PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT 画面右寄せ 調べ [to English Note]
![図1:Graphicsモードで右欠け発生 [クリック]→図2:XR1C=4Fh→7Fhで修正出来た](fig/m65535ea.jpg)
以前から、"6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD"の表示画面を右に寄せて(図2[クリック])、前枠の「IBMロゴ」を削らないで済む方法を模索しているのだが、なかなか良い方法が見付らない。(図1)
既に、3台の"6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD"が稼働中だし、2台ある"5-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD"の方は、前枠の窓より小さ目なので、「IBMロゴ」は削らないで済む。
だが、小さな画面が更に小さくなる。なので、出来れば見易い"6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD"にしたいのだ。
また、"5-inch VGA-TFT-LCD"は、サイズ的には丁度良さそうだが、敢えて、それらを追加購入するのは、もう無駄。
![図3:Fn, Fn+F7キーをバッファ内容で調べようとしたが [クリック]→図4:キーバッファ内容を読み出すプログラム](fig/m65535ec.jpg)
+++ Fn, Fn+F7の検出をしたい +++
何とか、「Fnキー」、「Fn+F7キー」が検出出来ないものかと、旧い「IBM PC活用ハンドブック」を紐解いて、"キー入力データ"に関係するデータ領域"40:17h〜40:96h"を調べ始めている。
なので、この領域よりも、"INT 09h"か"INT 16h"を調べた方が良いのではないかと、考えている。
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT 画面右寄せ 進む [to English Note]
![図5:グラフィック表示で、右側表示が欠落 [クリック]→図6:欠落部をctrl+F7キー押しで補填](fig/m65535ee.jpg)
"Fnキー"の入力痕跡を、"INT 09h"、"INT 16h"などで調べてみたが、やはり見付らず。
![図7:画面右寄せで、削る前枠の幅が激減 [クリック]→図8:常駐プログラム内でのctrl+F7キーの検出・補填](fig/m65535eg.jpg)
+++ 右寄せの効果と現補填方法 +++
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT 画面右寄せ 試す [to English Note]
![図9:ポート3D7(=XRレジスタ:1Ch)の書き換えで画面が広がる [クリック]→図10:Win95立ち上がり直後の右端欠け状態](fig/m65535ei.jpg)
「6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD」を使った場合、"画面の右寄せ"をすると、"グラフィック表示"や「Win95,98」上では画面右側が欠ける現象(図9)を、手操作で修正・改善する方法を考えて来た。
![図11:PORT95NT.EXEでXRレジスタを書き換えてみた [クリック]→図12:PortIO.exeで書き換えてみた](fig/m65535ek.jpg)
+++ DriverLINX利用のソフト +++
試したのは、Scientific Software Tools Inc.製「PORT95NT.EXE」(図11)とkaoaru氏作の「PortIO.exe」(図12[クリック])の2つで、どちらも、「DriverLINX」を利用している。
Adr [3D6]Val [1C]
[3D7] [5F]
目下、「nFSTN-LCD」を本来の「FSTN-LCD」にする為の"Compensation Film"を探し出して来たので、それの実験も愉しみだが、この「WVGA-TFT-LCD」も、無調整で明るくて鮮明なので、使い易い状態にしておきたいので、プログラム作成に努力したいと思っている。
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT 画面右寄せ Win95用 [to English Note]
![図13:Fn+F7キー操作で崩れた画面 [クリック]→図14:正常な右寄せ画面](fig/m65535em.jpg)
今回は、「Win95」上で、そうした崩れた画面からでも、強制的に、正常な右寄せLCD画面に戻すことが出来る自作プログラムを、「VB6.0(Visual Basic ver6.0)」と「DLPortIO.BAS」で作成した。(β版:ct65535w+.zip)(図14[クリック])
![図15:LCD用XRレジスタ値:更新版 [クリック]→図16:CRT用XRレジスタ値:更新版](fig/m65535eo.jpg)
+++ XRレジスタ群 +++
この値は、コマンドラインのオプションとして与える。つまり、[ct65535w.exe 10]のように書けば、10*xmドット分だけ画面を右寄せすることが出来る。(このm値は、資料には"文字クロック数"だと書いてあるので、m=8 かもしれないが、確認はしていない)
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT 画面右寄せ Win98 [to English Note]
![図17:「IBMロゴ部」を張り戻した(Win98画面) [クリック]→図18:WVGA-TFT-LCDモジュールでの表示画面(DOS画面)](fig/m65535eq.jpg)
"ビネガーシンドローム"を発症して、見えなくなっていた「PC110」の全画面を回復するために、「6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCDモジュール」を用いることにしたが、その時は"左寄り"でしか表示出来なかった。(図18[クリック])
努力して「ディスプレイ・デバイスC&T65535」の"XRレジスタ群"の設定を変えて、「TFT-LCDモジュール」で表示出来る「DOS版プログラムct65535a, c, d」を作成したが、これを修正した「ct65535e /mx」で、必要な幅(x:16進数)だけ右寄せが出来るようなった。
"プログラム名"と"オプション"は、(Win95,98版) [ct65535w x」で、必要な右寄せ幅xは、例えば、x=14と10進数で指定する。
![図19:ホットメルト・ボンドで接続・補修 [クリック]→図20:前枠内部と6-inchWVGA-TFT-LCDモジュール](fig/m65535es.jpg)
+++ 前枠の補修と中継基板 +++
