独り言集 令和二年十二月版
頂き物(Walkman) 分解 [ English Note ] [2020/12/27]
![図1:頂き物3種(WM-20,WM-2,MD-M25) [クリック]→図2:](fig/msk1227a.jpg)
![図3:百均グッズで、かに目ペンチを作製 [クリック]→図4:外部から電圧を加えたが、不動](fig/msk1227c.jpg)
+++ 分解と試験 +++
全体を再組立てしたが、「TAPE」や「DOLBY NR」のスイッチなども、取り付けは難しくはなくて、実にスムーズに組み上げられた♪
Disassembly of the Walkman [2020/12/27]
Recently, among the things I received from Mr." Hassan ", there were two " Walkman ".
I have a strange my habit (?!) that I have never touched " SONY products " except "notebook PC" and "oscilloscope".
But I happened to get a (immovable) " Walkman " this time, so I pleased "This is a fortunate !", and tried disassembling it.
Actually, I tried disassembling the large one ( WM-2 ) once, but the thin one ( WM-20 ) is more attractive, so that one to take up. (Fig.1)
This " WM-20 " seems to be very mechanic/rugged, and it might not be popular anymore in now generaton.
But on the other hand, it will become a little decoration on the desk, because it is a nice design and I like it.
I'm not thinking about making it work, but for the time being, I checked the inside.
After all, the cause of immobility is the deterioration of the "rubber belt". (Fig. 2 [click])
However, other than that, there seems to be a defect in the electric circuit system, but I did not pursue it deeply.
![Fig.3 : Make crab eye pliers with 100-yen goods [Click] → Fig.4 : Apply voltage from the outside However, immovable](fig/msk1227c.jpg)
+++ Disassembly and testing +++
Is it possible to disassemble with just a slender "+ screwdriver" ? I thought, but I needed " Crab eye pliers " to remove "VR dial" at the beginning.
Fortunately, I have a "100-yen pliers" now. when I sharpened the tip of this, I cauld make a substitute it !
Now, desktop grinder comes into play ! ... Grinding ! And it's done in no time ! I was able to twist and remove it in one shot using it ♪ (Fig.3)
After that, it can be disassembled with just "+ screwdriver", but it was really easy.
And I was able to reassemble it without difficulty.
I felt that it was exquisitely and carefully made ....
The cause of the failure was that the "rubber belt" had deteriorated and was broken, but it seems that the electronic circuit has also deteriorated.
Even if a voltage is applied from the outside on a trial basis and the switch is turned on, there is no sign that the "motor" will rotate. (Fig.4 [click])
I'm not confident in disassembling or reassembling any more, so I've stopped deep digging more over.
At the same time, when I checked the existability of "rubber belts", I found in " Yahoo Auctions !".
However, my head-stomack did not want more foods.
I reassembled the whole thing, but the switches for "TAPE" and "DOLBY NR" were not difficult to install, and they were assembled very smoothly ♪
I was impressed with this.
It seems that the SONY product has a reputation of " Sony Timer " for some time, but this product is How was it I don't ?
" Rubber belts " are said to be "consumables" with a short service life, so it must have been difficult to set the "free repair period".
I was thinking about that while disassembling this.
PC110 No.11 試す [ English Note ] [2020/12/19]
![図1:偶に、Win95が起動する [クリック]→図2:通常は、I9990305エラーばかり](fig/msk1219a.jpg)
「ポトリ」+「外部ディスプレイ」を繋いで、電源を投入すると、(F1キーを押していれば)"Easy Setup"は(必ず)起動する。
しかし、「FD(Floppy Disk)」は愚か、その他のドライブにも、全て無反応で、"I9990305エラー"になる。(図2[クリック])
![図3:起動可能なのはPCカードだけ?! [クリック]→図4:旧いドライブ類を使ってみた](fig/msk1219c.jpg)
+++ EASY SETUPの様子 +++
電源投入時に、F1キーを暫く押していると、必ず"Easy Setup"に入れるのは、良い傾向なんだが。
![図5:ひょうたん電池部・周辺部は、左程汚染されていない! [クリック]→図6:ひょうたん電池は、除去した](fig/msk1219e.jpg)
+++ 内部の様子 +++
PC110 No.11 Examination [2020/12/19]
This " PC110 " junk is one of the things given by " Mr. Hassan ", and he said that this had been left for a long time (on his shelf).
So I had an curiosity for the status of this.
The " appearance " is pretty clean and much better than my other machines. w(^^; (Thanks again !)
For the time being, he numbered " No.11 ". I haven't confirmed the operation, so I haven't added a "name" yet.
