状況: status :
1.6型ディスプレイ 準備 [2021/01/10] 1. preparing [2021/01/10]
2.配線完了 [2021/01/16] 2. wiring [2021/01/16]
3.中止 [2021/01/26] 3. stop [2021/01/26]
4.完成 [2021/02/23] 4. Finish [2021/02/23]
PC110筐体利用 6型ディスプレイ 製作中 [to English Note]
![図1:製作中の'6型外付けディスプレイ' [click]→図2:奥の'外付けディスプレイ'は使い難い!](fig/mdsp110a.jpg)
小型なら使い易かろうと、随分前に製作した「Cassiopeia Fiva501」を利用した「外付けディスプレイ」を引っ張り出してみたが、(哀れ!)LCD表示部が"ビネガーシンドローム"でダメになってしまっていた。
手元に、「Aitendo製 B-100N」という「制御基板」が残っているので、それを再利用し、(使えずに残っている)「6型WVGA-TFT-LCDモジュール」とを組み合わせて、"6型外付けディスプレイ"を作ってみたくなった。名称は、「DSP110-6」としておこう。
![図3:内蔵物は、全部、'葉書ケース'に収納 [click]→図4:'黄色アクリル板'を支持板にした](fig/mdsp110c.jpg)
+++ 中身の入れ替え +++
![図5:電話機スイッチを表示ON/OFFに流用 [click]→図6:VGAケーブルの端部処理](fig/mdsp110e.jpg)
+++ 小さな工夫 +++
"電源スイッチ"は設けないが、「LCD ON/OFF」には、「電話用スイッチ」を使うことにした。(図5手前)
![図7:DC電源入力孔は、元のDC入力用を拡幅 [click]→図8:VGAケーブル用の孔は、ウィングジャックを外して](fig/mdsp110g.jpg)
+++ 大きな加工 +++
PC110筐体利用 6型ディスプレイ 配線完了 [to English Note]
![図9:結線表:B-100NとTM060RDH02 [click]→図10:結線表(拡大)](fig/mdsp110i.jpg)
+++ 結線表 +++
しかし、参考資料を探し回る際に、何処かで私がミスをしたらしく、翌朝、「Windows Defender」から、"トロイの木馬が入って来ている!処置する!"との警告が出た。(本当かなぁ?)
![図11:透してみた制御基板、DC-DCコンバータや押し釦群 [click]→図12:中継基板を使ったWVGA-TFT-LCDモジュールへの配線群:細線束(0.126mmピッチ)を使用](fig/mdsp110k.jpg)
+++ 増設と結線作業 +++
これは通常では、なかなか手に入れ難いが、偶々見付けて買っておいたもの。(1m ¥1,636税込み・送料込み(図12[クリック])
![図13:Win95起動時に出た表示 [click]→図14:通常の表示状態](fig/mdsp110m.jpg)
+++ 表示の状態 +++
PC110筐体利用 6型ディスプレイ 中止 [to English Note]
![図15:ターゲットLCDは、XGAパネルだった [click]→図16:LVDSボードも同じ](fig/mdsp110o.jpg)
+++ 表示パネルの指定・固定 +++
それを、"Batch処理"(書き込み)後に、表示させた(図15)り、別の「B-100Nボード」で同様な表示(図16[クリック])をさせてみると、どうもターゲットLCDは、"Sumsung製 SXGA_LTM170E4_L01"に固定されてしまっているようだ。
![図17:Aitendo製B-100N [click]→図18:手探りだった手順](fig/mdsp110q.jpg)
+++ 「B-100N」の扱い +++
余っていた「6型WVGA-TFT-LCD TM060RDH02」と「Aitendo(旧名秋葉原)製B-100Nボード」を、活用する目的で「DSP110」を考えたのだが、どうやらこの組合せでは、無理らしいことが分かった。
PC110筐体利用 6型ディスプレイ「DSP110-6」 完成 [to English Note]
![図19:正常動作中のDSP110-6 [click]→図20:親機No.10:葛城の出力を表示](fig/mdsp110s.jpg)
+++ 出力端の見直し +++
それで、俄然、やる気が出て来て、端子調べを再開し、接続を全部やり替えたら、きちんと、"VGAディスプレイ"として動作させられるようになった! これは、芽出度い♪(図19)
![図21:注意点:+3.3V/+5Vが逆位置! [click]→図22:新接続表](fig/mdsp110u.jpg)
+++ 端子群の新接続表 +++
![図23:書き替え用インターフェース部 [click]→図24:dsp110_vga01.txtの一部](fig/mdsp110w.jpg)
+++ 画面の位置調整 +++
![図25:親機No.10:葛城に繋いでテスト中 [click]→図26:XGA画面を表示中](fig/mdsp110y.jpg)
+++ 実使用テスト +++
PC110 6-inch display using housing
![Fig.1 : 6 type external display under construction [click]→Fig.2 : Back 'External display' is hard to use!](fig/mdsp110a.jpg)
When multiple " PC110 " are lined up and "LCD display" is being examined in various ways, when " external display " is insufficient There is.
