PC110 No.1、No.12 画面改善 [to English Note]
![図1:色合いが正常化した画面 [click]→図2:旧い中継基板を最新版-1に替えた](fig/wmaint2a.jpg)
+++ No.1 「中継基板」を替えて、色調が正常化 +++
![図3:不良化したSTN-LCDの画面 [click]→図4:温めたら急速に回復](fig/wmaint2c.jpg)
+++ No.12:樫 画面を温めると、表示が正常化 +++
これは、いずれ"液晶ケース"を開けて、「液晶制御回路」を調べてみようと考えていたのだが、試しに、「Heat Tool」で画面を温めてみた。
![図5:液晶制御・駆動回路を調べてみた [click]→図6:駆動波形・電圧に異常は見られない](fig/wmaint2e.jpg)
+++ 駆動波形には、異常無し +++
(勿論、この電圧は、Fn+Del, Fn+Insキーによって、手動で変化させられるが、それを最大にしておいても、暗い画面の時は、暗いままだ)
PC110 No.1, No.12 Screen improvement [to English Note ]
+++ No.1 "Relay board" is replaced, so the color tone is normalized +++
This " No.1:Golden cover" is a gift that can be used to display a deteriorated LCD screen at an early stage, I replaced it with a " 5 inch WVGA-TFT-LCD ", but the other day I moved it and noticed that the "screen color" was bad.
That should be the case, because the (self-made) "relay board" was the oldest type.
After replacing it, the screen became a normal color screen. (Fig.1)
Actually, this " relay board ", the one I have now is the "final version minus one", which is one before. It is only for "board" (without parts) that needs to be added a GND line and cut a extra +5V line.
I also soldered two types of two connectors so that they could be used. (Fig.2 [click])
However, at the beginning, the soldering of the connector was poor and the screen did not appear, so I was a little impatient.
Upon closer inspection, the (important) signal line " DEN " (DataENable) pin was poorly soldered.
Other signal lines should give some images on the screen, but these "DEN" and "clock" signals are important because they wouldn't show at all without them.
The problem with this "relay board" is that the " brightness adjustment circuit " does not work (the load current may be too high), and I took the method that the (simplly) bypass resistor (33Ω) was used.
Apparently, this "WVGA-TFT-LCD" (Product number:" AT050TN43 ") seems to be from the old generation, and the current consumption of the " backlight LED " seems to be quite high.
(I haven't measured it, but is it about 50~60mA ?)
By the way, the newer "WVGA-TFT-LCD" (Product number:" HLY050ML115-12B ") that I have at hand has less current and is brighter.
I thought about replacing it for a moment, but I stopped because the screen seemed to be even smaller.
Also, when the screen does not appear, maybe because the power was turned off or on during the startup of " Win95 " (in the dark clouds), It seems that the contents of Win95 installed CF (2GB) "have been corrupted.
I'm thinking of reinstalling " Win95 " later.
![Fig.3 : Defective STN-LCD screen [click]→Fig.4 : Rapid when warmed Recover to](fig/wmaint2c.jpg)
+++ "No.12:Oak" Warm the screen and normalize the display +++
Mr. T.S 's gift " No.12:Kasi/Oak" had a defect that the display came out, but when left for a long time after power on, the screen will gradually become normal.(Fig.3)
I was thinking of opening the "LCD case" and examining the "LCD control circuit", but I tried warming the screen with the "Heat Tool".
The warmer spot of the LCD becomes more good brightness and contrast. (Fig.4 [click])
When I warm the whole screen, the whole will be almost normal.
When it gets cold, display deteriorates again.
Will it stabilize for the better by repeating this ? I thought, but it doesn't seem to be.
In the hot summer months, I'll see a "normal display" without doing anything, but in the colder months, I'll have to put a "hot blower" beside me. z(^^;
![Fig.5: I examined the LCD control/drive circuit [click]→Fig.6 : Drive waveform・No abnormality in voltage](fig/wmaint2e.jpg)
+++ There is no abnormality in the drive waveform +++
Initially, I was skeptical of the lack of "LCD drive voltage".
I investigated the "terminal waveform" of the "electrolytic capacitor group", which seems to be a problem, as to whether there is a considerable difference in drive voltage between when the screen is dark and when it is bright. (Fig.5)
The terminal waveform of the capacitor [CB] is about ~5V for the base, about ~10V for the maximum value, and about 350μsec for the pulse width, which seems to be very normal, and there is no big change in both light and dark. (Fig.6 [click])
(Of course, this voltage can be changed manually by pressing the Fn + Del or Fn + Ins keys, but even if it is maximized, it remains dark on a dark screen.)
Apparently, dark state (I don't know if that can happen) " LCD molecule orientation " is oversleeping. Isn't it because it's gone ? I'm guessing.
Perhaps something like " bed hair " can be fixed by heating and trimming it.
Let's try it for a while ! (Lol)
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