "contrast" is almost zero)

Next, I searched for which component of this "power supply module" to change the output.
While looking for and replacing the (rice grain size) chip resistor at hand, set the value of "R2",
I changed it to "243" (±12V) → "473" (±7V) → "223" (±13V).

Finally, when I put it back to "243" and put "104" on it in parallel with turtle on turtle, I got exactly ±15V !
This depends on the calculation of Rp=R2*Rx/(R2+Rx), but Rp = about"193". (FYI:193 for 19KΩ)

For -10V (I think the required current should not be as large as), I guess that maybe "VR " and "smoothing capacitor".
"Smoothing capacitor" has 47μF 35V (not shown in the photo). (Fig_44 <click>)
Actually, I saw what happens with this without "smoothing capacitor" , but on the character screen, a striped pattern appears at each stage of the character string.
The brightness of the line with the cursor is different. But it's a weird (incomplete) indication that I'm not sure if it's the highlight.
(This was just a coincidence, and I only saw it.)

As usual, the screen remains "low contrast state”.
At last stage, I got a screen same as last situation.

+++ Black that is not black +++

As usual, the screen remains "low contrast state”.

The problem is, I tried to display a black pattern (with white letters), but the black does not sink into the black firmly, so it is only a light gray state. (Fig_45)
There is a possibility that the drive voltage is always applied, or that the liquid crystal molecules are originally raised by more than half and the light blocking property is weakened.

However, before suspecting a liquid crystal defect, there are clear black lines in various vertical lines after the power is turned on (during power unstable period), so how to use and drive There may also be problems. (Fig_46 <click>)
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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Color signal, continue

Mr. Moonlight suggested "PC110" along with "color signal terminal arrangement" "WVGA-TFT module" was rewired, and "3 color band display" was dramatically improved. (Fig_48 click)
Feeling that, I tried to change the layout of this "5-inch VGA-TFT module”. (Fig_47)
Although the result will be described later, the purity of the color band display was improved. (... but the meaning is different. This is no good !)

At the same time, I tried my hypothesis: "All lines should be parallel, and at the right angle when they intersect" (as much as possible !)
I wonder if this will reduce noise and jitter. (Fig_47)

They feel a little less.
However, the screen still looks like noise.
(Similar to the noise-like reception sound of the receiver when the sensitivity is raised too much)
Also, it seems better to place clock lines apart from other lines instead of parallel or parallel.(See below)

The bundle used is a half-pitch flat cable, "FLEX-S2 26 cores" of Oki Electric Cable (1m approx \1,680 includes fees: I forgot the exact amount)

With this (my) module, it became clear that the completed form of "PC110" cannot be done.
But I still have a few things to try. U/D, L/R etc.

I hope to Mr. Moonlight's report about the VGA style of "PC110".

+++++ Special notes +++++
When I see his disassembled/teardown photo of module"AT050NT22V.1", may be "amorphous Si Circuit - COG (Chip On Glass) ".
From there, I guessed various facts, but I wonder if it's true or not.

....."amorphous Si Circuit - COG" had a unique idea, but it seems that they failed on making TFT (Thin File Trensistor) of the circuit with "amorphous semiconductor" (semiconductor-like film that can be formed on glass at low temperature).

According to an expert's old tale, such TFT on glass had a "switching function", but could hardly expect "amplification characteristics".
If "high temperature glass" is used, the performance of TFT can be improved, but the cost will not match at all, so it seems that it was not deployed there.
After all, I have never heard of any significant improvement in characteristics of "amorphous Si Circuit - COG" to date.

Initially, I saw that the "VGA-TFT module" called "AT050NT22V.1" relies on the outside of the power supply circuit that should originally be built into the module, so I felt strange.
I think later that the manufacturer couldn't afford to build such an extra.

Originally, in the case of the later "liquid crystal" products, the price of the module should be equal to or less than that of the "WVGA-TFT module", but on the contrary (at the retail price) double It has become a price.
The production yield of "COG panels" seems to be not so good, so that's right.
If the "thickness" is too thin, it may easily lead to a defective "COG", so it's still twice as thick.

This is exactly the opposite of the times when we aim to be lightweight, thin, and highly functional.
After all, the thing that we amateurs find difficult to use is that the "LCD panel" was made by the "COG process", and my module seems to have bad characteristics.
After seeing the above "disassembled photo", I was convinced at last.


+++++ color band display & result +++++

Aside from the story of "COG", I'll tell about real my module.
After wiring is completed, 2 types of 3 color bands (Dark side slope, Bright side slope : Private coined word) was displayed.

In the case of "Dark side slop", the degree of contribution of the color signal MSB to LSB should be known, but what ?! Everything is equivalent to MSB! (Fig_48 No, it shouldn't... No!)

The brightness of the "Bright side slope" should change depending on the degree of mixing of all colors, but that is ridiculous! (Fig_49 <click>)
It seems that all the MSB-LSBs of each color are screaming out loud at any stage, and "whiteout". I've done it, and I can hardly find "Midtone".

