** 内容 **
1.加工 1.Processing [2020/09/05]
2.改良 2.Improved [2020/09/11]
3.修理 3.Repairing [2020/09/13]
PC110 nFSTN-LCD化 加工 [to English Note]
![図1:起動したPasonaware、前偏光板は約20度の傾斜 [click]→図2:研削中の変質したフィルム材](fig/mnfstn1a.jpg)
「nFSTN-LCD」は、僭越ながら私が付けた"私製造語"で、元々あるべき「位相差(補償用)フィルム」を、研削加工して取り去った"no Film STN-液晶"の意味だが、今回はその研削加工の話。(図2[クリック])
結果は、期待したように、初期の「Easy Setup」などがちゃんと見られる"表示"になったし、起動した「Pasonaware」も、色はヘンだが、内容はよく分かるようになった。(図1 この液晶パネルには、大きな欠陥箇所が2か所ある)
![図3:使った道具類(矢印は、重用品) [click]→図4:加工対象にしたnFSTN-LCD](fig/mnfstn1c.jpg)
+++ 道具類と加工対象 +++
![図5:バックライト部を一体で取り外し [click]→図6:外さない方が良いフック](fig/mnfstn1e.jpg)
+++ 加工前の準備 +++
![図7:制御回路基板を保護する為の板 [click]→図8:制御回路基板の厚さを超える厚みが必要](fig/mnfstn1g.jpg)
+++ 当て板は重要 +++
![図9:硬い膜をカッター・ナイフで削り取る [click]→図10:剥離液でも取り除けない固着物も、カッターナイフで除去](fig/mnfstn1i.jpg)
+++ カッターナイフの有用性 +++
PC110 nFSTN-LCD化 改良 [to English Note]
![図11:カッターナイフだけで、研削ほぼ完了! [click]→図12:最初の一掻き](fig/mnfstn1k.jpg)
![図13:追加した電解コンデンサ [click]→図14:絵が出て来た!](fig/mnfstn1m.jpg)
+++ C5容量抜け?! +++
![図15:注目した駆動線群は横線 [click]→図16:取り付けが一番面倒な箇所](fig/mnfstn1o.jpg)
+++ 注目した駆動線は?! +++
![図17:偏光板の保護膜残し [click]→図18:保護膜を残した場合の色味](fig/mnfstn1q.jpg)
+++ 保護フィルムと色味 +++
PC110 nFSTN-LCD化 修理 [to English Note]
![図19:DOS画面が出たnFSTN-LCD [click]→図20:端子周りに汚物が!](fig/mnfstn1s.jpg)
![図21:付加した小型電解コンデンサとLCDケースの空間は? [click]→図22:C5とC7を、耐熱フィルムで囲って、高温度ブロワで外した](fig/mnfstn1u.jpg)
+++ コンデンサの取り外しと付加 +++
![図23:表面実装用コンデンサ10μF/16Vを使ってみた [click]→図24:針やピンセットで丁寧に持ち上げて外す](fig/mnfstn1w.jpg)
+++ 小型コンデンサと接続部の扱い +++
[English Note]
[Reiwa 2, Sep. 5(2020/09/05)]
PC110 nFSTN-LCD processing
![Fig_1 : Launched Pasonaware, The front polarizer is tilted about 20 degrees [click]→Fig_2 : Deformed film material during grinding](fig/mnfstn1a.jpg)
"nFSTN-LCD" is a "My home-made terms" that I have attached, despite the fact that
It means "no Film STN-liquid crystal", which is the original "phase difference (compensation) film" that was ground and removed.
But this time it's Grinding processing. (Fig_2 [click])
At the beginning of the thing, No.7:"Take/Bamboo" became sick, and I paid for it, but I can not see "Initial display" because it is TFT.
It begins with what was in trouble.
I wanted to see "screen display" for everything, so I desperately worked on it so that the initial screen can be seen with "FSTN-LCD" which has deteriorated and disappeared.
I tried. ^^;
Grinding is a difficult (?) simple work (!) that requires about 3 hours per unit (two polarizing plates and layers), but it was mostly mechanical work.
