PC110 No.3 拡大視と改善 [to English Note]
![図1:表示サンプル(No.3:三郎と壁紙) [click]→図2:拡大レンズで拡大視](fig/eno3cnda.jpg)
![図3:仮設してみた拡大レンズ [click]→図4:アクリル板切断に小型半田鏝が活躍!](fig/eno3cndc.jpg)
+++ 仮設 +++
他方、「鞍」は、旧い「カセットテープ」のケースを利用したが、「LCD Lock」の箇所を切り抜く為に、(追加で買った)「小型半田鏝」を使ってみた。(¥500税込み 図4[クリック])
![図5:4.7μF/50Vコンデンサを両側に付けた [click]→図6:ノイズ部を拡大](fig/eno3cnde.jpg)
+++ ノイズ対策 +++
![図7:Win98を起動中 [click]→図8:Win95を起動中](fig/eno3cndg.jpg)
+++ マルチ・ブートCF +++
PC110 No.3 Magnification and improvement
This time, "PC110 #3 "No.3:Saburo (tentative name)" (6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD) in "magnifying lens test" and "state" Improved (removal of screen noise).
"PC110" is small, so when I try to "create a program" with this, it's still painful !
By all means, I want to use a (large) "external display" together.
That's not so problem, but I'm squeezing some wisdom for an easier way to "magnify".
As one of them, I bought a "flat lens for smartphone screen enlargement" (Fresnel lens), which I often see recently, and tried it. (7.5-inch equivalent \ 595 shipping included, 12-inch equivalent \ 800 shipping included)
The result is almost as expected, background reflection is intense, and if the fixing method is poor, distortion is large. It's hard to see because it's. ( Fig.1 and enlargement in 7.5 inch : Fig.2 [click] )
It is not a very easy-to-use enlargement method because viewing changes greatly depending on the installation method and it is greatly affected by the background situation.
There is nothing I can't use, but I didn't think I wanted to use it.
In terms of size, this 7.5- to 9-inch is suitable, and more than that may be useless.
As another theme, because of "magnification"... Not only that, but small noise has become noticeable on the screen.
Probably I think it because of the "step-up converter", so I added another capacitor to suppress this.
... It has decreased a little. ... But it's not perfect.
It will be a further issue in the future, but even with the same configuration, there are machines that do not generate such noise, so it seems that it'll require an individual measure.
+++ Temporary hold +++
This "magnifying lens" had a "smartphone stand", but it could not be placed on the "LCD case" of "PC110", so I made a "saddle" of plastic and combined it. (Fig.3 )
Of course, this alone cannot support the entire "magnifying lens", so the bottom is supported by a round bar. (^^;
However, when I was looking at the screen and tried to operate the keys, I was at a loss for some reason.
I think it's because I can't do "blind touch", but I don't know where the keys are.
For example, when trying to change the " screen brightness ", the "Fn key" is near, so I can press it immediately, but about the "Home key" or "End key". I had a hard time to fine them ! (Let's look from above ? Let's look from below ?)
I think this is also a "familiarity problem", but (in my case) these obstacles are minus points.
On aother talk, "Saddle" used the case of the old "cassette tape", but in order to cut out the part of "LCD Lock", I tried using" Small soldering iron". (I bought it additionally. \ 500 including tax, Fig. 4 [click] )
This is used only with a battery, but it is quite convenient. favorite ! ... But It can't get the hooks to wear down and the springs to pop out his butt.
+++ Noise countermeasures +++
This "No.3:Saburo" has a small "irregular noise" on the screen that I could see when I focused.
It seemed even more noticeable when trying the "magnifying lens". ( Fig.6 [click] )
Now, when I look at the "text characters" on some website, "smallest characters" can cause jitter, but normal characters look fine and "no noise".
However, I didn't feel well, so I took some measures.
I put a bypass capacitor (4.7μF/50V) on both sides of the "INV output" lead wire.
So I think the screen noise has been reduced a little. (Fig.5 )
There is also a method of wrapping the entire "DC-DC converter" in aluminum foil or copper foil and dropping it to GND, but this time I will not do that.
For the time being, "text characters" etc. are not affected by noise, so this is fine.
+++ Multi-Boot CF +++
"Multi-Boot CF" is included in this "No.3:Saburo".
It seems that some old software and cards (drivers) only support from "Win98", so I'd like to be able to start this as well. (Fig.7 )
Also, I think that " Win95 " is enough for normal internet viewing. (Fig.6 )
Even if I say that it are slow, for example, when I feel like watching "Noh" (Japanese traditional slow dance), that is not a pain.
For fast-moving videos, it's just a matter of using another machine. d(^^)