4.PC110用 TMBM(MultiBoot) 未完成 [to MBM CF] PreFinish [2021/04/24]
3.PC110用 TMBMメニュー表示 改良 [to MBM menu on TFT-LCD] [2021/04/18]
2.PC110用 MBMメニュー LCD表示 [to MBM menu on TFT-LCD] [2021/03/27]
1.PC110用 マルチ・ブートCF 試作 [to Multi-Boot CF try] [2021/03/11]
PC110 マルチ・ブートCF 完成 [to Multi-Boot-CF Finish ]
![図17:Win98+IE5.5でインターネット閲覧:画像のスクリーンショット例 [click]→図18:マルチ・ブートCF第一号](fig/mmultcfq.jpg)
+++ 全「PC110」でのネット閲覧が、最終目標 +++
+「PC-DOS」|「Win95」|「Win98」切り替え可能 ・・・ TMBMによる
+「WVGA-TFT-LCD」 | 「STN-LCD」(「FSTN-LCD」)切り替え可能 ・・・ TMBM、ct65535f、ct65535wによる
+「PCWA-C150S」|「WLI-PCM-L11GP」差し替え使用 ・・・ (両ドライバのWin95用、Win98用を準備)
![図19:WLI-PCM-L11GPの装着状態 [click]→図20:分解した状態とアンテナ部?](fig/mmultcfs.jpg)
+++ 無線LANカード +++
(改めて調べてみて、SONY Aibo用の"無線カード"も同じもののようなので、これも使えるかもしれない。他方、"カード・バス"方式のものは、多分、「PC110」では使えないと思う)
![図21:ネットワーク上に現れた「PC110」のドライブ群 [click]→図22:Googleの画像検索で](fig/mmultcfu.jpg)
+++ 苑内ネット接続 +++
PC110 Multi-boot CF completed
+++ All " PC110 ", the final goal is to browse the Internet +++
The ultimate goal of maintaining and managing " PC110 " at our garden is " dynamic preservation " that allows "Internet browsing".
However, due to aging, machines that cannot be booted from FDD or alone " Win95-CF" or " Win98-CF Some machines have started to be unable to create Win95,98-CF ".
So you have to create a separate CF that can boot them on a "createable machine".
In addition, I decided to prepare a universal type " multi-boot CF ".
The first " Multi-Boot-CF " has been completed ! ( Fig.18 [click] )
And with that " Win95,98 ", "Internet browsing" became possible.
Actually, I tried various "web browsers", but none of them worked.
In the end, I came back to " IE5.5 ". You can only browse one page of the cover page or "images" (such as " Google "), but well, that's fine! ( Fig.17 )
The function of " Multi-boot CF " is
+ " PC-DOS " | " Win95 " | " Win98 "font>" can be switched ... by TMBM
+ "WVGA-TFT-LCD" | "STN-LCD" ("FSTN-LCD") switchable ... TMBM, ct65535f, ct65535w
+ " PCWA-C150S " | " WLI-PCM-L11GP " replacement use ... ( WLI-PCM-L11GP of both drivers Prepare for Win95, Win98 )
" Wireless LAN card " was used for "Internet connection".
I'll use SONY made " PCWA-C150S " or BUFFALO made " WLI-PCM-L11GP ".
I tried to "clone" " multi-boot CF ", but all the tools were unsuccessful .
So it seems that I have to create the CF one by one. (Tohoho!)
Apparently, the system is not " LBA compatible " to create a clone, so it seems to be useless.
If I get a new source (which was broken), start over from the beginning.
+++ Wireless LAN card +++
I wanted to use " PCWA-C150S " for all (short head type) because the real intention is compact, but now It seems that it is difficult to buy and obtain cheaply. ( Fig.19 )
(If one look it up again, the "wireless card" for SONY Aibo seems to be the same, so one may be able to use this as well. On the other hand, the "card bus" method May not work with " PC110 ")
After all, I decided to use " WLI-PCM-L11GP " which I have a lot of (cheaper) them.
I tried disassembling it, but it seems impossible to remodel it into a short-headed type.
Also, I don't have to put it in the " small bag ", so I can put up with it even if it's a little bulky on my desk.