(I defeated three of them!!! ... But a tragedy will be revealed at a later date. Except for the first one, the other three were annihilated/hidden. Backlight Only is brilliant !?)
I bought and used "Polarizing sheet" 163mmx163mmx0.2mm (?) with no color and no adhesive. (2 sheets \858 including shipping)
The rear "polarizing sheet" is cut into a rectangle and placed as it is. On the front side, it seems that the color is bad but the contrast is good when tilted about 15~20 degrees.
As expected, the initial "Easy Setup" was displayed properly, and the "Pasonaware" that started up had curious colors, but I've come to understand the contents well. (Fig_1 This LCD panel has two major defects)
I want "PC110" to be "dynamically preserved" as much as possible. I also made 3 units.
(However, the main No.7:"Take/Bamboo" seems to be still in poor condition, and "out-of-sync" is terrible. Will be a separate article)
![Fig_3 : Tools used (arrows are heavy items) [click]→Fig_4 : NFSTN-LCD](fig/mnfstn1c.jpg)
+++ Tools and processing target +++
The previous processing was almost a trial-and-error process, so I don't think I paid much attention to the safety of the "LCD unit".
Currently, the only past processed product left is one unit, but when I checked it, it was unfortunately immobile state.
Therefore, this time, I focused on working so as not to damage the module body.
The tools used were a cutter-knife, cotton swabs, a tweezers, a +driver, adhesive stripper (regroin type ?), backing plates, and auxiliary pliers, bamboo skewer, etc. (Fig_3)
However, the ones I used most heavily were the "cutter-knife" and "reliable plate".
The first machined unit was finished well, so the remaining two pieces that had been preserved were also processed. (Fig_4 [click])
(I divided it into 2 days, but my muscles in my shoulder were screaming, as expected. ^^;)
![Fig_5 : Removing the backlight unit integrally [click]→Fig_6: Do not remove needed hook](fig/mnfstn1e.jpg)
+++ Preparation before processing +++
Before starting the surface treatment, first remove the "Backlight", but at that time, the "bending hook" that fixes the "control circuit board" to the "frame" should not be accidentally returned, I put on a red patch. (Fig_6 [click])
There are three points to keep in mind when removing the "Backlight" (Fig_5).
1. Remove and store multiple sheets as one pack as possible.
2. Do not drop dust particles that spill when removed on the sheet.
3. Carefully remove the spilled dust particles one by one with tweezers.
The dust particles are the deterioration of the double-sided tape and are very difficult/almost impossible to remove when rubbed on the lens sheet.
So, I was troublesome, but I removed them one by one. (I was at a loss because it was difficult to understand which side of the sheet was attached)
![Fi_7 : Board for protecting the control circuit board [click]→Fig_8 : Control circuit A thickness that exceeds the thickness of the board is required.](fig/mnfstn1g.jpg)
+++ The backing plate is important +++
This time, as much as possible, I devised so that force is not applied around the "control circuit board" and the "liquid crystal panel" (where the drive terminals are bonded).
For that purpose, I prepared a wood "reliable plate" with a thickness of about 7 mm. (Fig_7, Fig_8 [click])
(Actually, I prepared another "backing plate" that was the same size as the LCD panel, but it was a little too small to use, so I stopped it on the way.)
The "polarizing plate" was peeled off while holding down the "liquid crystal panel" itself without touching the surrounding frame as much as possible.
These can be peeled off relatively easily.
However, it is very troublesome to remove the deteriorated film/layer thereafter.
![Fig_9 : Scraping a hard film with a cutter/knife [click]→Fig_10: Even with stripper Use the cutter knife to remove adhered matter that cannot be removed.](fig/mnfstn1i.jpg)
+++ Usefulness of cutter-knife +++
How to remove this deterioration layer is different for each person when we see it on the Internet or "YouTube".
I scraped the "dry film" using the "cutter-knife" pushing with my finger. (Fig_9)
The "sticky layer" near the glass face (not dried and not completely cut) cannot be scraped off with the knife alone, so it was scraped off with "peeling liquid" and "cotton swab".
