7型ディスプレイ 用途 [令和三年七月十三日] [to 7 inch Display 1,2, use[2021/07/13]
7型ディスプレイ2号 試作 [令和三年七月十一日] [to 7 inch Display 2nd, trial[2021/07/11]
7型ディスプレイ脚 試作 [令和三年七月八日] [to 7 inch Display Leg, trial[2021/07/08]
7型ディスプレイ 試作1 [令和三年六月二十七日] [to 7 inch Display, trial_1[2021/06/27]
7型ディスプレイ 下調べ [令和三年六月二十四日] [to 7 inch Display, estimate[2021/06/24]
7型ディスプレイ1,2号 用途 [to 7 inch display 1.2, Use]
![図1:2号機でSVGA(800x600)を16:9表示 [click]→図2:SVGAを4:3で表示](fig/m7xdisua.jpg)
![図3:XGA(1,024x768)を16:9で表示 [click]→図4:ソースとしてDynabookSS S30 106Sを使用](fig/m7xdisuc.jpg)
+++ XGA表示 +++
表示出力を取り出す"ソース・マシン"として、「Toshiba製 DynabookSS S30 106S」を使った。
「Dynabook SS」での、XGAの表示例。(図4[クリック])
![図5: [click]→図6:](fig/m7xdisue.jpg)
+++ 30cmVGAケーブル +++
以前から、狭い机上で「PC110」との接続に、長い"VGAケーブル"を、折り畳んで使っていたが、発注していた30cmの"VGAケーブル"が届いたので、使ってみた。($4.99/3pcs 3本¥577送料・手数料込み(図5)
7型ディスプレイ2号 試作 [to 7 inch display 2nd, Trial]
![図1:7inchディスプレイ2号を試作(左側) [click]→図2:1号(右側)は、反射が強いのが嫌味](fig/m7xdis2a.jpg)
後で注文してあった「ドライバ・ボード/コントローラ・ボード」LCD Controller Board(PCB800099)(LCD TTL LVDS Controller Board HDMI VGA 2AV 50PIN for AT070TN90 92 94 Support $16.00=¥1,839 送料手数料込み)が来たので、早速、2号の"ケース"に組み込むことにした。
裏側は不格好だが、表側はスタイル、ヨロシ!(? 図1)
![図3:出張った箇所を削り落とした [click]→図4:中継基板とFFCを使って、無理に接続](fig/m7xdis2c.jpg)
+++ 調整しながら、切削作業 +++
![図5:1号4mm厚、2号6mm厚 [click]→図6:LCDモジュールは、AT070TN92 V.Xだった](fig/m7xdis2e.jpg)
+++ LCDモジュール厚 6mm +++
![図7:FFCの中継部 [click]→図8:買い足した3種の中継ボード](fig/m7xdis2g.jpg)
+++ 中継ボード +++
「中継ボード」の、部品単価はかなり廉価だったのだが、1個当たりの送料の方が高かったので、ミミッチく注文した。(図8[クリック] 購入50pinx3=¥510/3個, 40pinx2=¥360/2個, 30pinx2=¥306/2個 送料・手数料込み)
7型ディスプレイ脚 試作 [to 7 inch display Leg, Trial]
![図1:試作した半固定スタンドと本体 [click]→図2:実働状態](fig/m7xdispk.jpg)
![図3:元のスタンドより浮き上がってしまった [click]→図4:不満は、2個所](fig/m7xdispm.jpg)
+++ 十分な押し下げが出来ない? +++
7型ディスプレイ 試作1 [to 7 inch Display, Trial]
![図5:車載用モニタのケースを利用して試作した7型ディスプレイ [click]→図6:「PC110」のVGA出力を表示](fig/m7xdispe.jpg)
注文していた「液晶ドライブ・ボード/制御基板」(US$13.99 ¥1,601送料込み)が来たので、これと、先日買っておいた「車載用モニタ」(4台:¥1,240+2台:1,857送料込み)の「7型WVGA-TFT-LCD(50ピン)」と「ケース」を使って、「7型汎用ディスプレイ」を試作した。(図5)
オマケに、"TFT color monitor"という文字まで入っている!