PC110 6-inchWVGA画面右寄せプログラムct65535w,e 使用 [to English Note]
![図21:'ct65535e /mx'によるWin95画面 [クリック]→図22:'ct65535w x'による最終画面](fig/m65535eu.jpg)
「Win画面」では、「ct65535w.exe」と「ct65535e.exe」(または、ct65535c, dでも可)を併用するのが良い。
残り二つは、ソフト集積サイト「VECTOR」のKuutan氏の『要最低限Visual Basic 5.0ランタイム』及びその他から頂いた。
![図23:'ct65535w.exe'のセット例 [クリック]→図24:'ct65535e.exe'のセット例](fig/m65535ew.jpg)
+++ セットする場所 +++
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT screen right justify, check
For a long time, I'm looking for a way the " 6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD " display screen has been moved to the right (Fig.2 [click]) , and to avoid removing the " IBM logo ", but I can't find a good way. (Fig.1)
Three " 6-inch WVGA -TFT-LCD" machines are already in working, and two " 5-inch WVGA -TFT-LCD" machines which are smaller than the front frame window are working, so I need not to remove the "IBM logo".
But, the small screen becomes even smaller viewing.
I would like to make it an easy-to-read " 6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD" if possible.
Also, " 5-inch VGA -TFT-LCD" seems to be just right in size, but it is no use daring to purchase additional ones.
When I set XR1C=7Fh, XR56=10h, ... with " ct65535c, d " at startup, " Text display mode" is properly "full screen/right justified", but if I switch to " image display mode " etc. in the middle, the right edge will be missing. In other words, it seems that displaying after 640th dot will be truncated.
The same situation occurs with " Win95 ".
I don't think automation would be possible to recover the truncated right edge, so I'm experimenting to see if it can be fixed manually (keys press).
I'm investigating whether "Fn + F7 keys" can be used as the operation keys, but I'm in trouble because the " Fn keys " is unlikely to be detected by the program. (T.T ;?
The alternative is "Ctrl + F7", but it's also stagnant because the screen doesn't return to normal (strangely, it's not set properly).
![Fig.3 : I tried to check the Fn, Fn+F7 keyss in the buffer contents, but [click]→Fig.4 : Program to read the contents of the keys buffer](fig/m65535ec.jpg)
+++ I want to detect Fn, Fn + F7 +++
Somehow, " Fn keys " and " Fn + F7 keys " cannot be detected, so I'm beginning to investigate the data area "40:17h - 40:96h" related to "keys input data" by unraveling the old " IBM PC utilization handbook ".
The program that reads the "keysboard buffer" (Fig.4 [click]) that is being created reads the "whole data area", and the "data area" is " PC110 " seems to have the same configuration as" PC/AT machine ". (Fig.3)
However, I'm not sure if there is an "Fn keys code" in the incoming keysboard data.
I suspect it was processed and disappeared before it entered the "keysboard buffer".
Therefore, I think it is better to check " INT 09h " or " INT 16h " rather than this area.
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT Screen right-aligned, progress
I checked the input traces of " Fn keys " with "INT 09h", "INT 16h", etc., but I still couldn't find them.