+++ Internet connection in the garden +++
First of all, I tried to "browse the Internet" with a "wireless LAN card", but for the time being, "viewing images" was possible, so I'm relieved ♪ ( Fig.22 [click] )
(As before, there was no problem in the days when it was not "encrypted communication", but now it is a big problem !)
Next, I wanted to try communicate with " PC110 " and the main machine ( Win10 ) etc. Is it possible to directly access to " PC110 " ( Win95,98 ) ? I want to try it if possible.
Initially, it was useless as it is, but when I looked it up on the net, It seems that "smb1.0" should be activated .
When I tried it immediately, I was able to connect successfully ! ( Fig.21 )
Now I can have a conversation with "machines in the garden" (should).
Until now, the transfer and exchange of prototype programs was done with " CF " while paying attention to insertion and removal, but from now on, "wireless communication " It will be more convenient because it can be replaced with.
PC110用 マルチ・ブートCF 試作 [to Multi-Boot CF try]
![図1:5型TFT化No14:桧で、Win98を起動した状態 [click]→図2:4-OSを1GBに(無理に)収納](fig/mmultcfa.jpg)
以前にやったことのある「MBM 0.39」で、「PC-DOS」、「Win3.1」、「Win95」、「Win98」を、全部組み込んでも、"1GB"でお釣りが来る予定だったが、..."見通し"が甘かった。
![図3:山積みになりつつあるCF群 [click]→図4:今回買ったノーネームCF群](fig/mmultcfc.jpg)
+++ 発端 +++
只、「OS/2 Warp」や「Win2000」などは、使用頻度が低いから、"単体CF"で、"差し替え方式"でも構わないだろう。
![図5:MBMで、1GBを3領域に分けた [click]→図6:OSインストール時に梃子摺った](fig/mmultcfe.jpg)
+++MBMを使う +++
![図7:メニューが見えないので、外部ディスプレイを使用 [click]→図8:画面右側欠けの状態](fig/mmultcfg.jpg)
+++ 現状では、外部ディスプレイが不可欠 +++
+++ ct65535w.exeの留意点 +++
「ct65535e.exe /mx」は、DOSベース上で、LCD⇔CRT(外部ディスプレイ)切替が行えて、また、WVGA-TFT-LCDでの画面の右寄せ(x文字の2倍分)が出来る。
「ct65535w.exe n」は、Win95、Win98上で、LCD⇔CRT切替が行えて、画面の右寄せ(n文字分)が出来る。
その「ショートカット」のプロパティで、コマンドオプションとして、"....exe 16"などと書き加えておけば、"画面右寄せ"が出来る。
PC110用 TFT-LCD上にMBMメニューを 表示 [to MBM Menu on TFT-LCD]
![図9:MBMメニュー画面が表示出来た! [click]→図10:最終的なファイラー(FILMTN/PC-DOS)画面](fig/mmultcfi.jpg)
+++ TFT-LCD画面にMBMメニュー +++
先回(↑)、1個のCFを3分割(3パーティションに)して、「PC-DOS+Win3.1+ツール類」、「Win95B」、「Win98」を入れておいて、「MBM(Multi Boot Manager)」を使って必要に応じてOSを切り換えれば、実験に都合が良かろうと考えて、取り組み始めたのだが、最初のメニューが、TFT-LCD画面には出て来ないので、困ってしまった。
![図11:私製サブルーチンの呼び出し箇所 [click]→図12:私製サブルーチン+表は、常駐部の手前に置いた](fig/mmultcfk.jpg)
+++ α=ct6b_iの置き場所 +++
これへの対策は、「autoexec.bat」に「ct65535e.exe /m8」を置いておいて、それで補正をするようにした。
当然ながら、「Win95」、「Win98」を起動した場合は、「ct65535w.exe 15(または、16)」も必要になる。
PC110用 TMBM 表示プログラムを改良 [to Menu Improved on TFT-LCD]
![図13:TFT-LCDに出せたメニュー [click]→図14:キー入力待ちの状態](fig/mmultcfm.jpg)
+++ 組込み「ct6b」を改良 +++
更に、「XR45レジスタ」のbit7を、フラグとして"1"にセットするので、このフラグで、後で動作させる「ct65535e」などに有効/無効を知らせることが出来る(予定 「ct65535f」で対応)。
![図15:Call命令の置き場所は、マネジャ本体の先頭 [click]→図16:パラメータ表と追加部分](fig/mmultcfo.jpg)
+++ 「ct6b」の置き場所、フラグ +++
[call ct6b]の置き場所は、「ブートマネジャ本体」の先頭にした。(図15)
「ct6b」の表"tftbl"には、"XR45 = 80h"を加えた。(図16[クリック])
Multi-boot CF trial for PC110
The desk shelves are about to overflow with "replaceable" CF (Compact Flash) that incorporates various operating systems. (Fig.3)
So, better yet, I thought that if I put a CF that can "multi-boot" in all machines, I could save the trouble of replacement and clean up the desk.