Larger ones don't have a place to add anymore, and when I force them to be placed in the back, it's not easy to use. (Fig.2 [click])
"External display" using " Cassiopeia Fiva501 " that I made a long time ago was a small and easy to use. I tried to pull it out from my junk yard, but (pathetic !) The LCD display is ruined by "vinegar syndrome".
I have a "control board" called " Aitendo made B-100N ", so I reused it. I wanted to make a "6-inch external display" by combining it with the "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module" (not used). Let's call it "DSP110-6"
Initially, I was planning to use a "postcard case" (of 110-yen goods) as a "case", but unfortunately the "control board" and "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module" itself can be pushed in, but that "LCD module" I couldn't think of a good way to hold it.
Another thing that came to my mind was an idea to use the "housing" of " No.8:Ume " (which died and the power did not turn on) and the front frame of " No.3:no name " (left side of which was cut too much)". (Use the waste ♪)
In this case, the "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD module" fits perfectly and the whole can be made smart (may be !?).
... No, the window frame is unbalanced, so I should take the plunge and cut off the right side to improve it.
++++ Replacement of contents ++++
I took out all the contents of the "housing" and tried to put " control board: B-100N " in the housing, but the "built-in battery case" got in the way.
So, I cut off the "side of the battery case" with a "hand nibbler" to the extent that the strength of the "inner frame" was not significantly impaired.
Insert a "yellow acrylic plate" (thickness about 2 mm) that fits tightly inside and can fix 2 x 2 places with screws (1.6 mmφ x2, 2.0 mmφ x2), 3 sets of 3 mmφ screws and nuts to support the "control board". (Fig.4 [click])
(Ironically) All the built-in items of " No.8:Ume " could be stored in the "postcard case"! (Fig.3, left side)
At first, I was planning to leave the "keyboard", but I decided not to use it because I could store it there and I thought it was not bad to see the inside through the transparent "yellow acrylic board".
(I put a desinged paper bookmark under the blank of the push button mark and touch pad mark)
+++ Small ingenuity +++
There is no "power switch", but I decided to use the "telephone switch" for "Display ON / OFF". (Front of Fig.5)
The "connector part" was cut out from the "modem board" and used. (Back side of Fig.5)
(Now that the "modem board" can no longer be used, should this be called "abuse" ?)
The "VGA cable" is a method that leads out directly without providing a connector.
However, the "shielded net wire" of this cable is a type that cannot be soldered, so I was in trouble !
... Anyways, I fastened it to the GND part on the center of the back (it seems to be the pads for heat dissipation of the controller chip) of " Control board : B-100N " by pressing it with a "small copper plate". (Fig.6 [click])
... In fact, pulling out this (hard) "VGA cable" to the back had an unexpected merit.
When all the contents of this " PC110 " were pulled out, it was almost overturned by the "weight of the display".
But thanks to the "cable tension", even if the "display" is tilted considerably backward, the front does not float up !
(I was thinking of sticking a lead plate to the bottom area, but that is no longer necessary ♪)
After that, I'm thinking of getting a (small) "push button switch" in Osaka/Nipponbashi, fixing them, and then starting wiring.
+++ Large processing +++
As for the appearance, I wanted to put it as unprocessed as possible, but due to the condition of the parts I had, I had to widen the hole for the DC power input. (Fig.7)
When I look around the world, I think there will be a more compact "plug and jack" combination, but I decided on this because of the balance between the parts I had and the appearance.