When I look at " operating status ", the power is able to turn on, and the LCD indicator also shows "IBM mark-like".
The display was the "vinegar syndrome" as well known, and although the backlight was on, I didn't know what was displayed.
When I connect "Potori" + "External display" and turn on the power with pressing the " F1 key ", " Easy Setup " will (always) start .
However, "FD (Floppy Disk)" was not readable, and all other drives didn't respond, resulting in " I9990305 error ". (Fig.2 [click])
Very rarely, " Win95 " on the "HDD" set in the " PC card slot " started up. (Fig.1)
However, at the end, it seemed to write " incorrect data " when writing back some information, " Win95 ”was broken.
After all, "reading and writing data" seems to be very unstable. (It is unknown whether analog instability, for example, "insufficient signal amplitude" or digital instability, for example, "bit missing")
Also, in most cases, " I9990305 error " or stop and only the cursor blinks.
The situation that you can boot only from this "PC card slot" is that of " No.10:Katsuragi " It's the same.
However, although " No.10:Katsuragi " starts stably, this is different in that it starts only rarely.
++++ EASY SETUP ++++
This " No.11 " seems to weist for a long time to find the "boot drive" after displaying the "memory size". Then, I have to wait for a long time until " error " appears.
It's a good tendency to always enter " Easy Setup " when I hold down the F1 key for a while when powering on !
However, it seems that the only "drive" that can be recognized by the BIOS is the "PC card system". (Fig.3)
Actually, I specified each type as the "boot drive" and tried the boot status many times, but none of them could be booted.
In rare cases, " Win95 " had started up with the two types old HDDs set in the "PC card slot". (Fig.4 [click])
I imagine that the reason for using these old HDDs ( Viper260 , PCHDT-2GT ) may be that the "BOOT sector structure" is old and easy to read from the old CPU system.
However, I also thought that the difficulty of reading might increase because the "drive current" would increase and impose a burden on the power supply section.
Later, I changed to "CF + PC card adapter", but I felt that there was no big difference in the frequency of booting with any of the drives.
(When it would start, it will start, and when it does not start, it becomes " I9990305 error ")
++++ Inside view ++++
At first, I opened the rear cover, but I could hardly see the "leakage-corroded areas and missing parts" coused by the "gourd battery" that is usually found in old machines. (Fig.5)
Also, the leak of liquid of the "gourd battery" may not be as much as on the left (although I'm not sure because I didn't look at the terminals).
For the time being, the "gourd battery", which can be the cause, was (forcibly) cut off the "support" first and removed after. (Fig.6 [click])
However, the situation around here is quite different from that of " No.10:Katsuragi ", so I think the cause of "boot drive access failure" is something else.
If it is a common part, it is possible to "repair" it all together, but it has not reached that level yet.
I'll trying to find out with slowly if it can be started up within the range that can be done from the outside.
TP535E 8611 ERR 試す [ English Note ] [2020/12/17]
![図1:Digital Potetiometer DS1868の周辺 [クリック]→図2:8611エラーで先へ進まず](fig/msk1217a.jpg)
基板裏側を見ると、「DS1868(Digital Potetiometer chip)」のVcc(+5V)の"バイパス・コンデンサ"(C233)の端子付近まで、腐食。(図1)
![図3:外付けマウスでカーソルが動くようになった [クリック]→図4:トラックポインタ部の端子開放電圧と端子開放抵抗値(実測値)](fig/msk1217c.jpg)
TP535E 8611 ERR, Try [2020/12/17]
![Fig.1 : Around Digital Potetiometer DS1868 [Click]→Fig.2 : 8611 error and do not proceed]( fig/msk1217a.jpg)
I'm preliminarily investigating whether the " TP535E " I received ends up as a " collection of parts " or a " repairable PC". I still can't proceed from " 8611 error ". (Fig.2 [click])
The terminal part of the "gourd battery" that I learned on the net was certainly patina, and the surroundings were also dirty.
Looking at the back side of the board, it corroded up to the vicinity of the terminal of the Vcc (+ 5V)'s "bypass capacitor" (C233) of the " DS1868 (Digital Potentiometer chip) ". (Fig.1)
This is probably a part related to the " Track Point ", so if the inter-layer wiring around here is corroded, there might be no help for it anymore.
But let's find out the fault as much as I can !
I attached an "external mouse" tried to move the cursor with it.
I couldn't move it as it was, but after trying various things and adding soldering to the " DS1868 " terminal and the chip parts around it, for some reason the cursor could be moved.
However, the cursor cannot be moved at " Track Point " !