I happened to find a lot of junk "1GB-CF" (no brand), so I bought it. (10 pieces \ 2,460 including shipping)
I expected that with " MBM 0.39 " ( I've done it before ) all of " PC-DOS " and " Win3.1 "," Win95 "," Win98 " might be able to incorporated into only one CF.
So, I planned to use with " 1GB ".
But, ... The "outlook" was sweet.
The capacity is barely enough, and in the end, " PC-DOS " and " Win3.1 " coexist, about 140MB, 400MB, 460MB each, and finally settled. (Fig.2 [click])
For the time being, " PC-DOS "→" Win3.1 ", " Win95 " and " Win98 " are incorporated, and each can be called independently.(Fig.1 starts Win98 with "No.14:Hinoki/Cypress")
In terms of capacity, there is no room for other "tools".
Rather, it may be possible to cut it off. f(^^;
Now, "multi-boot" has become possible, but the TFT version of " PC110 " still has major issues .
Actually, I can't see " boot menu of MBM " without using "external display".
Of course, once I get used to it, "Blind touch" is enough, but it is limited to "only during peace and peace".
(It's obvious that if I have a problem, I can't do that !)
Looking at the explanation material of " MBM ", it is said that the display system can be crafted by the extended method, so next time, I will try to make the menu appear on the "TFT screen".
Furthermore, this time, on " Win95 " and " Win98 ", "TFT display conversion procedure" took a lot of time to set up " ct65535w.exe " to perform "right justification", so I will refresh the "usage" of it again below. (See below)
+++ Initiation +++
Initially, " CF with a single OS " was put in the cupboard and put in and out when needed, but " PC110 " itself as the number of machines increased and I wanted to try some things increased, those CFs began to remain thrown on the desk. (Fig.3)
In "TFT-ized PC110 " and "FSTN-ized PC110 ", " ct65535d.exe " and " ct65535w.exe " are set to "used state" and "unused state" and prepared separately. That's what happens when it is there.
Therefore, I thought that if I put in one CF (which can multi-boot the OS) that matches each " PC110 ", I could clean up the desk.
However, " OS/2 Warp " and " Win2000 " are used infrequently, so as I'll use a single CFs with the "replacement method".
When I was fishing, a "no brand/no label" pecurious CFs were at a relatively low price, so I bought it.
However, the CF with no marks or labels is somewhat dullzy, though I dared to buy this. ... (Fig.4 [click])
+++ Use MBM +++
This time, I tried to incorporate " Win3.1 ", " Win95 ", and " Win98 " in that order.
However, the estimate of "area size" was poor, and while I was expanding and contracting it many times, the size when I formatted it did not fit.
I don't know if it's related to that, but when I built in " Win95 ", I started getting error . (Fig.6 [click])
I'm not sure why the error is, but somehow I felt that it wasn't good to use up each area without any gaps.
Therefore, I set up a blank area of interbeing about 10MB in front of the " Win95 " section.
The error is gone, so the problem has also gone !
However, I had to install " MBM " every time I installed the OS, but I inadvertently forgot the procedure and proceeded to the next, so it took a long time to make one with occuring some troubles.
After this, I'll mass-produce (?) using the cloning method.