Later, when I fastened "Jack", it seemed to fit without so much damaging the surroundings.
For the "VGA cable", I removed the "wing jack" for the telephone, made a hole in the chassis on the back side, and passed it through. (Fig.8 [click])
(Here, I can make an excuse to say, "I can always get it back !" z^^;?)
PC110 6-inch display using housing, wiring
+++ Connection table +++
The product number of "WVGA-TFT-LCD module" is
* TM060RDH02 ( XROAD )
* ZM60071D ( DTN-6700 )
I see that, but I couldn't find the terminal function table for these on the net.
However, when I searched for reference informations, I seemed to make a mistake somewhere, and the next morning, from " Windows Defender ", " A Trojan horse is coming in ! Treat it ! " (Is that true ?_)
(I have to look around with carefully.)
Although with the "oscilloscope" and "tester" I confirmed to a considerable extent, it was not possible to determine whether the LSB terminals (for example, R0, G0, B0 ...) were not GND terminals.
At a later date, there was a help ship from Mr. Moonlight , and I was able to make an accurate decision even in such a place ! (Thanks !)
The terminal function table is as shown in Fig.9 and Fig.10 [click].
Of course, I did not connect the same numbers to each other, but the same function terminals are connected (by separating the flat cables one by one in order).
I think that " connection error " can be reduced by wiring in such manner.
+++ Expansion and wiring work +++
" VLED + " seems to be needed about +20V (although the power supply voltage on " control board: B-100N " is +12V).
(By the way, even if the current is from about 20mA, the sreen seems to be visible)
This power supply will be supplied by stepping up with a " small DC-DC converter " (which I have purchased).
There is an empty space of just the right size (?) on the "control board", so I stuck it with double-sided tape on the insulating tape. (Left side of Fig.11)
The " Adjustment push button switch " is placed on the right side for convenience of wiring. (Right side of Fig.11)
"Push button switch" was \300 including tax for 10 pieces.
The flat cable used for " Connection " is a slightly special product called " FLEX-S2 ", and the pitch between each line is 0.635 mm. It's half as thin as a regular "flat cable". (Fig.12)
It's usually hard to get, but I happened to find it and bought it. (1m \ 1,636 including tax and shipping (Fig.12 [click])
It's thin and easy to handle, but the "wire stripper" can't handle it well, and sometimes it fails to "peel".
+++ Display status +++
This time, I thought that if there were no "major mistakes" (such as the reverse order of wiring), there would probably be no "wiring mistakes", so I went into the operation check for the time being.
The LCD side designation of this "control board" was for " SVGA (800x600) ", so it is not compatible with this " WVGA (800x480) ". I shouldn't see it properly, but at least I'll know the condition.
... The situation was not so bad, and I could see the design on the verge of " Win95 " before rise up. (Fig.13)
In this case, it can be considered that the wiring is working well.
However, with normal "VGA input", of course, only the out-of-sync "unreasonable screen" is displayed. (Fig.14 [click])
Correcting and arranging this is the next task.
PC110 6-inch display using the chassis canceled
+++ Display panel designation / fixation +++
If communication via the 4 terminals for debugging can be performed normally with the master PC, turn on the power of " DSP110 " and The default status and contents are displayed on the " GProbe4 " screen on the master PC.
After "Batch processing" (writing), it is displayed (Fig.15), or it is displayed in the same way (Fig.16 [click]) on another " B-100N board ". Looking at it, it seems that the target LCD is fixed to " Samsung SXGA_LTM170E4_L01 ".
If the content of the custom μC“ SM5964 ” that supports“ gmZAN3L ”cannot be rewritten, I thought it would be impossible to support it.
No matter how I struggle, it seems difficult to adapt the WVGA-LCD to this with my current technical capabilities.
In other words, it is impossible to make a "DSP110" using the "WVGA-TFT-LCD" instead of the target LCD "SXGA" for the " B-100N " board.
So, this time I will stop. ... I would like to consider that " DSP110 " can be realized by another method.