In fact, when I scraped off the dirt near the " DS1868 " with a toothbrush, the cursor, which hadn't seemed to move until then, now moves with the "external mouse". (Fig.3)
For the time being, when I put" additional solder" on the chip parts group and on the leg pins of " DS1868 " around that area, then the " external mouse " became to operate stably.
On the other hand, " 6811 error " was not resolved even if the FFC was removed or inserted from the "6-pin connector" of the " Track Point ".
By the way, when the "main unit side terminal voltage" and the "Track Point terminal open resistance value" were examined, it was as shown in Fig.4 [click].
Judging from this, I don't think this is causing the " 8611 error ".
Probably the circuit in the back.
If I can separate the " Track Point " in the BIOS like other ThinkPad , it may be easier to grasp the cause, but that's not it for " TP535E ".
There is an idea to replace the" DS1868 ", but this time I hold out it.
頂き物(TP535E 塗装) [ English Note ] [2020/12/15]
![図1:電源は入るTP535Eジャンク [クリック]→図2:8611エラーの元凶?](fig/msk1215a.jpg)
「Hassan」さんから、"部品取り用ジャンク TP535E、PC110などは、要りませんか?"とのお申し出を頂き、どんな状態なのかと、好奇心一杯で(ダボハゼの如く)喰い付いた。
このエラーについて、「ThinkPad Club」の記事を拝見すると、今後私が調べるべき箇所が分かった。(図2[クリック])
![図3:表面のべたべた除去 [クリック]→図4:消毒用エタノール2種](fig/msk1215c.jpg)
尚、後で調べたら、「無水エタノール」は、C2H6O:99.5vol% だそうで、上記の"消毒用エタノール"(C2H6O:76.9〜81.4vol%)の方は、やはり薄いものらしい。
Gifts (TP535E paint) [2020/12/15]
From Mr." Hassan ", I received an offer, " Do you need Junk such as TP535E , PC110 etc. for reusing parts ?", and I was curious about what state they were (like Goby).
(Really, I don't know if Goby jumps to the bait with" curiosity" ^^;?)
After a little research, it seems that the power is turned on, but the normal operations are not possible.
For the time being, about dealing with" TP535E ".
A long time ago, I also TP535E junk has a record of buying and throwing away However, recently, I've come to miss the models around here again.
(The other day, I've been watching junk such as" TP230Cs " even though I didn't intend to get it again.)
The" TP535E "junk that I received turns power on, but the" track pointer" does not work, and by the" 08611 error " I can't go forward. (Fig.1)
There were a andswer abou this error in the " ThinkPad Club " article , so I found out where to look for. (Fig.2 [click])
I will investigate this one by one.
Before that, I want to treat the stickiness (deterioration of paint) around teh case.
![Fig.3: Remove sticky surface [click]→Fig.4: 2 types of ethanol for disinfection](fig/msk1215c.jpg)
" Sticky paint" made me have a lot of trouble even with a" portable navigation machine", but this time, the area is large and uneven.
There are many, so it was quite troublesome.
Besides, I didn't know if the paint layers were doubled, so it was difficult to fasten.
What I found again this time is that the higher the purity of" ethanol/ethyl alcohol", the better.
Due to the" COVID-19", the cheap" rubbing alcohol" disappeared from the drug store's shelves for a while.
All that came out after was" disinfectant (with ethanol)", which has a lot of mixture.
Recently, small bottles can be seen at 100-yen shops, but they also contain about 60% alcohol and 40% water.
So I tried to wipe the sticky surface, but I could hardly remove it.
I had no choice but to buy the (expensive)" Ethanol "(C2H6O:76.9〜81.4 vol%) that I saw at a drug store. (Fig.4 [click]) (\ 1,320 including tax)
With this, when I let it suck by (embossed)" kitchen towel" and then wipe the surface, I could wipe it off as interesting. ^^;
... However, this is also a work that requires patience.
After continuing the work for half a day, the surroundings and the upper surface became sticky. (Fig.3)
The back side is still a little sticky, but I'll try it here after it can be repaired and started to work.
According to a later investigation, the" absolute Ethanol " is C2H6O: 99.5vol%. so the" Ethanol for disinfection" (C2H6O: 76.9-81.4vol%) seems to be thinner.
路傍の烏瓜 枯らす [ English Note ] [2020/12/07]
![図1:今年、取って来た烏瓜 [クリック]→図2:左2個:昨年分、右3個:今年分](fig/msk1207a.jpg)
Roadside Trichosanthes, withered [2020/12/07]
We like walking in the fields and rowing bushes. However, as my wife's legs have gradually weakened, I think that I will not be able to enter" Okuyama (mountain recesses)"too much in the future.