Guessing the design technology at that time, It is better to quickly clean up the operation using the "Fn keys" with the hardware (connection) than to process it with the program (software). It may have been easier about the limitation of ROM size.
So, reviewing the current situation, by pressing " Fn+F7 keys (LCD/CRT switching)" or "changing screen mode", the right side of the screen is missing problem , I decided to find a way to solve it by pressing another keys. (Fig.5)
As a result of trial and error with " ct65535e.exe " which is an improved version of "ct65535d.exe".
Though I set the right alignment initially with XR56=10h, XR1C=70h , but the value of the XR register is modified to " XR1C=4Fh " if the display mode will be changed with some reasone.
It turned out that the right screen can be restored to the original by rewriting to XR1C=50h~70h (arbitrary) with "Ctrl+F7 keyss". (Fig.6 [click])
However, this program ( resident part of ct65535e.exe ) is only valid on DOS .
Unfortunately, it is invalid for Win95, 98 .
The next my task is to be able to perform compensation operations even on those " Win-OS ".
+++ Right-aligned effect and current compensation method +++
There are several reasons why I would like to use the " 6-inch WVGA-TFT module " even after cutting the front frame.
The screen is large and easy to see, the "relay board" is easy, and the "top and bottom of the screen" is perfect for the front frame.
(However, if it is left as it is, the left side must be sharpened greatly, so the " IBM logo " is missing and the original of front face of the " PC110 " has changed significantly.
If I can " right justify " the screen by shifting, I can reduce the ratio of cutting off the front frame. (To about 8mm width)
And " IBM logo " can be completely left. (Fig.7)
(It's a pity that the front frame of the machine that has already been scraped off can not be restored anymore, but if I think that this is also one of the junk repairs, I may come up with some good improvement plan. )
Since " Screen right justification " is a (private) "retrofit operation", the right side of the screen is missing when the "display mode" changes, so it needs to be reworked each time.
It was made to deal with it by " ct65535e.exe resident part ".
By pressing " Ctrl+F7 keys ", I can write back the XR register value rewritten by changing the "display mode" (troublesome, but manually). (Fig.8 [click])
It would be nice if this program ( resident part of ct65535e.exe ) could be used as it is with " Win95, Win98 ". It seems that Roast geese don't come flying into the mouth.
It seems that my program is not " so-called object-oriented style " (because I ignore the rules ?), but it is also ignored by the OS.
(After all, it seems that a compromise may necessary.)
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT Screen right justification, Test
When using " 6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD ", on the "graphic display" or on the " Win95,98 ", occure the phenomenon that the right side of the screen is missing (Fig.10 [click]), so I have been thinking about how to manually correct/improve (Fig.9).
Last time, on " PC-DOS ", it was possible to improve it by "keys operation", but " Win95, 98 ", it's not done yet.
This time, on " Win95 ", the value of port 3D7h is " 4Fh " Confirmed (using an off-the-shelf program) that the "right end chipped state" can be improved by simply rewriting " 5Fh-70h ". did !
At first, I was wondering if such a simple method (rewriting one XR register ) could improve it, but when I tried it, I found that it would work. ♪
My own program (planned for "ct65535e.exe") is still learning programming, so I'll go ahead, but since I don't have to check again all the XR registers, I think I can do something simple.
+++ Software using DriverLINX +++
I tried " PORT95NT.EXE " (Fig.11) by Scientific Software Tools Inc. and " PortIO.exe " (Fig.12 [click]) by Mr. kaoaru , both of which use " DriverLINX ". That's it.
No ! " PORT95NT.EXE " is the "sample program" and "installer" of " DriverLINX ".
There is no "right chipping" on the image of screen collected by "PrtScr" operation.
With these software,
Adr [3D6] Val [1C]
[3D7] [5F]
I have to write it twice, but when I write "5F", I'm grateful that the right edge of the screen on the [Win95] spreads out !
Once rewritten, even if I change the wallpaper etc., I think that "screen right chipping" will not occur again.
(I haven't investigated it yet, but I want it to be !)
Currently, I have searched for a " Compensation Film " to make the "nFSTN-LCD" the original " FSTN-LCD ", so I enjoy experimenting with it.
However, this " WVGA-TFT-LCD " is also bright and clear without adjustment, so I want to keep it in an easy-to-use state, so I would like to make an effort to create a program.
