8型拡大ディスプレイ 改良 [令和三年七月四日] [to 8 inch Display, Improved[2021/07/04]
8型拡大ディスプレイ 試作 [令和三年六月六日] [to 8 inch Display, Trial[2021/06/24]
8型拡大ディスプレイ 改良 [to Improved 8-inch extend Display (English) ]
![図7:8型ディスプレイで遊ぶ [click]→図8:液晶ドライブ・ボードは内側へ、鞍部露出はFFCで、VGAケーブルは更に短く](fig/m8xdispg.jpg)
![図9:延長用FFC(10cm)直線状に伸ばして使った [click]→図10:上部に露出するのは、延長用FFCだけ](fig/m8xdispi.jpg)
+++ 液晶FPCを内側に +++
![図11:VGAケーブルを短縮・加工 [click]→図12:分岐型電源プラグ](fig/m8xdispk.jpg)
+++ VGAケーブル、電源コードの加工 +++
![図13:PC110後部の接続状態 [click]→図14:実働風景](fig/m8xdispm.jpg)
+++ 蛇足 +++
もしも、「VGAポート」の"NCピン(#4, #9, #11)"と"GNDピン(#5, #10)"を利用して、DC電源を供給すれば、ケーブル類が減るのではないか?と、思ったが、無駄のようなので、そこで思考をストップ!
8型拡大ディスプレイ 試作 [to Trial 8-inch extend Display (English) ]
![図1:「No.9:金剛」に装着して試した [click]→図2:試作器の外観(iPad mini5ケースを利用)](fig/m8xdispa.jpg)
"画面の拡大"を考え始めた切っ掛けは、「PC110」上でプログラムを書いていて、画面の字が小さ過ぎて読み難くて困っていたからだが、"Palm top"だからって、そうした"見難さ"や"使い難さ"を放っておくことは無かろうという思いがあった。
![図3:ドライバ・ボードの中継ボードと延長ケーブルの存在が、好都合! [click]→図4:付属FFCは長過ぎる](fig/m8xdispc.jpg)
+++ 延長ケーブル付きで、設置が楽! +++
![図5:画面の上下反転を終えて、ケーブルを外した [click]→図6:ケースの折り曲げ](fig/m8xdispe.jpg)
+++ ケース、画面上下反転 +++
「液晶モジュール」を保持するケースとして、手元に適当なものが無いので、取り敢えず、"iPad mini5用ケース"を買って、改造してみた。(¥450送料込み)
この「液晶モジュール」には、"画面の上下左右の入れ替え機能"があるので、OSD(On Screen Display)を表示させて、上下逆様だった画面を、正転させた。
8-inch enlarged display, improved
The "8-inch enlarged display" (↓) that I assembled last time does not look very good either in the front or in the back.
I thought that it was just the front frame, so I searched for an "in-vehicle monitor", but unfortunately, all were horizontally long "16:9" , I couldn't find anything suitable for this "4:3" shape.
Therefore, I put aside the improvement of the front part for a while and tried to sort out the "back" and "around".
I fasten the "driver board" inside the "cover" and connect the "VGA cable" and "power cord" from below, then it became pretty neat! ( Fig.2 [click] )
However, the " 8-inch screen " in " PC110 " is easy to see , but it is still too big, and It's not a "big-head", it's a "big-face". ( Fig.1 )
Assuming that this will be used with this, I would like to further improve the " 7-inch display " that seems to have a slightly better style.
++++ LCD FPC inside ++++
Last time, the "LCD FPC part" was exposed on the saddle part, and I felt it was dangerous, so this time I covered it with "extension FFC".
Do I need something a little longer of "FFC"? I thought, but the same 10 cm long "FFC" that I used last time was just right! ( Fig.9 )
Since the solder side of the board touches the back of the " PC110 ", a "(transparent) plastic plate" was attached with double-sided tape for protection.
The " Relay board " that is hidden on the left side and can be seen a little is inside the plastic case, so the ( PC110 "side ( Do not touch the " hook " (which fastens the "LCD case").
Actually, I used the "hook" to make the "8-inch enlarged display" float a little, but it hasn't worked so well, so I'll omit the details here.
The "driver board" is installed face down to maintain the "same contact surface" (of "FPC" + "relay board" + "FFC"), but a notch is made in the soft part with a "cutter knife". I put it in and made it possible to pass "FFC". ( Fig.10 [click] )
+++ VGA cable, power cord processing +++
The " VGA cable " was made shorter than the one that had been processed earlier. ( Fig.11 )
The length was decided appropriately while looking at the current situation.
The standard product of this "VGA cable" is hard and thick, so it is extremely difficult to handle.
I would like to use a thinner and softer cable in such a place, but it will be out of specification, so it is not strongly required.
(The "thickness" does not change, but I found a "30 cm long cable" with a short "length" in the market, so I ordered it. I am curious about how hard the "hardness" is!
The " power cord " is "branched" so that the DC output of the AC adapter for " PC110 " can be used for both. ( Fig.12 [click] )
(Now, the "2.1mmφ core" plug and jack are gone, so I have to think about replenishing them!)
+++ Verbose +++
I thought while looking at the situation of the wiring behind. ( Fig.13 )
If DC power is supplied using the " NC pin (#4, #9, #11) " and " GND pin (#5, #10) " of the "VGA port", the number of cables may be reduced. i thought, but it's useless, so i stopped to think there!
