PC110 TFT化 23 ブラウザ 発見 [to English Note]
![図1:自サイトを閲覧中 [click]→図2:RetroZilla 2.2を起動中](fig/dspimpua.jpg)
しかし、これまで使って来た「Internet Explorer 5.5」では、昨今のように“暗号化伝送(TLS 1.2)”が求められる厳しい時代になると、閲覧出来るサイト群(http://...)は限られてしまう。
考えねばならない必要条件は、「クロック〜40MHz、メモリ〜20MB」のマシン上の「Win95」下で動作して、TLS 1.2対応( https://...)のサイトが閲覧出来ること、だ。
尚、同時期に見掛けた「SeaMonkey 1.1.19」の方は、上手く働かなかった。
![図3:インストール中の状態 [click]→図4:「RetroZilla 2.2」をインストールした](fig/dspimpuc.jpg)
+++ 「RetroZilla」組み込み +++
![図5:自家製のアクセス・ランプ [click]→図6:](fig/dspimpue.jpg)
+++ アクセス・ランプと別AP設置 +++
[English Note]
PC110 TFT-ized #23 Good Browser was found ! [6/28]
![Fig_1:Viewing my site with [RetroZilla] [click]→Fig_2:Booting up the [RetroZilla]](fig/dspimpua.jpg)
The old PC "PC110" has also been cleaned by replacing the display with "TFT-LCD".
But as long as it is "PC", I hope it should be worked as the viewer of the Internet sites.
if it will be so, I would be seemed as a organisms that should be continued much maintaining.
In "Internet Explorer 5.5" which I had used up to now, in the age of "encrypted transmission (TLS 1.2)" such as today, the sites as (https://...) becomes to cannot be browsed.
The necessary condition of the "Browser" is that it is possible to view (TLS 1.2 allowable/restricted) sites by operating under "Win95" on a "clock 40 MHz, memory 20 MB" machines (="PC110").
I was looking for some browsers that can handle this condition, and I finally found it !
It is "RetroZilla 2.2" on GitHub sites by "rn10950". (Thanks! "rn10950")
Installation went well, and it takes some time to boot, but it is normal ! (Fig_2<click>)
However, this is not enough. Errors often occur at other sites.
Although there are problems, I can browse my own site "Garakutaen (https://garakutaen.sakura.ne.jp)" properly with this, let's start with this ! (Fig_1)
Now, with confidence, it is likely that I will be able to maintain and improve this old soldier "PC110" for a long time in the future !
![Fig_3 : under installing! [click]→Fig_4 :I used Ver 2.2](fig/dspimpuc.jpg)
+++ "RetroZilla" built-in +++
Considering the slowness of the processing of "PC110", I downloaded the exe version instead of the zip version and downloaded the 2.2 version. (Fig_4 <click>)
After all, it takes considerable time to install and start. (Fig_3)
This is natural because it is "CPU clock: 40 MHz".
But when I think that "Win98" is operated on "PC110", I feel a little faster than that.
Furthermore, if you think of running, walking, or crawling like "Win2000" on the "PC110", you feel much faster than that! . . . But late! (Lol)
However, it is better than "Error" coming out and stopping!
![Fig_5 : bright the built_in access-lamp [click]→Fig_6 : Another A.P.](fig/dspimpue.jpg)
+++ Access lamp and another AP installed +++
My "PC110"s incorporates a home-made "access lamp" (originally to see the access condision of the CF). (Fig_5)
This is very useful when running slow operating systems and application programs.
Even if it is unclear whether it is in operation, it may blink, so I can see that it is in process.
(Still now, I'm smiling for the goodness of this. v(^-^;)
Since "PC110" does not have a "Wired LAN" terminal, it is mandatory to use "Wireless LAN" connection, but the "Wireless LAN Card" already uses the obsolete encryption method (WEP).
In order to cope with that, I prepared one AP (Access Point) separately. (Fig_6 <click>)
This is to keep the power off except when necessary.
Few day ago, a foreign person gave me an advice that the PCMCIA Card for LAN is available for Wiring LAN on "PC110".
I shall try them later day.