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT screen right justified for Win95
Last time, when I used " DLPortIO.BAS ", I was able to "right justify" even with " Win95 ".
However, once the screen collapsed with " Fn + F7 keys ", I couldn't restore it, so I was stuck/in trouble. (Fig.13)
This time, I made a program with VB6.0 (Visual Basic ver6.0) and " DLPortIO.BAS " that on " Win95 ", even from such a collapsed screen, I can forcibly return to the normal right-aligned LCD screen (β version: ct65535w+.zip ). (Fig.14 [click])
However, since this program cannot be started only by "keys operation", it still needs improvement, but I think that there is no problem in using it for the time being.
At first, I thought it would be impossible to do it on my own, but (to put the " IBM logo" on the front frame without scraping it) "WVGA-TFT-LCD Screen right justification "is not only" PC-DOS " but also " Win95 ".
However, it became possible !
At the moment, "for DOS" and "for Win" are "separately built", but I'm not thinking about unifying them. (If I feel like it, I might do it)
+++ XR register group +++
In this program, the "number of XR registers" to be set has been greatly increased.
Until now, I have focused only on the register group that changes by switching between LCD and CRT, but it seems that that alone was not enough.
I tried to make a program that renews and sets, including all the XR registers that seem to be related to LCD (FP). (Fig.15)
Of course, when switching to CRT (= external display), the same XR register group is rewritten (even if it has the same value). (Fig.16 [click])
(Such value are subtle and may be omitted, but I decided to rewrite it with the same value regardless of "redundancy")
Xr (17) (in Fig.15) is the set value of the "XR56 register", which corresponds to the "right-aligned width".
This value is given as a command line option. In other words, when I write something like [ct65535w.exe 10], I can right-justify the screen by 10 * m dots. (This m value is written as "character clock number" in the document, so it may be m=8, but I have not confirmed it.)
Put the main body of this program in the root, create a "shortcut icon", write as above in the "command item" of its property, " Win95 When I put it in the "Start Menu" of " Win95 ", it can automatically "right justify".
When the screen collapses by using "Fn + F7 keys", the program can be done "Screen switching" and "Screen normalization" of LCD⇔CRT with "Alt + 7 keys (not F7)", but it must be started in advance.
(Sometimes, when I switch screens with "Fn + F7 keys" and "Alt + 7 keys", the CRT screen may not appear.)
For future issues, I would like to be able to switch screens directly with "Alt + F7 keyss" without having to start it if it is made resident.
PC110 6-inch WVGA-TFT Screen right justified, Win98
About a year and a half after cutting out the " IBM logo part" in the front frame , finally that I was able to bring the part back, both "hardware and software". (Fig.17)
With "automatic placement" on the " Win98 " screen, everything was ready.
(However, I have to cut out about 9 mm on the right side though. The screen is hidden a little on the upper and lower sides, but even if it is left as it is, it is hardly noticeable.)
To recover the full screen of " PC110 " that had disappeared by the " Vinegar Syndrome ", I decided to use "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module", but at that time, I could only display to the left side. (Fig.18 [click])
I had no choice but to cut out the " IBM logo" on the left side (in terms of hardware), but if the screen can be right-aligned (in terms of software), It was a story that I didn't have to cut out this part.
I created " DOS version program ct65535a, c, d" that can be displayed with "TFT-LCD module" by changing the setting of "XR registers" of the " Display device C&T65535 ".
And the "ct65535e /mx" which modified these became possible to right justify by the required width (x: hexadecimal number).
(Although ct65535c /mf ("f" is max number) can be right-aligned with is a little insufficient in width, so in ct65535e /mx was changed/improved to be twice the width of "x")
However, these were only valid on " PC-DOS, MS-DOS ", so " Win95 , 98 ", let me use" DLPortIO.BAS " and Created with " VB6.0 ".
The "program name" and "option" are (Win95, 98 version) " ct65535w x", and the required right-aligned width x is specified by, for example, x=14 and a decimal number.
To execute this program, first execute " PORT95NT.EXE " (free to use and distribute), and then " DlPortIO "must be included.
The existence of this "IO driver" was very grateful to me ! (Thanks !)