Also, small residual particles that cannot be removed with it can be scraped off with the knife (looking through a loupe). (Fig_10 [click])
In this way, the "cutter-knife" can be used conveniently, but it is because the "hard glass" is used for the liquid crystal panel, so even if it is rubbed with the knife, there is no "visible scratch".
There is also a method of using a solvent such as "ligroin" or "lacquer thinner" to remove the "sticky layer" on the way, but "drivers installed around the liquid crystal panel" or "liquid crystal panel" Since I was worried about the flow into the "adhesive layer attached", I didn't use it too much.
Mainly, a slow solvent and a swab and knife were used to slowly remove the solvent.
So it was 3 hours per unit.
PC110 nFSTN-LCD improved
FSTN-LCD, which controls the display of " PC110 ", I have been working on scraping the rotten film surface endlessly, but at the end, I noticed that there was.
When I cut off the old blade of the "cutter knife" and replaced it with a new blade, the "shaving condition of the film" improved dramatically. (Fig_12 [click])
When observing the cutting edge with a magnifying glass, it is true that old blades have a great deal of "spillage".
So, I replaced it with a new blade, and while observing the cutting edge, and I was able to scrape the entire surface in no time ! (Fig_11)
The sticky film that remained thin was sometimes removed by rolling it with a cutting edge, but it was much faster than dissolving it in a solvent and then removing it.
At the end, I polished it with a solvent.
This may have been easy to scrape because the membrane was very dry by chance.
However, I think it is possible to scrape off most of the film by scraping with a "sharp blade".
.. .. .. However, I will not cut any more (the number of sheets) !
Later, Mr. Moonlight posted a report that if the glass surface is heated in an oven, it can be sharpened cleanly.
+++ C5 capacity missing ?! +++
I connected the newly cut " LCD panel " and the "control board " (I thought this was correct), but it was still a blank screen.
Even if I turn the " Polarizing plate " or keep pressing the " Fn+Ins/Del key", I can't see anything.
However, I kept thinking tenaciously.
Mr.Moonlight introduced me to " Based on the "C5 & C7 repair article ", I checked it on another "control board" and it was OK, so I completely forgot.
Finally, I finally remembered it and checked the "terminal status" with an oscilloscope.
Apparently, it turned out that the signal did not pass through " C5 " on this "control board".
Therefore, if a small electrolytic capacitor of 10 μF and 63 V is connected in parallel (Fig_13), ...
The image came out quickly ! (Fig_14 [click])
I did it! The creation of " nFSTN-LCD " is complete. The hard work so far has been rewarded !
(In addition, about the repair here next time)
By the way, the technical ability and his efforts of Mr." Tenmani-chan " in the above repair article Great ! This "C5&C7 Information" was the last help. Thanks!
+++ What drive line did I pay attention to ?! +++
As a means of checking whether the "control board" is alive, I chose the "connection on the horizontal line drive side".
It is the most troublesome to attach and detach by soldering here, so if possible, I wanted to judge the quality of the "control board" only here.
There are two "connections on the vertical line drive side" above and below, but if there is a problem with these, "partial display defect in the line or band on the screen I was wondering if it would look like".
Besides, the connector terminal on the vertical line side is too thin to feel like touching.
When I looked at the oscilloscope, it seemed that there was a signal, so I decided that it would be okay.
However, due to bad C5 and/or C7, it is possible that some of the signals sent to them were missing and were not displayed.
... However, the fact is that he didn't have the energy to chase after those signals.
+++ Protective film and screen color +++
The "polarizing plate" on the back side was used by cutting out a part of the outer quadrangle at the same angle, but the "polarizing plate" on the front side was used.
To find a contrast that is easy to see, I just put it in a large size and with a "protective film" on it.
Then, it seems that a thin "interference layer" (with the adhesive ?) was formed between the "protective film" and the "polarizing plate", and a color pattern was seen. (Fig_17)
In this photo, it looks like spots, but for example, the color of the blue sea looks really blue, so it doesn't feel bad.