+++ Handling of "B-100N" +++
The remaining "6-inch WVGA-TFT-LCD TM060RDH02 " and " Aitendo (former name Akihabara) made I thought about " DSP110 " for the purpose of utilizing B-100N board ", but apparently it turned out that this combination was impossible.
However, considering the liquid crystal manufacturing technology, I think it would be impossible to make an "XGA panel" with 6 to 7 inches.
Even if it can be done, I think it may be down to "7-inch SVGA panel" at best.
As for " DSP110 ", the 6-inch WVGA-LCD is probably the largest size for putting into the [DSP110] case.
The " B-100N board " may be possible to use in combination if "SVGA" or "XGA" is used for the target LCD (although I have not investigated it again).
There is only a document with a simple operation method (self-memo: Fig.17 [click]), but let's keep it as a record. ( Saved zip document )
PC110 6-inch display "DSP110-6" using the housing completed
![Fig.19 : DSP110-6 in normal operation [click]→Fig.20 : Master unit No.10:Katsuragi output](fig/mdsp110s.jpg)
+++ Review of output end +++
Since I started working on the production of " 6-inch VGA display " for both necessity and use of scraps, " Aitendo control board B-100N " I couldn't deal with the mysterious state of it, so I stopped the production once.
But, I couldn't give up, and when I was checking these terminals with an oscilloscope, I noticed that the video signal output was coming from the terminal group ( CN6 ) that I shouldn't normally use...
However, the clock and synchronization signals come from the original terminal CN4 . (Fig.20 [click])
So, suddenly, I got motivated, restarted the terminal check, changed all the connections, and now I can operate it properly as a "VGA display"! This is a good day ♪ (Fig.19)
+++ Terminal group new connection table +++
I don't know what the cause is between the reference sheets attached at the time of purchase and the today's actual product, but they are quite different.
The big difference is
1. The output of the image signal was CN6.
2. The terminals of the RB(Red) signal group and the BB(Blue) signal group were switched mutually.
3. The jumper position for switching the output voltage is reversed. (Fig.21)
(The signal output becomes +3.3V on the +5V side)
4. There is no outlet for Vdd !
(Search around and use +3.3V of the jumper terminal for switching [+5V])
The connection table this time is a little strange, but it looks like Fig.22 [click].
It was quite interesting because I was doing it like a game to find out these ♪
However, the actual wiring change is quite troublesome !
The wiring group used for this is also the high-density FLEX-S2 (blind shade type) of OKI Densen for \3,300/5m tax and shipping included + \220 money transfer fee.
(I avoided the usual "flexible wire" because it is too thick and it is difficult to pass through the gap.)
+++ Screen position adjustment +++
Until now, I couldn't set various parameters using " GProbe4 ", but this time, it was rewritten smoothly.
The (self-made) "interface" (just a level converter for RS232C) used for it had a good "polyethylene case", so I put it in it. (Fig.23)
"Coupling" is done by soldering a 4-pin outlet under the board and connecting to it.
I found out that the power of " DSP110-6 " can be keep on, and that the rewritten settings can be turned off and on again.
It seems that (electronic) switching control only needs to be " Debug on " and " Debug off ".
For the rewriting data, rewrite the data of the module that seems to have similar functions in text format, create a new " dsp110_vga01.txt ", I read it with the "batch command" and executed it.
Since this "LCD module" is a WVGA-TFT, if it is displayed as it is, the "VGA screen" will stop to the left side.
In order to center this, a correction value of +85 was added to the horizontal sync back pouch.
Of course, I can use a WVGA screen (800x480) instead of a VGA screen (640x480), but I don't like the distorted landscape screen, so I'm just going to stick to the " VGA screen ".
It is also interesting to play with these values by changing them ! z(^^;
+++ Actual use test +++
I tried to display VGA of " PC110 " from "No.10: Katsuragi ". (Fig.25)
I was able to display it beautifully without any problems !
Also, the XGA screen of the sub machine ( VY21A/W-5 ) can be displayed in a reduced size. (Fig.24 [click])
(Although this is not very practical because the letters are too small)
This display has the drawback of having a large floor area and being slightly bulky.
If I can use it upright, I'll be able to reduce the occupied area a little more, so I'll look for a suitable stand.