PC110 TFT-LCD 29 LCD表示系 一新 [to English Note]
![図1:入れ替えた新しいTFTモジュールでの表示 [click]→図2:ジャンク・ナビ機から取ったTFTモジュールでの暗線欠陥](fig/dsptftaa.jpg)
「PC110」の改善・改修が、思い描いた通りに、どんどん進むので面白くて仕方がない♪ (尤も、Win95,Win98用画面切替プログラムを除いては、だが)
先に、ナビ機から採った「5-inch TFTモジュール」に1本だけなんだが、暗線欠陥があった。(図2<クリック>)
これは改善したいと思っていたが、先般、Mikeさん(英)が発見して教えてくださった「5-inch TFTモジュール」を、私も注文してみることにした。
![図3:表面の汚れは、保護シートだった! [click]→図4:約2週間で届いた](fig/dsptftac.jpg)
+++ 新モジュール到着 +++
市場は「eBay UK」だが、出品と出荷は中国からだった。
試しに、「eBay USA」や「セカイモン」でも探してみたが、同じものは見付けられず。
しかし、この後がうざい!「PayPal」を騙る偽メールや、「eBay UK」からは、“商品紹介メール”が、わんさか来るようになった。(そんなの、いらんつーの!)
![図5:一気呵成に、コネクタを6個半田付け [click]→図6:幾回もの、短時間攻撃で、仕上げた](fig/dsptftae.jpg)
+++ 中継基板作り +++
到着した「5-inch TFT-LCDモジュール」は、一旦、現用の「中継基板」で表示させてみて、問題が無いことを確認した。
![図7:新スッキリ内装/中継部 [click]→図8:今までの中継部](fig/dsptftag.jpg)
+++ 内装の簡素化 +++
![図9:旧中継基板と新基板 [click]→図10:旧中継基板で、新TFTモジュールの正邪を確認](fig/dsptftai.jpg)
+++ 確認 +++
[English Note]
PC110 TFT-LCD #29 Make Interface boards [8/3]

Improvement and repair of "PC 110", as I envisioned, go on and on, so it's fun and can not be helped ♪
(Yeah, except for programs for Win95 and Win98, though)
There is only one dark-line defect in the "5-inch TFT module" taken from a navigation device. (Fig_2 <click>)
I wanted to improve this, so I ordered "5-inch TFT-LCD module" that Mr. Mike (UK) discovered and taught me.
There were two reasons to go ahead with the purchase.
* The cost including shipping cost is \ 1,564, which is very reasonable.
* I could pay "Paypal" for the payment, not "Credit card payment" I don't like.
(For me, shopping on 'eBay', when it became 'UK', there has been so far nothing and full of anxiety)
In this way, when the item comes in, I thought if there is no mistake in the procedure, it will go good way.
However, one of the things that I mistaked was that the registration of the address and name on "eBay" remained in Japanese. I think that the contractor who placed the order would be in trouble.
(Even if there is a Japanese font, he may not have been able to enter keys if he/she do not know how to type it ?)
When I hurried and sent my address in English later, I received an answer of “OK!”, And since then I passed through the middle and were put into the mailbox without mistake.
There is no defect in the panel of the replaced (new) "TFT module", and there is also a change in the "relay board", and the flicker that has been noticeable is also reduced. !
![Fig_3 : The dirt on the surface was that of the protective sheet! [click]→Fig_4 : Arraived about 2 weeks](fig/dsptftac.jpg)
+++ New module arrived +++
The market is "eBay UK" but the listing and shipping were from China.
Triangular trading relationship !. . . I also imagine that the collaboration between UK and China seems to be good so far, so there may be many exhibitions from China.
I tried to search "ebay USA" and "Sekaimon" but I could not find the same one.
Overseas shipments will have to wait up to 30 days (as described by eBay) from ordering to receipt, but this time it arrived in about two weeks.
It's free shipping by regular mail, so I can't expect express delivery, but if it's two weeks there's no complain.
Inside, in addition to the product, there is also a note (as request), And "Please send me an email when it arrives !", So to the "inquiry" from "eBay" that came earlier , I replied.
However, it has been frustrating after this with a fake mail posted from somewhere or come a lot of introduction of goods mails from "eBay UK".
![Fig_5 : Solder six connectors at a time [click]→Fig_6 : Finished with several short attacks](fig/dsptftae.jpg)
+++ Intermediate board making +++
The "5-inch TFT-LCD module" that arrived is temporarily displayed with the current "intermediate board" to confirm that there is no problem.
The "intermediate board" was also planned to be replaced with the new "integrated board = assembled PCBA" I ordered now has not been made yet.
According to their reply to my question, "Why is your factory delayed ?", my ordered "PCBA" (an express fee added \ 18,411 shipping included) is being blocked by orders for PCBA "(approximately cost \ 7,200 included, free of assemble charge).
Since the previous three species had been sent on a reasonable schedule, I will wait silentry.
Therefore, I made up my mind to "use the soldered connector" by myself.
Soldering of this 0.5mm pitch connector is quite difficult.
But when I got up, I was able to finish one after another. (Fig_5)
The point to note is that "do not apply too much paste", it seems better to apply an appropriate amount between the pins and the PCB terminals.
Besides, it is not good to keep pressing the solder pot for a long time because the solder is hard to melt.
If I keep pressing too much, the plastic part will become soft and the "whole connector" will be deformed.
It seems to be best to focus on "short attack" with patience and ingenuity.
There were several places just before the failure, but I managed to get over. (Fig_6 <click>)
![Fig_7 : New refreshing interior / intermidiate board [click]→Fig_8 : old board](fig/dsptftag.jpg)
+++ Interior simplification +++
So far, the "relay boards" are two small boards with a connector in hand connected by hand wiring, and in fact, the "inconsistency" of the wiring and the overall "thickness" were also problems. (Fig_8 <click>)
In this "new intermidiate board", the printed wiring also separates the clock lines and the signal lines to make it clearer and there is no extra thickness.
(One size, I was worried about "fineness of wiring" (0.5mm width, standard copper lines thickness, but there seems to be no problem in particular)
The "flexible cable to the liquid crystal" from the "PC110" main body is lightly twisted once, and it just comes to fit the connector position.
This is not particularly fixed, and is lightly held by the back cover.
This will not be necessary now, but the location of the "intermidiate board" should be changed considerably.
The flex cable-to-connector relationship is such that the 5-inch module is matched at the center connector and the 6-inch module is exactly matched at the left end connector.
(This is the position matched to the original TFT module of "DTN-X650, DTN-X6500")
![Fig_9: Old boards and new board [click]→Fig_10 : Confirming the new module with old boards](fig/dsptftai.jpg)
+++ Check +++
After fixing the connectors, I was somewhat anxious whether the screen came out properly, but after turning on the power, I was relieved because the wallpaper of "Win95" came out properly ! (Fig_10 <click>)
In this state, there is no concern such as poor soldering, and some problems do not occur even if it is moved.
By the way, in the "old boards", even if one wire is missing due to a soldering failure, the display may not appear and it may be blurred, but this is not the case either. (Fig_9)
In addition, I intend to improve "Garber data" of "substrate" after confirming the success or failure of "assembly with connector" about the reference material of "new intaemidiate borad".
However, it should be done after confirming how to align each file and whether there is a mismatch with the actual item.
Otherwise, there may not be any misunderstanding.