![図7:使用した液晶ドライブ・ボードに、延長用基板+FFC、コントロール信号系配線を付加 [click]→図8:裏蓋を加工して、電源端子、VGA入力端子を露出](fig/m7xdispg.jpg)
+++ 50ピン延長用基板+FFCが必要 +++
結線は、基板側:IR-VCC、GND、IR、(不使用)、MENU だけを使い、押しボタン側:VCC、GND、IR、KEYとを接続する。
![図9:作成した細鋸で裏蓋を加工 [click]→図10:金鋸の刃を加工して、細鋸を作成](fig/m7xdispi.jpg)
+++ 切削道具を作成 +++
7型ディスプレイ 下調べ [to 7 inch Display, estimate]
![図1:コンポジット入力で表示 [click]→図2:PC110本来の画面](fig/m7xdispa.jpg)
![図3:HDMI入力で表示させた画面 [click]→図4:VGA-HDMIインターフェース+液晶ドライブ・ボード系](fig/m7xdispc.jpg)
+++ HDMI入力は、高解像度 +++
7-inch display No. 1 and 2 applications [to 7 inch display 1.2, Use ]
These " 7-inch displays " ( ↓ ) were originally " PC110 " ( VGA :640x480) was created for auxiliary display, and the "TFT-LCD" used is also WVGA (800x480), so I can't expect much, but I tried to find out how versatile it was.
I thought it was unavoidable that some characters would be broken, so I looked at whether or not I could read even some complicated kanji.
In " 16:9 " mode, SVGA (800x600) can be read without difficulty. ( Fig.1 )
When this is set to the normal "4:3" mode, it feels a little crumbled. ( Fig.2 [click] )
I used to hate "16:9" because it was unbalanced, but nowadays I have to use it even if I don't like it because of the large amount of information.
In this case as well, " 16:9 " seems to be easier to see than "4:3", so I will mainly use that.
I thought that SVGA was the upper limit, but if I tried to use it forcibly, I could use it with XGA .
+++ XGA display +++
I used " Toshiba Dynabook SS S30 106S " as the "source machine" to extract the display output.
(Note that this machine has an WXGA (1,280x800) display on the main unit, and the external output is limited to SVGA or higher. That is, VGA cannot be output.)
XGA display example in " Dynabook SS ". ( Fig.4 [click] )
I tried to display the external output ( XGA screen) with " 16:9 " of " 7-inch display ". ( Fig.3 )
The sharpness of the characters is not good, but complicated "kanji" such as "identification" can be read, so it seems to be useful somehow.
Well, I usually don't dare to use such an "external display", but I found that it would be useful enough for "general purpose/emergency"!
+++ 30 cm VGA cable +++
I used to fold a long "VGA cable" to connect to " PC110 " on a narrow desk, but the 30cm "VGA cable" I ordered was used. It arrived, so I tried using it. ($ 4.99/3pcs 3 bottles \ 577 including shipping and handling ( Fig.5 )
Ah, this time it's halfway too short!
If the cable is thin and easy to bend, this is fine, but it's not good because it's normal hardness.
... It seems better to make it a little longer, but it seems that a fixed length is not good because the positions where both are placed always change.
Anyway, I found that if the "cable thickness" was not devised, it would be difficult to use even if only the "length" was shortened.
I think it would be nice to have a "non-standard extra-fine VGA cable & connector" (free foldable!) That is less than a certain length, but it's too amateurish!? (lol)( Fig.6 [click] )
7-inch display No. 2 prototype
I got two kinds of "monitor cases" with the same front design but different LCD surface (reflectance), so I used them to make a "7-inch display (↓) ”was decided to be made. ( Fig.2 [click] )
Actually, I don't need so many units, but it's easy to do because it's not as troublesome as repairing a rotten display of " PC110 ". I was absorbed in this.
The later ordered "driver board/controller board" LCD Controller Board (PCB800099) (LCD TTL LVDS Controller Board HDMI VGA 2AV 50PIN for AT070TN90 92 94 Support $ 16.00 = \ 1,839 (including shipping fee), has arrived, so I decided to incorporate it in the "case" of No.2 immediately.
However, the "LCD module (matted and low reflectance)" of the No.2 is actually 2mm thicker than that of No.1, and the rush out of the "driver board" got on in the way. It took time to process the back cover.
Well, I managed to put it in, but in reality, a special plastic case is also sold, so depending on the way of thinking, it will need not to process like this. (Reference: AliExpress Product examples )
But I'm particular about the " frame thinness " on the front.
The back side is awkward, but the front side is stylish, Goood! (? Fig.1 )
The "image display" of No.2 is much clearer than that of No.1!