When I try to display the "three-color band", "red" and "green" (which looks like "blue" in the photo) appear, but "blue" looks like only dim "indigo". (Fig_18 [click])
Actually, if I peel off this protective film and use it, it will be " reddish brown color " (the whole is homogeneous), so it is not interesting. (See Fig_1)
The display colors of "nFSTN-LCD" (without the phase difference compensation plate) is not enough.
If a " polarizing plate + " that can make up for the shortage comes out, I would like to use that as well.
Maybe it's already on the market, why not look for it on "eBay" ?
... I found a "90 degree polarizing plate", but wasn't it around 200 degrees for STN ?
Let's find out a little more.
PC110 font> nFSTN-LCD repair
"Bad LCD panel/module " of " PC110 " was able to convert to Good nFSTN-LCD with successful by cleaning the surface and repairing the " control board ".
For peeling and grinding both sides of the "Bad LCD panel ", Mr. Moonligh 's "report that it is good to warm the panel surface a little" is also helpful.
The defect of " control board " is caused by deterioration of C5 and C7 , replacing these seems to fix it.
This is based on the information of " Tenmani-chan ".
In fact, when I look at the terminal of the capacitor with a magnifying glass, I can see that it was covered with dirt, the contents deteriorated, and the liquid was seeping out. (Fig_20 [click])
In other places, such stains are rarely seen and the solder surface is visible.
If the " LCD panel " with the front and back skins (/films) peeled off and the " control board " repaired there are properly combined and operated in a temporary configuration, The display is now displayed properly. Banzai ! (Fig_19)
Of these, the two "LCD panels" had " spots and horizontal line defects " (visible to the eye), so I connected them once. I removed the soldering of the book and replaced it with a defect-free one.
+++ Capacitor removal and addition +++
When I tried to (force) remove the "deteriorated capacitors" on the "control board" (for practice) with a soldering iron, the land came off. (This was failure.)
Surround the area with a "heat-resistant film" and heat it with a "high-temperature blower" while watching the situation.
I was able to remove it in a short time (Fig_22 [click]).
But there was some bursted capacitors.
I searched for an "electrolytic capacitor" to replace this, but I didn't have a very small one, so I tried using the smallest 10μF / 63V which I had.
However, I'm worried that these may suffer a little pressure from the back cover (LCD case). (Fig_21)
(I did the experiment with this, but I'll improve it later)
When I observing with my oscilloscope, the maximum amplitude of the voltage is up to 10V, but the withstand voltage is not over twice that.
For amateurs like us, this is fine, but we will designe usually use something with a withstand voltage of 20V or higher.
If the cause of the deterioration is there, it may be either a "design mistake" or a "product defect".
+++ Handling of small capacitors and connections +++
When I looked inside the "junk box", I found a surface mount "electrolytic capacitor", so I decided to give it a try.
These were removed from a board such as a waste PC with a "high temperature blower".
But since it was unknown whether they were right or wrong, I checked it with LCR-T4 ".
All of them were good ! (8.0~8.9μF).
Postscript: Later (July 8, 2023), it was pointed out that two "electrolytic capacitors" were connected in reverse. turned out.
(This is stated on the photo. It was not operated for a long time after repairing, so the bad effects are unknown.)
Thoroughly polish these surfaces and the solder surface of the "control board", apply a little "solder paste", and then solder one side at a time. (Fig_23)
Actually, I found this "soldering" to be the most difficult !! This is because the solder does not melt easily.
I sweated more than the "7 pins terminal" soldering that I had to do after this.
The " 7 pins terminal " that connect the "control board" and the "LCD panel" were carefully removed one by one with "needle" or "fine tweezers" when removing. (Fig_24 [click])
Again, I think that if I take too much force, "land peeling" and "pin breakage" will occur, so I did it carefully.
The removal and insertion of the " control board " seems to go smoothly when I move it up or down from the " connector side" first.
When I try to move it from the other side, it doesn't work very well.