(Speaking of" Field trekking", I'm happy and envious to see the site" Kusshi's Diary "、Thanks !
In fields, only dead leaves are noticeable in the deep autumn, but among them," red and small fruits"are eye-catching. It's" Trichosanthes".
In the past, I passed by just looking sideways, but from around the year before last, I started to be a little worried.
It seems that it is not suitable for food, but it is interesting and attractive.
Last year, I picked up a few of them withered and displayed them on my desk.
In its original form, it does not rot, wrinkles increase, and the color fades. (Fig.2 [click] left two)
When I decorated it, it became to change to the" Shibumi"(in Japanese) feeling, so I like it ♪
... So, I was looking for it again this year !
What I saw this time seemed to be much more rounded than the previous elongated ones. (Fig.1)
However, these may also become slender when they die.
I'm going to decorate it in a corner of the bookshelf with the one from last year.
MPS-3206ジャンク破壊 元凶 [ English Note ] [2020/12/05]

+++ 追記 +++
![図1:EST.2269 Datasheetの応用回路例より抜粋 [クリック]→図2:制御回路の高インピーダンス部](fig/msk1205a.jpg)

+++ 破壊部の修復 +++
MPS-3206 Junk, destruction cause [2020/12/05]
+++ Addendum +++
Actually, when I drew the circuit diagram of " MPS-3206 ", it seems that the "destroyed part"was on the primary side, that is, the AC side ! (Fig.5, Fig.6 [click})
Moreover, it has a highly sensitive circuit configuration with transistors, which is probably to improve control accuracy.
Therefore, it seems that it has reacted sensitively to the AC voltage on the oscilloscope probe.
Anyways, I was unconscious because was inexperienced, so I should have watched such a place carefully and should not touch it with an oscilloscope (using a commercially available AC adapter as a power source)!
I will be careful in the future.
![Fig.1 : From the datasheet of EST.2269 [click]→Fig.2 : High impedance part of the control circuit](fig/msk1205a.jpg)
At trying to find the " the cause of the power not turning on "of the junk " MPS-3206 ", the oscilloscope (" SonyTek. 326 ") probe broke " MPS-3206 "by touching at an early stage, but I was also to repair it, I thought about the cause. (Fig.2 [click])
At first, I assumed a "short-circuit between two points"in the transistor amplification section (which is to increase the input signal to the final stage MOS-FET), but considering the pin layout, that is unlikely to occur.
Next, since the metal desk I'm using, it's easy to get a large induced voltage from the power line on the probe line of the oscilloscope, and I thought that might be the cause, but I feel that it is quite unlikely to happen.
Furthermore, Mr. Moonlight pointed out that "Isn't it because not using the AC to DC separating transformer ?".
So I considered the separation state between AC and DC of the switching regulator.
Basically, it is separated by "transformer"and "photocoupler", and it seems that they are not coupled at such low impedance .
However, apparently, the "small value capacitors"between the AC line and DC line of the converters seems to be going the " cause of leak ". (Fig.1)
However, the oscilloscope probe have a resistance of about 100KΩ in 1/10 mode, so the probe is in a fairly high impedance state.
So I almost never expected to happen that probe becomes " perpetrator ".
A long time ago, I remember i was attacked repeatedly by electrocuted(?-.-:) on the "the transformerless type radio ", but it's probably the similar story as that.
The capacitor at that time must have been a tubular type around 0.01μF.
![Fig.3 : Destroyed parts [click]→Fig.4 : Destructed area](fig/msk1205c.jpg)
+++ Repairing of destroyed area +++
I was looking into the AC-DC converter/switcing regulator circuits and noticed that the most of them always had been connected with a small capacitor (for electrostatic discharging ?) between AC and DC. (Fig.1)
The oscilloscope I was using to look up was the SonyTek.326 junk I bought the other day, but it AC adapter (no account about high insulation) is used, and it probably also contains a small capacity (several to hundreds of nF) capacitors between AC and DC !
If the AC plugs are plugged in the opposite way and the input of the " MPS-3206 "transistor is in the high impedance state, most of the AC100V may be applied to a target of probe.
And since the subsequent stage is a high-power MOS-FET, it must have passed the large current by according to faked voltage !
That current seems broke the surrounding many parts (It unbeleabale !). (Fig.4 [click])
My hobby is to repair broken things by other reasons, but I still have to repair what I broke !
Then, the "broken parts"have already been ordered.
