PC110 WVGA-TFT backlight investigation
I am thinking about how to supply the power supply for the backlight of "VGA-TFT module "AT050TN23 V.1"", and unfortunately LED drive voltage and specified voltage ( just +5V) in specification I noticed that there is a gap with some.
The driving voltage of a normal white LED is around +3.5V, so the specified voltage (+5V) is not reached in either one (+3.5V) or two columns (+7V) LEDs.
This must have a current control circuit inside !
In that case, it seems that it is necessary to consider a countermeasure different from the backlight of "WVGA-TFT module" that I have been thinking about.
Then, what are the characteristics of "WVGA-TFT backlight" up to now ?
... Actually, I haven't examined it in detail.
Therefore, I examined the current-luminance characteristics again. (Fig_2 <click>) Brightness measurement depends on "SOAR 1801 OPTICAL POWER METER" (junk), but the accuracy is not guaranteed.
However, I think it can be used for rough trends and comparisons. Brightness was measured in micro Watt (notation: µW) unit, and drive current was measured up to 60mA. (Fig_1)
The power supply used was a "DC stabilized power supply" having a capacity of amperes, and the ammeter used was a commercially available "digital multimeter".
The value of "brightness" changes depending on the measurement location, the distance from the light emitting surface, the inclination, etc., so I chose the value that I think is the maximum value at that time.
In this "Measurement", it was found that it is better to increase the "maximum current value" (20mA) decided by improving the "relay board" a little more. I will change it to 25mA to 30mA.
+++++ Visibility and screen brightness of regular machines ++++
Both "backlights" are used/junk products (with touch panel/digitizer), so they may have deteriorated considerably.
However, if the brightness 1µW or more, I think the "visibility" of the LCD screen will be sufficient.
This means that it can be used practically by flowing , current of 20-30mA.
The power consumption of the 5,6-inch backlight is around 1W.
It can be said that the backlight for the VGA-TFT module described above is "low impedance type", whereas it is "high impedance type".
(Ah, I remembered the vacuum tube radio and amplifier♪)
For reference, when I checked the screen brightness of the regular machine, it seemed to have deteriorated considerably, but it was about 1.7µW to 2.8µW.
(However, at Toen, it is doubtful whether a new LCD screen shiny has ever existed, so there is no reference target, and it is not clear how much it deteriorates.)
+++++ Backlight drive of "AT050TN23 V.1" +++++
Estimating the power consumption of the "limiter circuit" between the "power supply" and the "LED backlight",
*WVGA-TFT. ≈ 300mW (= (27V-17V)x30mA
*VGA-TFT. ≈ 825mW(= (10.5V-5V)x150mA)
The loss (heat generation) is likely to increase on low-voltage drive of the VGA-TFT.
Therefore, it might be better to use a "DC-DC converter" with better conversion efficiency than a voltage drop type (heat dissipation type) regulator.
However, considering whether there is enough room for the "relay board", it will be necessary to narrow down the wisdom considerably.