PC110 クロックアップ↑実験 終了 [to Clock up、1st (English) ]
![図1:OSCの実験を始めた主ボードと替えXtals [click]→図2:BIOSチップ端子部のアドレス信号波形](fig/tclkupxa.jpg)
3:内蔵OSC [AV9154A-27]で使うXtal(14MHz)を、20MHz〜28MHzに替えられないか?
![図3:No.11:二上で実験中 [click]→図4:Xtal:16MHzでは、動作可能](fig/tclkupxc.jpg)
+++ 実機で実験 +++
FS0=1, FS1=0(33MHz動作 at Xtal:14.318MHz)
替Xtal:16MHz OSC=OK! Win95=OK
20MHz OSC=OK Win95=NG
24MHz OSC=OK? Win95=NG
FS0=0, FS1=1(40MHz動作 at Xtal:14.318MHz)
替Xtal:16MHz OSC=OK! Win95=NG
20MHz OSC=OK Win95=NG
24MHz OSC=OK? Win95=NG
![図5:PCカード・スロットのフラップが熱で曲がってしまった [click]→図6:後で、半田鏝2本で試した](fig/tclkupxe.jpg)
+++ 作業の失敗と改善 +++
PC110 clock up (↑) Experiment started
My motivation for this time started with "SSTV reception attempt" and
1 : Anyways, Can the clock frequency be raised to operate the "W95SSTV"?
2 : Clock up to 50MHz was able to do,, but what about 60-66MHz?
3 : Is it possible to replace the Xtal (14.318MHz) used in the built-in OSC [AV9154A-27] with 20MHz to 28MHz?
Various questions arose, and I may have not stopping point.
(It would be nice to ask someone else or ask someone else to do this, but that would reduce my enjoyment, so I wouldn't do it. TheInformation that says "I'm done!" will be welcome. lol)
This time, I used "Junk main board from Mr. Mike for the first test. With this, I confirmed "whether or not new Xtal (crystal oscillator) can oscillate" and "delivery of system clock". ( Fig.1 )
This "main board" is not operating/working normally, and the "BIOS chip" is removed, but if there is a "clock source vibration", I can see the "address signal to the BIOS chip". ( Fig.2 [click] )
Now I can see if the "clock oscillation system" and the "system clock distribution system" are working properly by replacing "Xtal".
However, it's unclear if the CPU and other devices will work, but the next step is to check with a "real working machine".
What I found in this experiment was that source oscillation was possible at Xtal:16MHz to 27MHz.
However, the amplitude of "2XCPUCLK" gradually decreases to about 0.6V or less accord with Xtal frequency up.
In addition, the DC offset is 1.0V to 1.2V, and it is difficult to determine whether or not the next stage can be driven.
The "instability" that the "system clock distribution system" signal appears and does not appear also increases.
After all, I think that few machines will work even if the clock frequency is increased.
But if even one works, I'm satisfied!!? (Lol)
(I really want to make it work on any machine, but it maight be difficult!)
+++ Experiment with actual machine +++
First, in " No.11:Futakami ", set FS0 = 0, FS1 = 1 to operate at 40MHz, and replace "Xtal" with 16MHz (from the original Xtal frequncy = 14,318MHz). I tried to. ( Fig.3 )
Now that the 2XCPUCLK was 89.6MHz, it should probably be operating at about 45MHz.
There was no problem with "DOS booting"! ( Fig.4 [click] )
The experiment was interrupted here because there was no Xtal with more higher frequency yet.
Later, I bought a 20MHz and 24MHz Xtal, so I used it and restarted the experiment with "No.6:Matsu/Pine". ( Fig.1 upper right - Xtal: 20MHz product 5 pieces \394 shipping included, 24MHz product \480 shipping included)
Only a simple check, but the result was as follows.
FS0 = 1, FS = 0 (33MHz operation at Xtal: 14.318MHz)
Replacement Xtal: 16MHz OSC = OK! Win95 = OK
20MHz OSC = OK Win95 = NG
24MHz OSC = OK? Win95 = NG
FS = 0, FS1 = 1 (40MHz operation at Xtal: 14.318MHz)
Replacement Xtal: 16MHz OSC = OK! Win95 = NG
20MHz OSC = OK Win95 = NG
24MHz OSC = OK? Win95 = NG
This "No.6:Matsu" was able to clock up from 14MHz to 16MHz.
However, with Xtal beyond that, the result was not good.
The higher the frequency of the replacement Xtal, the smaller the amplitude of the double output (2XCPUCLK) of the source OSC, which may be a problem.
I would like to check other machines without breaking them.
+++ Work failure and improvement +++
When I removed the original "Xtal", I wasn't careful and didn't put the protective tape on it, so the hot air blew through and burned the lid of the PC card slot and bent it. ( Fig.5 )
The hot air from the "hot blower" is useful but scary!
Actually, after this, I used two soldering irons to melt the solder on both sides of the terminal without using the "hot blower", and I could easily remove it!
(Wao! the scales have fallen off my eyes!)
In such a case, I needed both hands, but a "small soldering iron" that can heat and removable at high speed was useful ♪ ( Fig.6 [click] )
Preparing two soldering irons can be a hassle, but since it can be heated immediately with a 5V (USB) power supply, both "preparation" and "cleanup" are easy.