(The power supply itself is a little unsatisfactory because it still remaine a feeling the handmade by semi-professional and does not feel "profound/luxury".)
MPS-3206ジャンク 失敗 [ English Note ] [2020/12/01]
![図1:コントローラμC(STM32L151C8T) [クリック]→図2:ジャンクMPS-3206の前面](fig/msk1201a.jpg)
買った「MATRIX MPS-3206」は、"電源が入らないジャンク"という説明だった。
![図13:2系統の電源系(32V可変、12V固定) [クリック]→図2:うっかりミス(ショート)で、可変電圧系の全面破壊](fig/msk1201c.jpg)
+++ 2系統の電源、可変電圧系の破壊 +++
被害は、MOS-FET(SVF12N65F)や、その横の大型抵抗 0.16Ω/1W、トランジスタ2個(Q2,Q3)、抵抗5個(R10,R11,R13,R14,R22)、ダイオード3個(D8,D9,D10,)などに、いずれも"焼け焦げ"が出来るほどの大電流が流れたらしい。(図4[クリック])
MPS-3206 junk, failure [2020/12/01]
I always want to get a digital and compact"variable DC power supply" of 30V or more 2A at a low price (because it can be junk). I'm thinking, but this time I was impatient and failed to"select" junk items.
Originally, I prefer to get old, proven, good quality (also expensive) junk, or its defective ones at a low price, repair them, and use them.
Therefore, I avoid new products as much as possible. The price is high," initial failure " and"long-term stability unknown ", and there are things that I can't enjoy for a long time. Because there are many.
(In that respect,"100-yen goods" are good ! If they don't work, they can be easily thrown away !)
This time, I was interested in the"immovable junk" of it because of the promotion on" YouTube ".
The" MATRIX MPS-3206 " I bought was explained as" Junk that doesn't turn on ".
However, in fact, the power was on and it seems that the inside was alive.
Apparently, the μC (1 chip microcomputer) that centrally controls the "display" and "voltage" was not working, and it seemed to be "power off". (Fig.2 [click])
After disassembling to the extent that it could be disassembled, I finally confirmed the movement of μC ( STM32L151C8T ), but found that it was not working. ... Oh, this is bad ! (Fig.1)
The function of "μC" is the heart of this product, and if it becomes defective, the product is meaningless anymore !
And, for such a failure,"amateur repair" etc. is impossible at all !
(However, this is a kind of initial failure , and " returns/exchanges " is the usual way, but "sold out" in junk is poor business !?)
I don't think the "idea" of this product is bad, but isn't the "commercialization power" still insufficient ?
+++ 2 power supplies, destruction of variable voltage system +++
Why does it "do not Power On" at first ? I was suspicious that I was looking at the power supply board with an oscilloscope, but when I touched the transistor's foot with the tip of the probe, Bash ! There was a loud noise and smoke came out! (It's done ! It seems that it was shorted a high voltage)
What ? ... Isn't the power coming so far !
Due to this short circuit, the " variable voltage system " of the main system was in the annihilated state .
It seems that the tip of the oscilloscope probe hits both somewhere in Q2 (2N5551) and/or Q3 (2N5401) , which is a catastrophic situation. Seems to have caused.
The damages were MOS-FET (SVF12N65F), a large power resistor 0.16Ω/1W next to it, 2 transistors (Q2, Q3), 5 resistors (R10, R11, R13, R14, R22 It seems that a large current that can cause" burnt " has flowed through the R22) and diode (D8, D9, D10). (Fig.4 [click])
The original "AC fuse" did not blow, and the parts on the board were completely destroyed. (Eh ? Is this safer ?)
Fortunately, the"12V fixed voltage system" was alive.
So, I used it to supply power to the"control board" on the front side and examined the movement of μC and so on. (Fig.3)
If I disassemble it further to make the terminals such as μC ( STM32L151C8T ) and LED drive system ( TM1640 ) visible, and examine them with an oscilloscope, these No working"movement" is visible on any of the terminals of the device.
No clock signal is output to μC terminals #4 and #6 ! Was it destructed ?
... Perhaps the maximum rating of μC (4.0V) was too low to support 32V system, 12V system power supply ?
By the way, I thought about the case where "μC does not work at all" or the "case where the internal clock stops" due to an external input, based on the technical data, but there is no section I can think of.
Perhaps, if the"NMI (equivalent) terminal" is forcibly suppressed from the outside, it may remain stopped, but if such a mechanism is provided in the"main control unit", they should have something like another "isolated alarm".
After all, it seems that what I bought as a junk was originally an "initial defective product" that the manufacturer should collect and take remedial measures.