++++ Cutting work while adjusting ++++
Initially, the thickness of the "driver board" was large, so I was thinking of removing the "VGA connector", "DC jack", etc. from the board, but that is unlikely to be enough, so I gave up on removing them.
The " back cover " was "drilled" and "inside-cut" so that it could be covered with all the parts attached.
When I noticed later, the part of the "VGA connector" seems to be "cut too deeply". ( Fig.3 )
This has happened as a result of trial and error, so it should be even better next time! (? Well, if there is a next time, so. But I have no promise. Lol)
I made a hole in the head of the "electrolytic capacitor" because it would through it.
It also stopper the "thick inductor" that is laid down on its side, but I thought it was not necessary to make a hole, so I scraped the inside of the back cover as much as I could with a chisel.
Then, a little wart-like bulge came out!
... Anyways, the back cover can now be fastened with two screws at the bottom.
The "relay board" inside is floated in the air, and the angle of the "extended FFC" is not reasonable, but this is due to the relationship between the "FFC length" and the "coupling position".
Well, there is no unreasonable tension, so this may be fine. ( Fig.4 [click] )
+++ LCD module thickness 6 mm +++
I used the same "driver board" for both No.1 and No.2, but unlike No.1, it was more difficult to put in No.2.
When I checked the thickness of the "7-inch LCD module", it was more 2mm thick! ( Fig.5 )
Reasonably, the back cover needed extra work.
However, "brightness of display" and "less unnecessary reflection" are much better in No.2, so " troublesome work " can be canceled!
When I looked up the part number of the "LCD module", the number 2 was " AT070TN92 ". ( Fig.6 [click] )
However, for No.1, I also checked the back side of the FPC, but it was not specified, so I'm not sure.
Originally, the encounter with junk was "once-in-a-lifetime", but nowadays, with such items, it is likely that I will also encounter (cheap) "new" items, so keep in mind.
+++ Relay board +++
The unit price of parts for the "relay board" was quite low, but the shipping cost per piece was higher, so I ordered a little of bits. ( Fig.8 [Click] Purchase 50pinx3 = \ 510/3, 40pinx2 = \ 360/2, 30pinx2 = \ 306/2 Shipping and handling included)
Actually, it might be preferable to use the "upper pin type connector" for the " AT070TNxx " type "LCD module".
But I aimed for the cheapest product, so the "lower pin type connector" was. ( Fig.7 )
Well, when I turn it over, the connection is the same, so in my case this is fine, but if I have to solid fix the "relay board", I may need to devise a little.
7-inch display leg, prototype
I had temporarily placed the prototype "7-inch display" on the 110-yen-shop's " wire stand ", but it was unstable, so I decided to make it a fixed type.
Tear down the "wire stand", add junk parts for desktop PCs (blind lids for expansion slots), 5mmφ screws and nuts, etc., and attached ( fixed but removable) it to the fixing bracket behind the "7-inch display". ( Fig.1 )
I thought I would praise myself as "I did it well!", But when I actually started using it, I was dissatisfied with it.
Although it is not fatal, the "up and down movement" of the main body is insufficient, and the "screen tilt" is inconvenient.
On the contrary, the "tilt to the left and right" is free, but rather it tends to be a little too loose. ( Fig.2 [click] )
I'm currently considering whether to use this as it is or to modify it further.
++++ I can't push down enough? ++++
The completed "leg/stand" has a considerably higher "sitting height (?)" Than the original " wire stand ". ( Fig.3 )
The "screen height" isn't that severe when I'm using it, but it gets bulky when I'm done and try to store it on a (narrow) shelf.
Well, this "leg/stand" can be easily removed (Fig.4[click] ), so if I store it separately, it can be stored compactly, but if I can shrink it with one touch, that is better.
I think that I can widen the range of vertical movement by cutting the "groove" of the "mounting bracket" on the main body side further up, but let's leave that as a last resort. ( Fig.4 [click] arrow lines)
7-inch display prototype 1
Using the "LCD drive board/control board" (US $13.99, JP\1,601 including shipping fee) and the "7-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD (50-pin) + Case" of "On dash Monitor"(4pcs:\1,240 + 2pcs:\1,857 including shipping), I made a "7-inch general-purpose display". (Fig.5)
Almost satisfied about this "style"♪
As normal "picture frame" this was not too wide, and the "thickness" was not too thick (although processing was necessary), resulting in a compact finish.
