PC110 Vpatch 使い方 調べ [to English Note]
![図1:VpatchでAT050TN22V.1を表示 [クリック]→図2:VpatchでAT050TN23V.1を表示(R/L部-断線の為左右が逆に)](fig/cvpatcha.jpg)
Moonlightさんが作成した「Vpatch.c」をダウンロードさせて貰って、「PC-DOS」上で使える「Turbo C++ 3.0」(無料版)も手に入れたので、コンパイルして働かせてみようとした。
これが出れば成功で、もしF1キーを押し続けていれば「Easy Setup」にも入れる(はずだが、今回は確かめなかった)。
![図3:始めはVGA-TFTモジュールを対象で置台を作ったが [クリック]→図4:別モジュールを試すのには短過ぎて、後で継ぎ足し](fig/cvpatchc.jpg)
+++ 表示器の実験用置き台 +++
![図5:約15p延長したらジッタが酷い! [クリック]→図6:元の長さに戻したら、すっきり!](fig/cvpatche.jpg)
+++ 「延長ケーブル」の功罪 +++
PC110 Vpatch, How to use
" Vpatch.c " created by Mr. Moonlight , and I downloaded it.
I also got " Turbo C++ 3.0 worked on PC-DOS " (free version), then can be used on, so I tried to compile it and make it work.
First, I tried with "WVGA-TFT module (for DTN-X680 )", but did not appear display.
Next, when I tried with " VGA-TFT module ( AT050TN22V.1 )", was displayed properly ! (Fig_1)
Furthermore, " VGA-TFT module ( AT050TN23V.1 )" also worked well ! (Fig_2 [click])
The display is reversed left and right because the R/L control line of the FPC is in a broken state.
For "manual operation", place " vpatch.exe " in the "root directory" of DOS, and after turning on the power, use "blind touch typing" to " vpatch ", and after a while, press the " Ctrl + Alt + Del "keys to do a" soft reset / soft reboot ".
Then, it will be restarted and the "Memory size" will be displayed on the screen.
If this happens, it's a success, and when I hold down the F1 key, I'll be able to put it in " Easy Setup " (should, but I didn't check this time).
If the program can do a "soft reset / soft reboot", it should be fully automatic just by writing it in " autoexec.bat ", but I couldn't do it, so I'll take a break. -.-;?
The current "display", jitter caused display disorder to be large, and the characters could not be read well.
I thought this was probably due to the use of an "extension cable", but even without it, there is no change.
Also, when I use " ct65535c ", there is almost no jitter , so the "relay cable" is not a bad guy.
This time, in addition to that, I made an experimental "stand" from wooden boards for the "module".
However, since the terminal positions of each "module" are various, it could not be covered in the original form, and it was forced to add more.
+++ Experimental stand for Display +++
Initially, I made a wood stand to check the effect of "Vpatch.exe" on the "VGA-TFT module", but when I tried to attach the "WVGA-TFT module" later, it was not enough lenght.
Furthermore, later, I would like to experiment with the "FSTN-LCD module" while changing the "polarizing filter", so I took that into consideration and added it.
The difficulty is how to route the short "FPC", and every time I change the "module", I have to change the "drawer hole". (After that, the "top plate" may be full of holes ? ^^;)
+++ Harmful effects of extension cable +++
I used a " extension cable " (about 15 cm) to make it easy to place any "module", but with " Vpatch.exe ", the jitter was terrible. I can not read the characters. (Fig_5)
Even if you want to partially modify "Vpatch" and test it, this "disordered display" is not possible.
However, it is strange that the severity of jitter does not change even when this "extension cable" is not used.
It may be necessary to put it in the " LCD case " in the end.
On the other hand, when I try it with " ct65535c.exe ", the background is white and the contrast is low, and the offset width on the left side is a little too large.
However, the characters look good, and I can modify the program on top of this. (Fig_6 [click])
But I want to look up " Vpatch.exe ", but this doesn't help !
I'm using No.7:"Bamboo" as test bench, but it may have to replace the "test bench" with another machine.