This result/reason is obvious, and it may be either "internal DAC circuit failure" or "analog circuit failure/bias point abnormal shift".
(At first, I suspected "manufacturing error/defective orientation" of "LCD panel", but rather than that, there seems to be a problem with the analog circuit inside the module.)

This anomaly is happening in my module (only?).
Mr. Moonlight's module seems to be displayed normally.
(a commercially available "driver board" was used for driving.)

+++++ Other +++++

The color screen is the same as above, but the text screen remains almost unchanged.
When I tilt the display surface and look at it from 6 o'clock, you can read the characters properly and you can see the colors to some extent. Almost no jitter is seen.
However, the display quality is not so good. (Fig_50)
(For this, I used ct65535c.exe. ct65535v.exe has jitter and the characters are difficult to read.)

What I learned from the parallel and right-angle wiring this time is that the possibility of miswiring has decreased considerably if I have created a "connection table" properly.
When I include "CLOCK signal line" in this wiring group, it seems to be bad.
Jitter was bad, so I separated it and separated it (blue line), and it decreased considerably. (Fig_51 <click>)
Well, that is only the case with this configuration, but in my experience so far, I think that this "CLOCK signal" is the signal line that is most affected by other color signals and is easily shaken. ..
Isn't that the cause of jitter ?
I think a good solution to this is to turn the "relay board" into a PCB.

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Inversion

Until now, I was thinking that the VGA-TFT module AT050NT22V.1 that I bought was out of order and I was imagining various Causes.
However, although the same "VGA-TFT module" that Mr. Moonlight has was the same symptom as mine.
He use a special driver board, the display of the module itself is normal.

Now my all my assumptions and hypotheses have collapsed !
My hypotheses ( The "amorphous Si-COG" is adopted in "AT050N22V.1" ) may be not correct, so it must be withdrawn.

However, on the contrary, it is now possible to assume that this module is not completely defeated.
Instead of throwing it away, I'll try to find out where it can be found.

This time, I used two "Mercury switch" to check the operation of the U/D and R/L terminals. (Fig_53)
As a result, the U/D (upside down) function worked normally, but the R/L (right-left swap) function did not work. (Click on Fig_54)
. . . Oh, there was an unexplained abnormality here. (T.T;


+++++ Circuit and result ++++

U/D (#40) should be "L (0V)" in the normal position, and "H (+3.3V)" in the upside-down (up and down) direction.
R/L (#39) should be "H (+3.3V)" in the normal position and "L (0V)" when tilted slightly to the left.
It consisted of "mercury switch" and "10KΩ resistor". (Fig.55)
The switching of the terminal voltage was confirmed with a tester and an oscilloscope from time to time.

U/D function works in real time.
However, the R/L function did not work in any way.
For example, I thought that it might be sensitive only when the power was turned on, so I tried it, but it did not change.

I didn't expect a real-time function because this switching function only needs to be decided when installing the module.
Well, I don't think this "PC110" needs a function to rotate the screen horizontally every 90 degrees like "iPad" and "iPhone", but it may be a seed of talk if possible.

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Final chapter

I bought the "5-inch VGA-TFT module", the display was abnormal.
I thought it maybe the LCD module is normal, but there maybe any problem on "driving method". So, I checked this out.

To see if there are any problems with the power supply voltage or the timing of turning on,
1. Manually connect "VGH" at the very end.
2. Use a separate power supply for "VCC" and leave it connected from the beginning.
3. "AVDD" is used as a separate power supply and a higher voltage is applied.

Even if the color signal line is driven by each bit alone, the display is seen.
That appear to output the digital values they are.

What was interesting was that when I raised "AVDD" to +6.5V (Fig_58 <click>), the "contrast" became extremely high. (Fig_57)
Originally, +5V is supposed to give this much "contrast".
Other than that, there were strange situations. The display will appear even if "VCC" is not applied !?

From various evidence, my module seems to be broken inside.
I doubt I bought a defective product, but it is difficult to assert and prove it.
Repairing an amateur is impossible, so further consideration is pointless.


+++++ Conclusion +++++

Even if the power-on sequence was changed, and especially "VGH" was turned on last (manually) as described in the tentative datasheet, the display state was not improved.
(Purchasing the dedicated power supply unit did not go well, so I gave up saying that there is not any chance)

After various experimental investigations, it was found that there was no analog element anywhere when each bit line was driven independently. (Fig_60 <click>)
If driven by the low-order bit lines, each color should of course be more dark colors, but that is not the case.

The definitive abnormal phenomenon is that if "AVDD (+5V)" is applied, and removing "VCC (+3.3V)" terminal from the power supply line.
Even if it states, the state has not changed. (Fig_59)
(What? This! is yelling out loud... I was so ridiculous that I didn't yell)

... Well, even if 256 colors can not be displayed, it is possible to display 5 colors (?) on weak contrast, so I will leave it without discarding it, but I will stop considering further usage.

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5-inch VGA-TFT LCD for PC110 Appendix

This "5-inch VGA-TFT module" is over ! I tried to throw it in a junk box.
But after the last, I got another usefulness in the experiment of "display brightness adjustment".