The bonus even includes the printed words such as "TFT color monitor"!
I connected the "push button" on the front that it could be possible to operate, and also it is avalable to operate with the (board kit standard ?) "Infrared remote control" for the "LCD drive board".
This is fine as a "general-purpose display", but there are still some unsatisfactory points such as "how to lead out" the cable for "PC110". I would like to make a further improved version (using another case). (Fig.6 [click] )
+++ 50-pin extension board + FFC required +++
From the beginning, I was thinking of using the "VGA connector" and "DC input terminal" as they are, so I decided to put out the connectors sideways. ( Fig.7 )
(Actually, there is another plan here, but it's in an improved version!)
In order to turn the " connectors " sideways, the " LCD FPC " must be extended and bent at a right angle.
Fortunately, there was a 50-50 pin (both lower pin type) "straight extension board" in some "LCD drive board" I bought, so I used it to do "cable extension" and "right angle bending" with it. (Fig.7 Arrow)
Due to the height of the connectors, the back cover of the case had to be scraped off (precisely).
But it seems that it was settled well. ( Fig.8 [click] )
(Actually, the "LCD drive board" is not completely fixed (inside), but the metal part of the terminal acts as a "stopper" to prevent the board from moving.)
I would like to use the "Pushbuttons" of Display settings if possible!
But there are 6 "push buttons" and there is also an "IR receiver", but there are only 4 "lead wires"?
Can this be used? I tried hard to experiment with trial and error.
... For the time being, there was an answer! v(^^;
For connection , I used only the board side : IR-VCC, GND, IR, (not used), MENU, and connect the push button side : VCC, GND, IR, KEY.
It seems good to connect the "KEY" line to the "MENU" terminal.
Then, in operation , the "V1/V2 button" seems to act as the "Fn key", and it seems that almost all "display settings" can be done using it.
(Well, it seems that I can do all the "display settings" with the "infrared remote controller")
+++ Create cutting tools +++
I'm not good at scraping hard plastic cases, but it's unavoidable.
At first, "drilling" and "linear digging" with " small soldering iron " (with dry battery specifications, the battery was replaced once) After that, I cut it in a straight line with a saw substitute with a thin "Metal saw blade". ( Fig.9 )
The rest was finished with metal files.
The saw substitute is a "100-yen saw with a handle", and I made it with " mini grinder " by scraping. ( Fig.10 [click] )
Anyway, this " Mini Grinder " is very useful!!
On the other hand, electric jigsaw is not good for me.
The plastics bite into the blade and the material is forced lift up , so it's not any chance to cut, it's totally useless! (Someday, this will be disposed of as large trash)
[English Note]
7-inch display pre-research
I like the ease of viewing the "8-inch enlarged display" built for "PC110" .
I thought what become if I make this a little more compact.
So, this time, I tried to temporarily assemble the system using the "7-inch display".
When I searched for a "TFT-LCD module" with a well-viewing "front frame", I found an "in-vehicle monitor", included immovable junk, I got 6 units. (6 units in total \ 3,097 including shipping)
However, of course, the input is "composite input type" and the screen is also (7-inch, but actually horizontally long WVGA) 800x480 dots2, so the viewing size of the characters does not change much, I was dissapointed a little!
Besides, the resolution of "AV (composite) input" (which I expected a little) does not reach the "sharpness" of the character screen display of "PC110"("No.14:Hinoki/JP Ceder"). (Fig.2 [click])
The screen is bright and looks beautiful, but lacks the important "sharpness of images". ... (Fig.1)
Well, it might be able to used if there is an urgent need for a display.
As a test, I used a "HDMI input" type "LCD drive board" to display it, and the "character display" was clear!
This HDMI may be useful as a "general purpose display".
However, it is not suitable for "PC110" (because an extra interface is required).
+++ HDMI input is high resolution +++
(Should I call it "lucky mistake"?!)
I tried using the "LCD drive board with HDMI input only" that I bought by mistake. (Right side of Fig.4 [click])
As a result, it seems that the characters can be displayed more clearly than I expected! ... Hmmmm! (Fig.3)
In this case, it seems that it can be used instead of connecting via "VGA terminal" and "VGA cable"!
(Well, I was forced to buy VGA-HDMI conversion unit with extra expense and I should always attach such an extra adapter, but I don't want to stay there really. Left side of Fig.4)
I want to make the "external display" of "PC110" as simple as possible and easy to attach.