+++ At present, an external display is indispensable +++
I've been thinking about embedding " ct65535e.exe " in the boot sector for some time, but I wasn't do anything about it.
Originally, I would like to incorporate the "TFT conversion program" into the BIOS so that the method as Mr. Moonlight is realized, but I am still learning the "BIOS chip" and it doesn't reach there.
Right now, I think that if I use the "extended menu" of " MBM ", I can improve the "current situation where I can't see the menu" on the TFT screen, so I'd like to investigate further.
The "ct65535e.exe" will be able to adjust the screen right-shift on "WVGA-TFT-LCD" (with Win95, Win98 ), but it cann't adjust in "the right edge missing state ". (Fig.8 [click])
To make up for this, I created " ct65535w.exe ", but make a note of the "summary" so that I can forget it.
+++ ct65535w.exe points to keep in mind +++
(Although it is a home-made program for myself (but anyone can read and use it with own risk), it is already leaving behind oblivion, and even this setting was difficult, so I will write again here)
" ct65535e.exe /mx " can switch as LCD ⇔ CRT (means external display) on a DOS base, and screen is right-shift on WVGA-TFT-LCD . (twice the x characters).
" ct65535w.exe n " can switch between LCD and CRT on " Win95 " and " Win98 ", and the screen can be right-shift (n characters).
In addition, it is possible to correct the chipping on the right edge of the screen. (However, after switching between LCD and CRT)
" ct65535w.exe " cannot be started by itself (unlike " ct65535e.exe ").
First, the I/O driver (minimum unit) " PORT95NT.EXE " must be installed.
In addition, " msvbvm60.dll " and " oleaut32.dll (since 1998/12/18)" are " Must exist in " system " of Windows ".
(I have put it together as a "zip file" at the bottom of the top page of this site. Latest version 2021.3.9 version)
In most cases, the original "oleaut32.dll" will warn one "Don't replace it because it's old !", And if one try to replace it as it is, it will refuse "You can't replace it because you're using it now !".
It may be better to rewrite it under DOS mode or just under the condition of "file handling" (another PC).
Then, "ct65535w.exe" is embedded as a "shortcut" in "Startup" further below "Start Menu" under "Windows".
If one add "...exe 16" etc. as a command option in the "shortcut" property, one can "right shift the screen by space of 16 charachtors".
This program does not have a resident function, so I will use "shortcuts" to operate it.
The main function of this is " LCD ⇔ CRT switching ", but since it includes the LCD screen adjustment/normalization function, it is also effective for correcting "right screen missing state".
The numbers on the menu can be used in combination with the Alt key to "switch(alt+7)" and "end(Alt+6)".
Display MBM menu on TFT-LCD for PC110
++++ MBM menu on the TFT-LCD screen ++++
Last time (↑), one CF was divided into 3 (partitions), and " PC-DOS + Win3.1 + Tools", " Win95B ", " Win98 " I thought that it would be convenient for the experiment if I put in and switch the OS as needed using " MBM (Multi Boot Manager)". I started working on it, but I was in trouble because the first menu did not appear on the TFT-LCD screen.
This is something that wouldn't happen with the original "STN-LCD screen" or "external display screen", but with "TFT-LCD", it's unavoidable right now, so I'd like to improve it somehow.
... That said, it's also a good chance to try rewriting the video chip parameters during the Boot stage!
Actually, the (physical) "removal" and "reinstallation" of the "BIOS chip" has a very low probability of success in my case. (Win rate:0/2)
Therefore, I have been wondering if it is possible to support TFT-LCD with only soft measures without replacing the chip.
Hopefully, is it possible to rewrite the BIOS parameters at the BOOT stage?
Aside from that, in order to display the " MBM " menu on the "TFT-LCD screen", it is necessary for the "source" (provided together). It would be best to have a good program installed and then create an executable file.
For that, I need " OPTASM " and " OLINK " that can assemble " MBM source". At this time, it doesn't seem to be easily available.
... Fortunately, when I was searching around for half the time, it was saved on the site . I was able to find it! ... I got it and used it. (Thanks!)