Mr. Moonlight is thinking the "PC110" contrast adjustment "Fn+Ins/Del keys" or brightness adjustment "Fn+Home/End keys" shall be use to "TFT Screen brightness adjustment function". He think the "PWM method".
The efficiency of voltage-current conversion may be much higher than that of the analog method.

... That sounds interesting! I'll try it too ! But I want to make it simple one !
I immediately started the experiment.

In the past, I used to "solder parts" and "replace them" (due to the experimenter's habit), but this time the simulator: "Tina-TI Ver9” (free software) was used, and it was easier than I expected, and the piece was attached.
It is a method of inserting a circuit (2 terminals type) consisting of 2 transistors, 2 resistors, and 1 VR on a universal board into the "backlight power input line" in series and controlling it. (Fig_62 <click>)
(At first, I was thinking of using OP-Amp and/or LED driving IC, but I thought that I could do almost the same with a transistor, so I stopped it.)

In the actual settings, first press the "Fn+Del key" to the lowest state, then after connecting, press the "Fn+Ins key" repeatedly.
Then, the voltage was raised to the maximum voltage, and the VR adjusted the standard current 20mA to the maximum brightness. (Fig_61)
(When I do not so, the maximum current limit of 22mA will be exceeded easily.)

The adjustable range was almost satisfactory, but when actually assembling, insert an ammeter for each "PC110".
Therefore, VR final adjustment must be done while watching the maximum current value. That may be a drawback.


+++++ Tina9-TI simulation +++++

This "Tina-TI" is very convenient for simulating a little transistor (analog) circuit, and it works well with my habit, so I like it.
(But I hadn't used it for a while, I had forgotten this name, and but fortunately, I could reminded it in a talk with a person. Thank you ! ...
... I cann't ask to any person about the name of simurator I forgot it myself. I was in agony, for a while...
But Now, this made me feel better !)

The condition this time is that changes the current greatly with a certain range of voltage change.
It's a kind of voltage-current conversion circuit.
*Input voltage range: +15V to +27V (Δ = about 12V)
*Output current range: +1mA or less to 20mA (maximum) (Δ = about 20mA)
In addition to the conditions, the maximum current should not exceed 22mA.

I used NPN type Darlington circuit, and it should be possible to increase the output current as the current detection resistance of the output section becomes smaller.
However, since there is a current upper limit value, the amplification factor of the Darlington circuit must be lowered accordingly.
The "LED array" used as a (simulation) load is the LED units of suitable/arbitrary numbers and is not the same as the actual "LED backlight". . . . But I don't think it's off the mark at all. (Fig_64 <click>)

"DC transfer characteristics" of "DC analysis" was drawn as a simulated output, and it was evaluated and confirmed.
As for the resistance value, the resistance of the actual product was measured, and then the resistance value was used to simulate again.
Fixed resistance was 51KΩ, 22Ω, VR was 11KΩ, transistor was 2SC733 2 hfe was 270,440 by chance. (Example:TSC data for Tina9-TI

Actually, if the current is set to 0.9 mA or less, the screen will be darkened. (Fig_63)
On the contrary, if 15mA is applied, the screen looks bright.

+++++ Experimental circuit ++++

The "emitter-follower circuit" is the usual method for extracting the current, but I tried simulating whether it could be done with a single transistor.
The upper and lower width of the current value cannot be widened.
When I secure the bright one, the dark one will not stop. The reverse is also the same. (Fig_66 <click>)
Apparently, insufficient gain. After all, it should be Darlington with two transistors ! So, I made the circuit as above.

Overestimating the power loss of a transistor is about (27V-7V) x 20mA, about 400mW.
So, with this 2SC733 (35V, 300mW), even though the breakdown voltage is good, the power consumption seems to be a little too heavy.
However, if I look for it, I can find a powerful surface mount Darlington transistor.

I tried to select a resistor from the junk box that was close to the value that was initially obtained in the simulation, but the error was too large to match, so on the contrary, the simulation should be performed according to the "actual parts to be used". I tried again.
(In the original legitimate design method, I should buy one with a small error and use it, or do a safety design that takes into account the error, but here it was amateurly cleaned up)

If the number of parts is this much, I think that it will be able to be additionally mounted on the next "relay board" for the WVGA-TFT that is currently being redesigned.

+++++ Acceleration of brightness change +++++

I had a discussion with Mr. Moonlight about "brightness change : 30 seconds from top to bottom", and I had an idea, so I simulated it.

Even if it is an analog change, it should be possible to switch in a short time by making a sudden change in a narrow variable range.
Therefore, I tried to make the value of the current detection resistor (on the emitter side of the Darlington transistor) extremely small (0.1Ω).
In response, the amplification rate was raised slightly. (Fig_68 <click>)

As a result, it seems possible to make a sudden change at the area of higher voltage. (Fig_67)
However, it cannot be completely dark in the dark side (the side with low voltage) because the current cannot be completely cut off.
It takes about 30 seconds to squeeze out.
(Note that this circuit is only a simulation, not actually implemented.)

There is a feeling that it will be manageable if one devises it.
If I have more interested, I may want to pursue it.

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