![Fig.19: Connect/repair with hot melt bond [Click]→Fig.20 : Inside front frame and 6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module](fig/m65535es.jpg)
+++ Repair of the front frame and relay board +++
For the time being, I was able to confirm the right-aligned operation on the OS from " DOS " to " Win98 ". The " IBM logo part" (only the remaining part) of the frame was fastened with a black "hot melt bond" from the back side. (Fig.19)
This isn't as powerful as it is on the left, so I think this method of fastening is probably okay.
Looking back again, this "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module" is full in the front frame.
However, there is a gap on the back of the module, so a small cushion material is attached. (Fig.20)
The "relay board" is the one before the final version that has been manually repaired.
This time, it was just the processing of the front frame, but due to the influence of the removal and installation of the FPC, defect occurred in the display function of the main body.
It seems that the output of the blue high-order bit (B3 or B4) is missing.
Previously, the output of the red high-order bit (R4) was missing, and it continues to this day.
... However, after leaving it to operate for a while, the blue color tone improved a little.
PC110 6-inch WVGA screen right-aligned program ct65535w, e using
When the "6-inch WVGA-TFT LCD module" (800x480) is used as the display, the displayed screen is closer to the left end even if the module is placed all the way to the right.
As the programs to shift the screen display to the right by an appropriate amount width and shift it to an appropriate position in the front frame, I prepared the " ct65535w. exe "(for Win95,98 - Fig.21) and the " ct65535e.exe " (for PC-, MS-DOS - Fig.22 [click]).
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked well with "Pasonaware" yet.
Probably because "Alt + F7 keys" cannot be used.
(By the way, except for the exe file, it is a reference source. Since I have not created a manual, please refer to the ASM file )
In " DOS screen", only "ct65535e.exe" is required.
In " Win screen", it is better to use "ct65535w.exe" and "ct65535e.exe" (or ct65535c, d are avalable) together.
The reason is that "ct65535e" can start displaying the LCD screen from an early stage (Fig.21), but "ct65535w" prepares the entire screen at the final stage. (Fig.22 [click])
In particular, if it is forcibly terminated while "Win" is running, the next time you try to start "Win", you may be waiting for a "Yes/No" operation on the "DOS" screen. In that case, "ct65535e" is necessary / useful.
"ct65535e.exe" works by itself, so you only need to set it in the first line of "Autoexec.bat".
Since this program is resident, you can switch the display and repair it with "Alt + F7" and "Ctrl + F7".
Set "ct65535w.exe" in the form of "shortcut" in "Startup" in "Start Menu" (in the windows holder).
In addition, this program pre-installs " DlPortIO.dll ", " msvbvm60.dll ", and " oleaut32.dll ". But, it did not work with msvbvm50.dll.
If you do not leave it, the operation will not start.
" DlPortIO.dll " can be installed by installing " PORT95NT.EXE ".
The other two are by Mr. Kuutan of the software integration site " VECTOR " Minimum Visual Basic 5.0 runtime " and others.
+++ Place to set +++
To run " ct65535w.exe " automatically, place the "shortcut" in "Startup" in the "Start Menu". (Fig.23)
At that time, the right-aligned width is specified by 1 to 2 decimal digits, but if an extreme value is specified, the screen may not appear, and I also ate a bubble. (Because there are no numerical checks or restrictions)
After the first run, the "icon" will (automatically) shrink into the "task tray", but can be expanded and manipulated as needed.
The "hot keys" are "Alt + 7 keys" (screen switching) and "Alt + 6 keys" (end of program), and F7 key etc. are not used for this.
" ct65535e.exe " seems to work even if it is placed near the first line of "autoexec.bat" (Fig.24 [click]) or near the last line in "config.sys".
On the "text screen", the display remains normal, but on the "graphics screen", the right edge of the screen is missing.
Replenish/correct this using "Ctrl + F7 keys".
Of course, you can get the same result with "Alt + F7 keys".
(The difference is whether to rewrite only one XR register value or a dozen or so values, but in the case of "Alt + F7 key", switch to "CRT display" once and then return to "LCD display". )
This program is automatically resident, and you can switch between the internal (LCD) screen and the external (CRT) screen with the "Alt + F7 keys".
However, depending on the operation status of the "Fn + F7 keys" on the main unit, the display may not appear on one side, so try operating the "Fn + F7 keys" and "Alt + F7 key" to display the desired display. Try to get the condition.