Then, when I write the assemble & link with " MBM + α" to the boot sector, the TFT-LCD will look great on the screen, I was able to display the " MBM menu" that I couldn't see before! (Fig.9)
I used " ct65535e.exe " in " autoexec.bat " to correct the missing right edge of the final screen. (Fig.10 [click])
++++ α = ct6b_i storage location ++++
The added "+α" is a tentative name: " ct6b_i " (about 100 bytes), (homemade) Only the " element " part extracted from ct65535e.asm (register rewrite operation part and table 2 sets).
I'm still not sure, so I avoided putting the subroutine part in the resident part and let me interrupt it in front of it. (Fig.12 [click])
I checked several places to call and put them at the beginning of the place where there is a comment of "Display menu". (Fig.11)
In addition to that, I put call commands in some places experimentally, but some of them are invalid and meaningless.
Boot with " MBM + α " when I install it in a sector and turn on the power, the " MBM menu" will appear on the TFT-LCD screen properly!♪
However, the rewritten "XR register value" at such an early stage seems to undergo various trials (corrections) on the way, and the last "TFT-LCD screen" when the OS started up (especially, right-shifted on the WVGA-TFT-LCD screen) The right edge is missing .
As a countermeasure against this, I put " ct65535e.exe /m8 " in " autoexec.bat " and corrected it with it.
Of course, when I start " Win95 " or " Win98 ", I also put the "ct65535w.exe 15 (or 16)".
What I was able to increase my knowledge this time is that cylinder 0 has a lot of free space, and it seems that it can be used freely, so it seems that various preprocessing can be done at boot time, so I was interested.
The current " ct6b_i " for embedding still has to be improvement, so I would like to work on it in a timely manner.
Improved TMBM display program for PC110
+++ Improved built-in "ct6b" +++
The " MBM + α " created last time (↑) was actually inserted in the wrong place, so I recreated the built-in routine " ct6b " this time and made it appropriate. I inserted it in a place that seems to be, and let me name the whole as " TMBM ".
The function of this is to make the "MBM Boot selection menu" appear on the TFT-LCD screen, and after 3 beeps, it becomes " waiting for key input ". ( Fig.14 [click] )
The display at this time cannot be seen on the TFT-LCD screen, so it was necessary to do something like this.
Then, if one press the 'l' or 'L'key, the " ct6b " (embedded inside) will bring up a "selection menu" on the TFT-LCD screen. ( Fig.13 )
With other keys, " ct6b " will not be called and will be displayed on the STN-LCD or external display as usual.
Furthermore, since bit7 of the "XR45 register" is set to "1" as a flag, it is possible to notify valid/invalidity to " ct65535e " etc. to be operated later with this flag (only a plan).
Actually, this improvement has been experimented with by increasing the number of conventional "STN-LCD" and "FSTN-LCD" types in the possessed " PC110 "s.
While I was doing it, the CFs got mixed up and the display disappeared at startup, which was a problem.
It's easy to talk about if there is a way to automatically determine "TFT-LCD" or "STN-LCD" by a program, but I haven't found a "method to detect the difference" yet.
(Well, I don't think there is an interesting way...)
" Multi-boot CF " seems to be convenient and interesting, but it is quite troublesome to prepare ♪
If I want to change the size of each partition on the way, I will have to start over.
By the way, PC-DOS/Win3.1, Win95, Win98 is not divided into 3 equal parts, for example, 2GB is as "3", "8", "9", and tools are shared with" Win95 "and" Win98 "and distributed to both...
If there are few allocations in the Win area, it was not possible to incorporate " IE5.5 " well.
+++ Where to put "ct6b", flag +++
The routine " ct6b " for switching the screen to "TFT-LCD" has only one set of XR register value table.
(Last time, I was thinking of putting two sets and switching between them, but I omitted it because it is useless.)
The location of [call ct6b ] is at the beginning of the "boot manager body". ( Fig.15 )
And the main body of " ct6b " was placed right after "BootCmdTable".
(There are no problems so far)
"XR45 = 80h" was added to the " ct6b " table. ( Fig.16 [click] )
This will be used later as a flag for reference.
The prototype program " TMBM " is " tmbm.zip " including the inc file.