(Well, if there's nothing else to do, let's think about it)
By the way, the " driver board " used for this is via the " I2C: SDA, SCL terminal " provided in the "VGA terminal".
It seems that "firmware update" can be done, but wasn't there any such function added to " PC110 "?
(I came up with it now, but unfortunately, I didn't hear about the inclusion of such a function. At that time, what state were about the " I2C ".)
Well, I did the final inspection, but there was nothing wrong with it, and "Internet browsing" was perfect! ( Fig.14 [click] )
Overall, it's "clunky", but the "8-inch display" is easy to see!
As a countermeasure for " Vinegar Syndrome " on the " PC110 " screen, I have come to this place.
At this point, a question arose.
Can " VGA output " be retrieved only via " PortRe "?
If it can be retrieved directly from the "main body" of " PC110 ", there may be another "screen alternative".
If I have time, let's check it out again!
8-inch enlarged display, trial
![Fig.1 : I tried it by attaching it to No.9:Kongo [click]→Fig.2 : Appearance of prototype (using iPad mini5 case)](fig/m8xdispa.jpg)
The "8-inch LCD module with driver board" that I had ordered arrived in about 10 days (I thought I would have been waiting for a month after ordering, as usual).
In a hurry, I made a prototype of "(for screen enlargement) 8-inch display" for acceptance inspection. (Us $39.25, \4,469 including shipping,and charged)
The reason I started thinking about "enlarging the screen of [PC110]" was because I was writing a program on it and the characters on the screen were too small to read.
Though "Palm top", I thought that such "difficulty to see" and "difficulty to use" should not be left alone.
Before, I considered "flat lens", but it was almost useless and I gave up pursuing it.
This time, I made a prototype of the "enlargement display" as hanging something like a "horse saddle" on the original screen. (
Fig.2 [click])
I think this is a good idea because I don't have to mess with the main body as long as I have "PortRe". d(^^;?
The result this time is almost as expected and it is quite good ♪ (except for the bad style)
The characters on the screen are also reasonably large and easy to see. (Fig.1)
However, even if the screen brightness is 100%, it feels a little lower.
(the driver board kit is attached 8 inch liquid crystal module "Innolux made HJ080IA-01E", and the consumption of "BackLight" is It seems that it is about 2W, but for that, the luminous efficiency of the LED may be poor ?)
There is still a lot of room for improvement in this "prototype display", so I would like to devise it further.
(If I have a good "case", I may be able to make it look good.
Besides, the treatment of the LCD edge seems to be black paper tape instead of metal, so I'm a little worried.)
![Fig.3 : The presence of the driver board relay board and extension cable is convenient ! [click]→Fig.4 : Attached FFC is too long](fig/m8xdispc.jpg)
+++ With an extension cable, installation is easy ! +++
I've always thought that the quickest way to make an "8-inch LCD" is to look for a "LCD module with driver/control board".
However, I could not find a cheap combination of both.
Besides, in order to make it "saddle-shaped", I need something that can adjust the "length of the middle connection part".
This time, I found the above items, but similar items with "eBayhandling" have extremely high shipping costs. "it didn't call me".
This "kit" comes with a "relay board" (ironically) prepared to compensate for the "pin mismatch" between the "driver board" and the "LCD module".
This should be a painful "superfluous" for the kit seller, but it's actually a "convenience" for me. (Lol)
"InnoluxLCD module" might be a troublesome module for application designers, and I also had a lot of trouble Experience 1, Experience 2.
As for this "LCD module", "RGB signal interface" seems to be LVDS, but other "power terminals" seems to be miscellaneous. So, if I try to use only the "LCD module" alone, I think it would be quite troublesome.
The included "extension cable/FFC/Ribbon cable" (50pins, 20cm) is quite long and difficult to handle. (Fig.4 [click] right end)
So I replaced it with a short one (50pins, 10cm).
![Fig.5 : After flipping the screen upside down, disconnect the cable [click]→Fig.6 : Case folding](fig/m8xdispe.jpg)
+++ Case, screen upside down +++
I don't have a suitable case to hold the "LCD module", so I bought a "case for iPad mini 5" for the time being and remade. (\ 450 including shipping)
The width that straddles the display of "PC110" was inappropriate, so I used a "(metal plate) folding machine" to cover the case.
I broke the part. Pretty hard ! (Fig.6 [click])
The left and right width of the "module holding part" (acrylic material) has a margin, but the top and bottom width is a little narrow.
The upper nail part was heated with a "hot blower" to soften it and spread slightly outward.
It is difficult to enter even at present, but while pushing it out a little with my fingertips, I push in the "LCD module".
This "LCD module" has a "screen up/down/left/right swapping function", so I can display the OSD (On Screen Display) and rotate the screen upside down in the normal direction. It was.
In addition, it seems that the use of "switch board" and "cable" for that purpose is only once. (Fig.5)
(I took the trouble to install it, but it seems that it was useless in this regard ! There is no need to switch with the remote control on every times)
Regarding "power supply", I think that the AC adapter (10.5V) for "PC110" can be used, but the "DC receptacle" does not fit.
On the contrary, I supplied 12V, 1A to this "driver board" and divided it into "PC110".
Even with this, there seems to be no problem in particular.
Now, change the "DC receptacle" of the "driver board", try supplying 10.5V to it, and wonder if it can be shared with "PC110". There is.
I used plastic screws on where those may contact with the back of " PC110 ".